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Modern Aspects in Chemistry


In the module "Modern Aspects in Chemistry" you have to pass two lectures. Recommended subject areas are:

  • Analytic quality management
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Information strategies and searching literature for chemical problems
  • Regulations for chemicals, patent law
  • German-courses for students whose first language is not German.
  • Advanced English-courses
  • Ethical and social aspects in natural sciences
  • Gender- und Diversity-studies
  • Informatics and computer courses
  • Industrial economics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Journalism and communication studies
  • Toxicology
  • Environmental technology

Please see the course book to find offered modules. Please feel free to combine lectures of your choice. For all other courses you need a permission by the examining board first. Please write an informal request.


Please specify needed data (name, immatriculation number, study program) to the lecturer of the course. The courses are not graded. If you have passed the lecture, the lecturer will send your data to the examinations office automatically. There is nothing left to do for you.


It is recommended to do both lectures in one semester.

If you need more than one semester it is your job to keep in mind, what kind of tasks are still missing to pass the module. In particular in the Campus Management you will see no entries for single lectures!
