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Juni 2024

We are active at the ”Long night of science/Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft” (LNDW24)
On 22 June 2024, many research institutes in Berlin and Potsdam open their doors for a night full of science. This year, we are participating together with our collaboration partner from our ‘GlobalResist’ project. Our booth is located at the PTZ of the TU Berlin, where you can learn more about our research work on forecasting antibiotic resistance evolution.

We present at PAGE meeting in Rome
From 25-28 June 2024, the 32nd PAGE meeting will take place in Rome/Italy. In addition to the oral talk by our PharMetrX doctoral student Davide Bindellini on “From physiology to disease: A quantitative framework for system-disease-drug interaction in cortisol replacement therapy”, posters will be presented by Fenja Klima, Franz Weber, Marian Klose, Miriam Happ and Felix Müller on their research projects. We look forward to exciting days of professional and scientific exchange, networking and inspiration!

13th PharMetrX Symposium in Berlin

On 03 June 2024, the 13th PharMetrX Symposium will take place at the Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin. Besides scientific presentations by the PharMetrX doctoral students Aya Saleh, David Outland and Franz Weber, all doctoral students and postdocs will have the opportunity to attend a workshop on “Interviews for open positions”. We look forward to an exciting day of professional and scientific exchange and networking!


Mai 2024

Visit from Dr. Jess Tait from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

On 08 May 2024, Dr. Jess Tait from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, visited our working group. We had a lab tour in our infection lab and an introduction to the projects of our group. We look forward to further collaboration!

Welcome Leon Grasmaier!

AK Kloft welcomes Leon Grasmaier who joined our Department. Leon studied pharmacy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He will join us for a 3 months internship focusing on data evaluation and modelling of in vitro data in the field of anti-infectives. A warm welcome!

New publication in European Journal of Cancer

Read about our latest publication in the European Journal of Cancer, detailing the Phase I trial of TLD-1, a new liposomal doxorubicin formulation for advanced solid tumors. This study focuses on the methodical dose escalation and expansion within a multicenter, open-label setting. Discover the trial's findings and implications for patient care in the SAKK 65/16 trial under https://www.ejcancer.com/article/S0959-8049(24)00064-9/pdf

April 2024

We join the 34th ECCMID in Barcelona/Spain

From 26-30 April 2024, the34th ECCMID will take in Barcelona/Spain. Presentations and discussions will focus on various topics around clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. From our department the doctoral students Malin Andersson, Amrei Konrad and Nicole Zimmermann will attend and present a poster each. For more information, see:  https://www.eccmid.org/scientific-programme

AK offsite meeting/scientific retreat 2024 

On 12 April 2024, the working group will meet for a scientific retreat. We anticipate an enriching day filled with group activities and discussions aimed at shaping the upcoming year within our AK. We look forward to concluding the day with a nice dinner together. 

March 2024

Yomna Nassar wins prestigious Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award

In March, Yomna Nassar, one of our PhD students, was awarded the prestigious Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award 2024 for her innovative research published in the journal Cancers. Her research - "C-Reactive Protein as an Early Predictor of Efficacy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients" - provides evidence for the use the easy-to-measure C-reactive protein (CRP) as inflammation biomarker and early prognostic factor in lung cancer therapy. The award is endowed with 1,000 € donated by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM).

The award, a tribute to Dr. Hans Günter Schäfer, one of the founders of the PK/PD Expert Meeting and passionate scientist and mentor in the field, was handed to Yomna Nassar by Dr. Andreas Kovar (AGAH) and Dr. Alexander Staab (host of meeting) after her presentation on her publication at the 26th PK/PD Expert Meeting in Isny/Allgäu, Germany, under the auspices of the Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH).. The FFQM chairman expressed hope that this recognition would inspire Yomna Nassar to continue contributions to science. Congratulations, Yomna!

Article on PharMetrX PhD Student Network meeting
We are excited to see an article our PharMetrX PhD Student Network meeting in Berlin on the occasion of15 years PharMetrXpublished in the online magazine CAMPUS.LEBEN of Freie Universität. Approximately 70 former and present PhD students met in Berlin for scientific exchange and networking. Are you interested in learning more about what our Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX means to current and former students and how it brought them forward? Then have a look here: https://www.fu-berlin.de/campusleben/lernen-und-lehren/2024/240222-pharmetrx-15_-durchgang/index.html

PharMetrX A2 Module: “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics"

We are looking forward to the second part of the PharMetrX curriculum: From 18 – 22 March 2024, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


