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Front Cover in Chem. Sci.







150. Marimuthu Rajendiran, Martin, Papke, Christian Müller, Ramaswarmy Murugavel

"3H-1,2,3,4-Triazaphosphole Constructs Derived from Sterically Encumbered Aryl Polyazides: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity"

Organometallics 2025; DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.4c00318


149. Subhayan Dey, Lea Dettling, Dalma Gál , Clemens Bruhn, Zsolt Kelemen, Christian Müller, Rudolf Pietschnig 

"Tuning the sterics: Rh-catalyzed hydroformylation reactions with ferrocene based diphosphorus ligands"

J. Catal. 2025, 442, 115871; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2024.115871


148. Roberto Escobar, Jessica Meza, Javier Pena, Abdurrahman C. Atesin*, William D. Jones*, Christian Müller*, Tülay A. Ateşin*

“A DFT Comparison of C—C Reductive Coupling from Terminal Cyanido and Cyaphido Complexes of Nickel”

Inorg. Chem202463, 16622-16630; DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c01194


147. Alina Petrovskaia, Stanislav Petrovskii, Anastasia Sizova, Vladimir Sizov, Aleksandra Paderina, Christian Müller, Elena Grachova

“Dual emissive mono- and bis-alkynylpyridinium Pt(II) complexes: synthesis and luminescent properties”

Organometallics 202443, 2495-2504; DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.4c00115


146.  Moritz J. Ernst, Merlin Kleoff, Patrick Voßnacker, Günther Thiele, Christian Müller and Sebastian Riedel

"A polychloride-enabled synthesis of [NEt3Me][PCl6] serving as a potential PCl3-storage and PCl5-reagent"

 Chem. Commun.2024,60, 13372-13375; DOI: 10.1039/D4CC04319G


145. L. Dettling, M. Papke, M. Ernst, M. Weber, C. Müller

"Chemoselective Post-Synthesis Modification of Pyridyl-Substituted, Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Cationic Ligands for Coordination Chemistry"

Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e202400592; DOI: 10.1002/chem.202400592


144. Richard O. Kopp, Sabrina L. Kleynemeyer, Lucie J. Groth, Moritz J. Ernst, Susanne M. Rupf, Manuela Weber, Laurence J. Kershaw Cook,Nathan T. Coles, Samuel E. Neale, Christian Müller

"Highly selective, reversible water activation by P,N-cooperativity in pyridyl-functionalized phosphinines"

Chem. Sci., 2024Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05930H


143. Sophie Rathmann, Friedrich Braune, Merlin Kleoff, Patrick Voßnacker, Benjamin Pölloth, Christian Müller and Sebastian Riedel

"Polychlorides─A Safe and Convenient Alternative for Elemental Chlorine in Demonstration Experiments"

J. Chem. Educ. 2024101, 3, 1394–1401; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c01252


142. Joan Saltó, Daniel Tarr, Andrey Petrov, Dorian Reich, Manuela Weber, Maria Biosca, Oscar Pàmies, Christian Müller, Montserrat Diéguez

"Chiral 1-Phosphabarrelene-Pyridines as Suitable Ligands for the Rh/Ir-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Olefins"

Adv. Synth. Catal.2023,  366, 1-10; DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202301358


141.  Stephan Schulz, Christian Müller

"Sjoerd Harder: a true ambassador of main group chemistry"

 Z. anorg. allg. Chem2023, e202300044; DOI:  10.1002/zaac.202300044


140. Lea Dettling, Niklas Limberg, Raphaela Küppers, Daniel Frost, Manuela Weber, Nathan T. Coles, Diego M. Andrada, Christian Müller

"Phosphorus Derivatives of Mesoionic Carbenes: Synthesis and Characterization of Triazaphosphole-5-ylidene→BF3 Adducts"

Chem. Commun.202359, 10243-10246; DOI: 10.1039/D3CC03268J and cover image


139. Tim Görlich, Peter Coburger, Eric Yang, Jose Goicoechea, Hansjörg Grützmacher, Christian Müller

"The Chemistry of the Cyaphide Ion"

 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed2023, e202217749; DOI: 10.1002/ange.202217749


138. Jinxiong Lin, Dr. Nathan T. Coles, Lea Dettling, Luca Steiner, Dr. Felix J. Witte, Prof. Dr. Beate Paulus, Prof. Dr. Christian Müller

"Phospholenes from Phosphabenzenes by Selective Ring Contraction"

Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202203854; DOI: 10.1002/chem.202203854


137. Jinxiong Lin, Daniel S. Frost, Nathan T. Coles, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“Copper(I) and Gold(I) Complexes of Aminofunctionalized Phosphinines: Synthesis and Structural Characterization”

Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 2022, e202200365; on invitation. DOI: 10.1002/zaac.202200365


136. Jinxiong Lin,Nathan T. Coles, Lea Dettling, Luca Steiner, J. Felix Witte, Beate Paulus, and Christian Müller

“How to Shrink the Ring: Phospholenes from Phosphabenzenes via Selective Ring Contraction”

Chem. Eur. J. 2022, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202203406


135. Nathan T. Coles, Lucie J. Groth, Lea Dettling, Daniel S. Frost, Massimo Rigo, Samuel E. Neale, and Christian Müller

“Triple dehydrofluorination as a route to amidine-functionalized, aromatic phosphorus heterocycles”

Chem. Commun. 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2CC05178H


134. Jinxiong Lin, Nathan T. Coles, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“Phosphinine Selenide: Non-Covalent Interactions with Organoiodines, I2 and Reactivity towards Potassium Cyanide”

ChemPlusChem, 2022, e20220028, DOI: 10.1002/cplu.202200284 Front Cover; on invitation


133. Lea Dettling, Martin Papke, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Dániel Buzsáki, Zsolt Kelemen, Manuela Weber, László Nyulászi, Christian Müller

A New Access to Diazaphospholes via Cycloaddition-Cycloreversion Reactions on Triazaphospholes

Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 7745-7748., DOI: 10.1039/D2CC02269A Hot Paper, Back Cover


132. Andrey Petrov, Lawrence Conrad, Nathan T. Coles, Manuela Weber, Dirk Andrae, Almaz Zagidullin, Vasili Miluykov, Christian Müller

“Reactivity of sodium pentaphospholide Na[cyclo-P5] towards C≡E (E = C, N, P) triple bonds”

Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202203056, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202203056


131. Aleksandra Paderina, Ruslan Ramazanov, Rashid Valiev, Christian Müller, Elena Grachova

“So close, yet so different or how one atom difference between pyridine and phosphinine reflects in photophysical properties of mononuclear Cu(I) complexes”

Inorg. Chem. 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01145. Front Cover.


130. Erlin Yue, Andrey Petrov, Daniel S. Frost, Lea Dettling, Lawrence Conrad, Friedrich Wossidlo, Nathan T. Coles, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“Highly flexible phosphabenzenes: a missing coordination mode of 2,4,6-triaryl-λ3-phosphinines”

Chem. Commun. 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2CC01817A


129. Jinxiong Lin, Friedrich Wossidlo, Nathan T. Coles, Manuela Weber, Simon Steinhauer, Tobias Böttcher, Christian Müller

“Borane Adducts of Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Synthesis, Crystallographic Characterization and Reactivity of a Phosphinine-B(C6F5)3 Lewis Pair”

Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202104135, doi: 10.1002/chem.202104135.


128. Erlin Yue, Lea Dettling, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Selina Kaiser, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“Au(I)-Mediated N2-Elimination from Triazaphospholes: A One-Pot Synthesis of Novel N2P2-Heterocycles”

Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 310-313, DOI: 10.1039/D1CC06205K


127. Tim Görlich, Daniel Frost, Nico Boback, Nathan Coles, Birger Dittrich, Peter Müller, William D. Jones, Christian Müller

“Photochemical C(sp)-C(sp2) Bond Activation in Phosphaalkynes: a New Route to Reactive Terminal Cyaphido Complexes LnM-C≡P”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c07370.


126. Lukas Fischer, Friedrich Wossidlo, Daniel Frost, Nathan T. Coles, Simon Steinhauer, Sebastian Riedel, Christian Müller

One-Step Methylation of Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Synthesis and Crystallographic Characterization of a 1-Methyl-Phosphininium Salt

Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 9522 - 9525. DOI: 10.1039/D1CC03892C


125. Friedrich Wossidlo, Daniel S. Frost, Jinxiong Lin, Nathan T. Coles, Katrin Klimov, Manuela Weber, Tobias Böttcher, Christian Müller

“Making Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles more Basic and Nucleophilic: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of the First Phosphinine Selenide”

Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 12788-12795. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202102390


124. Matthew J. Margeson, Felix Seeberger, John A. Kelly, Julia Leitl, Peter Coburger, Robert Szlosek, Christian Müller and Robert Wolf

“Expedient Hydrofunctionalisation of Carbonyls and Imines Initiated by Phosphacyclohexadienyl Anions

ChemCatChem, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202100651.


123. Nathan T. Coles, Anne Sofie Abels, Julia Leitl, Robert Wolf, Hansjörg Grützmacher, Christian Müller

“Phosphinine-Based Ligands: Recent Developments in Coordination Chemistry and Applications”

Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 432, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213729.


122. Steven Giese, Katrin Klimov, Antal Mikeházi, Zsolt Kelemen, Daniel S. Frost, Simon Steinhauer, Peter Müller, László Nyulászi, Christian Müller

“2-(Dimethylamino)phosphinine: A Phosphorus Containing Aniline Derivative”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202014423.


121. Wenjun Yang, Ivan Yu. Chernyshov, Robin K. A. van Schendel, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller, Georgy A. Filonenko, Evgeny A. Pidko

“Robust and efficient hydrogenation of carbonyl compounds catalysed by mixed donor Mn(I) pincer complexes”

Nature Comm. 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20168-2.


120. Annette Sophie Kollmeier, Xavier de la Torre, Christian Müller, Francesco Botrè, Maria Kristina Parr

“In-depth GC-MS/MS Fragmentation Analysis of Formestane and Evaluation of Mass Spectral Discrimination of Isomeric 3-Keto-4-ene Hydroxy Steroids”

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8937.


119. J. Leitl, P. Coburger, D. J. Scott, C. G. P. Ziegler, G. Hierlmeier, R. Wolf, N. P. van Leest, B. de Bruin, G. Hörner, C. Müller

“Phosphorus Analogues of [Ni(bpy)2]: Synthesis and Application in Carbon−Halogen Bond Activation”

Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 9951-9961. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01115.


118. Gregor Pfeifer, Faouzi Chahdoura, Martin Papke, Manuela Weber, Rózsa Szűcs, Bernard Geffroy, Denis Tondelier, László Nyulászi,* Muriel Hissler,* Christian Müller*

“Synthesis, Electronic Properties and OLED Devices of Chromophores Based on λ5-Phosphinines”

Chem. Eur. J. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000932.


117. Julia Leitl, Andrew R. Jupp, Evi R. M. Habraken, Verena Streitferdt, Peter Coburger, Daniel J. Scott, Ruth M. Gschwind, Christian Müller, J. Chris Slootweg, Robert Wolf

“A Phosphinine‐derived 1‐Phospha‐7‐bora‐norbornadiene: Frustrated Lewis Pair Type Activation of Triple Bonds”

Chem. Eur. J. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000266.


116. R. van Putten, J. Benschop, V. J. de Munck, M. Weber, C. Müller, G. A. Filonenko, E. A. Pidko

Efficient and Practical Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones Catalyzed by a Simple Bidentate Mn-NHC Complex

ChemCatChem 201911, 5232-5235. DOI:  10.1002/cctc.201900882 


115. Steven Giese, Dániel Buzsáki, László Nyulászi, Christian Müller

Four consecutive reactions in one pot: cascade formation of an unprecedented triphosphatricyclo[,7]oct-3-ene

Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 13812-1381 . DOI: 10.1039/C9CC07462G.


114. Marlene Bruce, Martin Papke, Andreas W. Ehlers, Manuela Weber, Dieter Lentz, Nicolas Mézailles, J. Chris Slootweg, Christian Müller

Pyridyl-Functionalized 1-Phosphabarrelene: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Photochemical di-π-Methane Rearrangement

Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 14332-14340. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201903344. Hot Paper.


