Niklas Werner
PhD student at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry
March 2015 - September 2015
Launch of Foundation - 01 July 2016
Aim of Foundation
In memoriam of Niklas Werner who was a PhD student in 2015 at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry, Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, his parents established the Niklas Werner Memorial Foundation (NWMF) in 2016.
Contribution to the initiation of the NWMF for the period 2016 - 2021 was provided by the parents, colleagues and friends of Niklas. Prolongation of the NWMF for the period 2021 - 2030 will be provided by his father.
The NWMF will support funding of PhD student scientific projects in the research field of pharmacometrics at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry.