ProFil: The abbreviation of this cross-university programme stands for “Professionalisation of Women in Research and Teaching: Mentoring – Training – Networking”. Women of the target groups: female habilitated scientists, graduates admitted for habilitation, junior professors, leaders of promising groups, postdocs, will be accompanied for one year for the planning and development of their career and with the help of mentoring, seminars and networking possibilities prepared for leading and management tasks.
Coachingnetz Wissenschaft: The “Coachingnetz-Wissenschaft” offers coachings for individuals of every position of scientific work. Possible topics of the communication and process orientated consulting are: health, diversity, leading competences, staff development. In focus are self-reflecting processes, self-regulatory competences and the individual leading ability.
Deutscher Hochschulverband: The „Deutscher Hochschulverband“ not just advice its members in legal questions, but supports them by developing negotiating strategies and accompanies them through hearings of the appeal and check application papers.
Kisswin: This information centre offers information and consulting concerning all phases and facets of scientific career. It’s settled at the RWTH Aachen.
for pupils
Cybermentor: is an online mentoring programme for pupils from 5th to 12th grade. Personal mentors accompany pupils for one year and show new perspectives as well as support them with their choice of a career.