113. Julia Leitl, Michael Marquardt, Peter Coburger, Daniel J. Scott, Verena Streitferdt, Ruth M. Gschwind, Christian Müller,* Robert Wolf*

“Facile C=O Bond Splitting of Carbon Dioxide Induced by Metal-Ligand Cooperativity in a Phosphinine Iron(0) Complex”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201958,15407-15411. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201909240.


112. G. A. Filonenko, D. Sun, M. Weber, C. Müller, E. A. Pidko

Multicolor Organometallic Mechanophores for Polymer Imaging Driven by Exciplex Level Interactions

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 9687-9692. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b04121.


111. Massimo Rigo, Evi R. M. Habraken, Koyel Bhattacharyya, Manuela Weber, Andreas W. Ehlers, Nicolas Mézailles, J. Chris Slootweg, Christian Müller

Phosphinine-Based Ligands in Gold-Catalyzed Reactions

Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 8769-8779. Hot Paper.


110. Antonia Loibl, Manuela Weber, Martin Lutz, and Christian Müller

“Re(I) complexes of pyridyl-phosphinines and 2,2’-bipyridine derivatives: A comparison study”

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 1575-1585. Very Important Paper.


109. Jaber Assaf, Annette Sophie Kollmeier, Christian Müller, Maria Kristina Parr

“Reconsidering mass spectrometric fragmentation in EI‐MS ‐ New insights from recent instrumentation and isotopic labelling exemplified by ketoprofen and related compounds”

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2019, 33, 215-228.


108. Anja Wiesner, Simon Steinhauer, Helmut Beckers, Christian Müller, Sebastian Riedel

[P4H]+[Al(OTeF5)4]-: Protonation of White Phosphorus with the Brønsted Superacid H[Al(OTeF5)4](solv)

Chemical Sciences 2018, 9, 7169-7173.


107. Georgy A. Filonenko, Jody A. M. Lugger, Chong Liu, Ellen P. A. van Heeswijk, Marco M. R. M. Hendrix, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Rint P. Sijbesma, Evgeny A. Pidko

“Tracking local mechanical impact in heterogeneous polymer with direct optical imaging”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, doi.org/10.1002/anie.201809108.


106. Antonia Loibl, Wiebke Oschmann, Maria Vogler, Evgeny A. Pidko, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, Christian Müller

Substituent Effects in Pyridyl-Functionalized Pyrylium Salts, Pyridines and Lambda3,Sigma2-Phosphinines: A Fundamental and Systematic Study

Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 9355-9366.


105. Marija H. Habicht, Friedrich Wossidlo, Tobias Bens, Evgeny A. Pidko, Christian Müller

“2-(Trimethylsilyl)-λ3-Phosphinine: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Reactivity”

Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 944-952.


104. Martin Papke, Lea Dettling, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Dénes Szieberth, László Nyulaszi, Christian Müller

“Triazaphospholenium Tetrafluoroborate: A Phosphorus Analogue of a 1,2,3-Triazole-Derived Carbene

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 16484-16489.


103. Zoltán Varga, Christian Müller, László Nyulászi

Significant π-stacking effect between 2,4,6-triphenyl-1-phosphabenzenes

Struct. Chem. 2017, 28, 1243-1253.


102. Massimo Rigo, Lara Hettmanczyk, Frank J. L. Heutz, Stephan Hohloch, Martin Lutz, Biprajit Sarkar, Christian Müller

“Phosphinines versus mesoionic carbenes: a comparison of structurally related ligands in Au(I)-catalysyis”

Dalton Trans.  2017, 46, 86-95.


101. Gregor Pfeifer, Martin Papke, Daniel Frost, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Marija Habicht, Christian Müller

“Clicking the Arsenic-Carbon Triple Bond: An Entry into a New Class of Arsenic Heterocycles”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201605143.


100. Marija H. Habicht, Friedrich Wossidlo, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“3-Bromo-2-Pyrone: An Alternative and Convenient Route to Functionalized Phosphinines”

Chem. Eur. J. 2016, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201602012.


99. Massimo Rigo, Manuela Weber, Christian Müller

“Expanding the Phosphorus-Carbon Analogy: Formation of an Unprecedented 5-Phosphasemibullvalene Derivative”

Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 7090-7093.


98. Christian Müller

„Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Compounds“

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 5, 569-571.


97. Julian A. W. Sklorz, Christian Müller

Recent developments in the chemistry of 3H-1,2,3,4-triazaphosphole derivatives

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 5, 595-606.


96.     M. Rigo, J. A. W. Sklorz, N. Hatje, F. Noack, M. Weber, J. Wiecko, C. Müller

2,4,6-triphenylphosphinine and 2,4,6-triphenylposphabarrelene revisited: synthesis, reactivity and coordination chemistry

Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 2218-2226.


95.     Julian A. W. Sklorz, Maike Schnucklake, Matthias Kirste, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, and Christian Müller

Functionalized 3H-1,2,3,4-Triazaphosphole Derivatives: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Novel Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Heterocycles

Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2016, 191, 558-562.


94.     Georgy A. Filonenko, Mae Joanne B. Aguila, Erik N. Schulpen, Robbert van Putten, Jelena Wiecko, Christian Müller, Laurent Lefort, Emiel J. M. Hensen, and Evgeny A. Pidko

Bis-N-heterocyclic Carbene Aminopincer Ligands Enable High Activity in Ru-Catalyzed Ester Hydrogenation

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 7620–7623.


93.     Leen E. E. Broeckx,Alberto Bucci, Cristiano Zuccaccia, Martin Lutz, Alceo Macchioni, Christian Müller

Cyclometalated Phosphinine-Ir(III) complexes: Synthesis, Reactivity and Application as Phosphorus-Containing Water Oxidation Catalysts

Organometallics 2015, 34, 2943-2952.


92.     Iris de Krom, Martin Lutz, and Christian Müller*

“2-(2´-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylphosphinine versus 2-(2´-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylpyridine: synthesis and characterization of novel Cr0, Mo0 and W0 carbonyl complexes containing chelating P,N and N,N ligands”

Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 10304-10314.


91.     Julian A. W. Sklorz, Santina Hoof, Nadine Rades, Nicolas De Rycke, László Könczöl, Dénes Szieberth, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, László Nyulászi,* Muriel Hissler,* and Christian Müller*

“Pyridyl-Functionalized 3H-1,2,3,4-Triazaphospholes: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Photophysical Properties of Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Compounds”

Chem. Eur J. 2015, 21, 11096-11109.


90.     Rabak Rabak Rezaei Rad, Uttam Chakraborty, Bernd Mühldorf, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Michael Bodensteiner, Christian Müller, Robert Wolf

“Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl 2,4,6‑Triphenylphosphinine Iron Complexes”

Organometallics 2015, 34, 622-635.


89.     Gregor Pfeifer, Philippe Ribagnac, Xavier-Frédéric Le Goff, Jelena Wiecko, Nicolas Mézailles, Christian Müller

"Reactivity of Aromatic Phosphorus Heterocycles: Differences Between Non-Functionalized and Pyridyl-Substituted 2,4,6-Triarylphosphinines"

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 240-249.

88.     Natalie Fey, Sofia Papadouli, Paul G. Pringle, Arne Ficks, James T. Fleming, Lee J. Higham, Jennifer F. Wallis, Duncan Carmichael, Nicolas Mézailles, Christian Müller

“Setting P-Donor Ligands into Context: An Application of the Ligand Knowledge Base (LKB) Approach”

Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2015, 190, 706-714.


87.     Philipp Roesch, Jörn Nitsch, Martin Lutz, Jelena Wiecko, Andreas Steffen,* Christian Müller*

Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of an Unprecedented Phosphinine-CuBr Cluster

Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 9855-9859.


86.     Christian Müller, Julian A.W. Sklorz, Iris de Krom, Antonia Loibl, Marija Habicht, Marlene Bruce, Gregor Pfeifer, Jelena Wiecko

Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Pyridyl-Functionalized, Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Heterocycles

Chem. Lett. 2014, 43, 1390-1404 (invited research highlight).


85.     Antonia Loibl, Iris de Krom, Evgeny A. Pidko, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, and Christian Müller

Tuning the electronic effects of aromatic phosphorus heterocycles: An unprecedented phosphinine with significant P(π)-donor properties

Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 8842-8844.


