- DFG: The german research community stands up for equal opportunities and equal rights for women and men in science and its system. You can find information about basics, measures, standards and monitoring and their significance on this website.
- Gendermainstreaming Portal der Bundesregierung: The portal for gender mainstreaming of the federal government defines this as a duty to pay attention to the different consequences of decisions for women and men. On the website, you can find information related to equal rights, legal provision, leaflets, guidelines and aids.
- KONSENS: is an annual published review of the DAB e.V. ( – german version). They report about their work, their aims, successes and conferences. It is a good way to find out if a membership has personal advantages for job and career.
- Statements and resolutions of the NUT e.V.: different publications related to the situation of women in natural sciences and technological areas.
- HighChem 2013: in 2013 the GDCh published the HighChem with the topic “living equal gender opportunities in chemistry”. They present women with and without family in science and best-practice-examples.
- Publications of the “Coachingnetz Wissenschaft”: a collection of works relating to the topics coaching and science published by the members of the coachingnetwork.
- Publications of the “Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung”: The competence centre belongs to the GESIS – Leibniz-Institut of social sciences and they provide information about statistics, data bases for equal rights and positionings concerning current scientific topics from a gender equal perspective as well as series of texts about women in science and more.
Guides for doctorates
- Grunzenhäuser, Randi, und Erika Haas.2000.Promovieren mit Plan. Ihr individueller Weg von der Themensuche zum Doktortitel.Wien.
- Hechler, Daniel.2008.Promovieren lernen:Die jüngere Promotionsratgeberliteratur. Literaturbericht.Die hochschule (1): S. 184-192.
- Knigge-Illner, Helga. 2002. Der Weg zum Doktortitel.Strategien für die erfolgreiche Qualifikation.
- Stock, Steffen, Patricia Schneider, Elisabeth Peper und Eva Molitor (Hrsg.). 2009. Erfolgreich promovieren. Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende.
- you can find specimens, review, materials and more online (german version)
- Forum for doctorates: It is a platform, on german, which bundles information about the scientific dissertation and it is also possible to get in contact with other doctorate candidates.
Chair guide
- Färber, Christine &Ute Riedler. 2011. Black-Box Berufung. Strategien auf dem Weg zur Professur.Frankfurt a.M./New York.
Paper related to equal rights & sciences
(The links lead directly to the download at the library of the Free University of Berlin)