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Final thesis for the Master’s program in Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology

In § 10 of the examination regulations for the master's program in Biology, you can find information and guidelines on the master's thesis and the presentation. You can also find further information here: Information on the registration and the procedure of the Master's thesis.

Procedure for external Master's theses:
Upon application, the Master's thesis can also be performed externally at institutes or research institutions.
After you have filled out the application completely, submit it to the examination office by e-mail. Your application will then be examined at the next examination board meeting and you will receive an answer from the Examination Office by e-mail.

If the external application has been approved, please register for the Master's thesis according to the following procedure.

Registration procedure for the Master's thesis (external and internal):

The master's thesis must be registered by the student at the Examination Office at least two weeks before the start of the master's thesis and the start must be approved by the Examination Board.

If your application has been approved by the Examination Board, you will be informed by the Examination Office by e-mail about the submission date and all additional submission formalities.

Important: When registering the Master's thesis, only persons authorized to conduct examinations are admitted as supervisors/examiners; these are usually professors or private lecturers.
Please keep this in mind when you look for a supervisor, otherwise your application might be rejected by the examination board.

If you are working on your Master's thesis across two semesters and the submission falls in the next semester, a re-registration is not necessarily required. Should you still want to spend time in other premises for working on your master's thesis (e.g. a laboratory) or register and complete additional modules in the next semester, please re-register as the student status is important here. If this is not the case, you can also submit your Master's thesis exmatriculated. This decision about re-registration or exmatriculation is up to you.

Digital submission of the Master's thesis:

The Master's thesis must be submitted by e-mail to pruefungsbuero@biologie.fu-berlin.de as a PDF file no later than the day notified to you as the "latest deadline" (by midnight). The PDF file must contain the text in machine-readable form, not only graphically, and must not have any rights restrictions (examination board decision of 04.08.2021). Please remember to enclose the hand-signed declaration of independence. The submission does not automatically lead to exmatriculation! .