84.     Sonia Aguado-Ullate, John A. Baker, Vanessa González-González, Christian Müller, Jonathan D. Hirst, Jorge J. Carbó

A theoretical study of the activity in Rh-catalysed hydroformylation: the origin of the enhanced activity of the π-acceptor phosphinine ligand

Catal Sci. Tech. 2014, 4, 979-987.


83.     Christine Fee Czauderna, David B. Cordes, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, Christian Müller, Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt, Dieter Vogt, and Paul C. J. Kamer

Synthesis and Reactivity of Chiral, Wide-Bite-Angle, Hybrid Diphosphorus Ligands

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 1797-1810.


82.     Julian A.W. Sklorz, Santina Hoof, Michael G. Sommer, Fritz Weißer, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, Biprajit Sarkar, Christian Müller

Triazaphospholes versus Triazoles: An Investigation of the Differences between “Click”-Derived Chelating Phosphorus- and Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles

Organometallics 2014, 33, 511-516. DOI: org/10.1021/om4010077.


81.     Marlene Bruce, Gisa Meissner, Manuela Weber, Jelena Wiecko, Christian Müller

„Lithium Salts of 2,4,6-Triaryl-λ4-phosphinine Anions: A Comparison Study“

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 1719–1726. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201301259.


80.     Jarno J. M. Weemers, Fanni D. Sypaseuth, Patrick S. Bäuerlein, William N. P. van der Graaff, Ivo A. W. Filot, Martin Lutz, Christian Müller

“Development of a Novel Benzimidazole-Derived Bidentate P,N-Ligand for the Enantioselective Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogenation Reaction”

Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 350-362.


79.     Leen E. E. Broeckx, Wylliam Delaunay, Camille Latouche, Martin Lutz, Abdou Boucekkine, Muriel Hissler, and Christian Müller

“C-H activation of 2,4,6-triphenylphosphinine: Synthesis and characterization of the first homoleptic phosphinine-Ir(III) complex fac-[Ir(C^P)3]”

Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 10738-10740.


78.     Jarno J.M. Weemers, Jelena Wiecko, Evgeny A. Pidko, Manuela Weber, Martin Lutz, Christian Müller*

2,4,6-Triarylphosphinines versus 2,4,6-Triarylpyridines: An investigation of the Differences in Reactivity between Structurally Related Aromatic Phosphorus and Nitrogen Heterocycles

Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 14458-14469. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201302441.


77.     Ma'moun Al-Rawashdeh, Johannes Zalucky, Christian Müller, Tjeerd Alexander Nijhuis, Volker Hessel, Jaap C. Schouten

Phenylacetylene hydrogenation over [Rh(NBD)(PPh3)2]BF4 catalyst in numbered-up microchannels reactor

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 19, 13087-13098 DOI: 10.1021/ie4009277.


76.     Francesco Amoroso, Ennio Zangrando, Carla Carfagna, Christian Müller, Dieter Vogt, Mohamed Hagar, Fabio Ragaini, Barbara Milani

Catalyst activity or stability: the dilemma in Pd-catalyzed polyketone synthesis

Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 14583-14602.


75.     Leen E.E. Broeckx, Sabriye Güven, Frank J.L. Heutz, Martin Lutz, Dieter Vogt, Christian Müller*

„Cyclometalation of Aryl-Substituted Phosphinines via C-H Bond Activation: A Mechanistic Investigation”

Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13087-13098 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201301693.


74.     Jarno J.M. Weemers, Willem N.P. van der Graaff, Evgeny A. Pidko, Martin Lutz, Christian Müller*

“Bulky Phosphinines: From a Molecular Design to an Application in Homogeneous Catalysis”

Chem. Eur. J.2013, 19, 8991-9004. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201300557


73.     I. de Krom, E.A. Pidko, M. Lutz, C. Müller*

“Reactions of pyridyl-functionalized, chelating λ3-phosphinines in the coordination environment of Rh(III) and Ir(III)”

Chem. Eur. J. 2013,19, 3676-3684. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201300321.


72.     I. de Krom, L.E.E. Broeckx, M. Lutz, C. Müller*

“2-(2´-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylphosphinine versus 2-(2´-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylpyridine: Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of novel cationic Rh(III) and Ir(III) complexes based on aromatic phosphorus heterocycles”

Chem. Eur. J., 2013, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201203621.


71.     Evert Boymans, