Publikationen Christina Sommer
Publikationen Christina Sommer
Kiefer S, Sommer C, Scharff C and Kipper S (2010) Singing the Popular Songs? Nightingales Share More Song Types with Their Breeding Population in Their Second Season than in Their First. Ethology 116: 619-626 (pdf-download 224 KB) Kiefer S, Sommer C, Scharff C, Kipper S and Mundry R (2009) Tuning towards tomorrow? Common nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos change and increase their song repertoires from the first to the second breeding season. J. Avian Biol. 40: 231-236 (pdf-download 119 KB) Mundry R and Sommer C (2007) Ein neues Gefiedermerkmal zur Altersbestimmung bei Nachtigallen (Luscinia megarhynchos) - A new pattern of feather colouration for age determination in Common nightingales. Limicola 21 (2) 2007: 131-139. Mundry R and Sommer C (2007) Discriminant function analysis with non-independent data: consequences and an alternative. Animal Behaviour, in press. Masello JF, Pagnossin ML, Sommer C & Quillfeldt P (2006) Population size, provisioning frequency, flock size and foraging range at the largest known colony of Psittaciformes: the Burrowing Parrots of the north-eastern Patagonian coastal cliffs. EMU 106 (1): p.69-79. (Burrowing parrot project: Kipper S, Mundry R, Sommer C, Hultsch H, & Todt D (2006) Larger nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) have larger song repertoires and arrive earlier on their breeding grounds. Animal Behaviour 71, 211-217. Mundry R & Sommer C (2004) Tonal vocalizations in a noisy environment: an approach to their semi-automatic analysis and examples of its application. An Acad Bras Cienc 76 (2): 284-288. Sommer C, Mundry R & Ostreiher O (2001) Why do cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers utter far-ranging calls at their nest? Advances in Ethology 36, p. 264 (supplements to Ethology). Mundry R, Diederich B, Ostreiher O & Sommer C. (2001) Predator-induced calling of Arabian babblers varies with distance to the predator. Advances in Ethology 36, p. 224 (supplements to Ethology).