Kick-off of PharMetrX Module Curriculum

On 04 March 2024, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new doctoral student year 2024 of our PhD program will kick off with the PharMetrX A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin, from 04 – 08 March 2024. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

26th PK/PD Expert Meeting in Isny/Allgäu

From 14-16 March 2024, the 26th PK/PD Expert Meeting will take placeunder the auspices of AGAH in Isny/Allgäu. Presentations and discussions will focus on the topics “Advancements in classical topics: Recent approaches in pediatrics”, “How do PK/PD principles support new modalities? – Contributions and challenges” and “Beyond traditional models: New approaches with high impact on PK/PD”. From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michlet and the doctoral students Marian Klose and Yomna Nassar will participate. For more information: see link below.


Franz Weber to promote model-informed precision dosing in clinical practice at DGAI2Torial 2024

We are pleased to announce that Franz Weber, a PhD student of our group, will present at the DGAI2TORIAL 2024 from the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI), a digital training event to prepare physicians from anaesthesia, intensive care, emergency, pain and palliative medicine for their medical specialist examination, in Berlin from 18 to 21 March 2024. The presentation “TDM & model-informed precision dosing – tool or toys?” will be part of the infectiology session and will focus on the evidence, guideline situation and current practice of model-informed precision dosing (MIPD) for antiinfectives. We look forward to a fruitful exchange with the clinical audience and are happy to promote MIPD within next generation of clinical practitioners.
Thanks to Dr. Uwe Liebchen and Johannes Starp from Pharmacometrics Munich for the initiation and support during the preparation.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome new members

In March 2024, two new doctoral students, Mgambi Gamba and Yersultan Mirasbekov, have joined our Department. Mgambi will have her PhD project in the area of model-informed precision dosing of antifungal therapy and Yersultan in therapy optimisation for special populations, leveraging systems-based modelling approaches. A warm WELCOME!

February 2024


Three abstracts accepted for poster presentation at ECCMID conference

The research abstracts of our PhD students Malin Andersson, Amrei Konrad and Nicole Zimmermann have been accepted for poster presentations at ECCMID conference in Barcelona and online, 27-30 April 2024. Congratulations! 


Fenja Klima to present at 44th EORTC-PAMM Meeting about ON-TARGET study

We are pleased to announce that Fenja Klima, a PhD student of our group, will be presenting a Short Talk at the 44th EORTC-PAMM Meeting in Marseille, taking place from 7-10 February 2024. Her presentation "Towards precision dosing of oral anticancer drugs in clinical routine: Feasibility of a closed-loop Therapeutic Drug Monitoring process within the ON-TARGET study" will be a part of the Young Investigators session, focusing on advancements in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and precision medicine. Join us in supporting Fenja's contribution to this important field of our research.




January 2024


Welcome Christin Nyhoegen!

This January, our new Postdoc Dr. Christin Nyhoegen joined our Department. Christin Nyhoegen studied applied mathematics in Lübeck, Germany and gained her doctoral degree in Theoretical Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany. She will work in the GlobalResist project in the area of new strategies against antimicrobial resistance; a collaboration within the Berlin University Alliance. A warm welcome!


Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC/USA

On 30 January 2024, Prof. Bernd Meibohm from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA, will visit our Department again for a scientific workshop. He will give insights about new aspects of PK/PD of therapeutic proteins and three members of our working group or University Potsdam, Zrinka Duvnjak, Malin Andersson and Johannes Tillil will present their research.


PharMetrX I1 module

From 22 – 26 Jan 2024, the PharMetrX I1 module “Drug discovery and development: Walking along the value chain” of the Module Curriculum of our doctoral program will take place. In this special industry model, we will visit the research, development and production sites of our industry partners Boehringer Ingelheim in Biberach a.d.R, Germany and Sanofi in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit www.PharMetrx.de.



Article on our TEAM Summer School in DAZ online

An article about our interprofessional TEAM Summer School, entitled „Was wir aus der interprofessionellen Summer School an der FU Berlin mitnehmen können.“ was published in DAZ online. It was written by Clara Meiners, who is BPhD Responsible for Interprofessional teaching and she participated in our summer school in October 2023. Make sure to read through it!



Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

The whole AK Kloft wishes you a healthy and happy new year 2024 with a lot of joy and scientific as well as private success!

We kindly appreciate all the support and trust throughout this exciting year and joyfully think back of wonderful joint moments such as defences, conferences, publications, get-togethers, and so much more. May your end of the year season be merry and bright!