Room Reservation
- Room reservation including changing of a room reservation is done by the office of academic affairs. Please use the mail adress
for your request.
Please never arrange or change a room reservation for a written exam without consulting the office of academic affairs! Otherwise the date for your exam is not properly attached to your course data in the course catalog or there is even a wrong declaration of your exam in the course catalog.
- Please be careful with data on your own WEB-pages. Since there is no automatic data transfer there may be transmission errors.
- If you change "private" the time for a written exam without consulting the office of academic affairs you will run into the problem that there will be students waiting for you at the wrong time and at the wrong place to write the test!
- Please give due notice of the scheduled times of your exams to the students at the very first beginning of your course! Ask the students to check if there are overlaps with other appointments.
It may happen that overlaps of courses of different terms cannot be solved.
- After the deadline of the registration time for your course (see campus management) scheduled times for exams should not be changed any more.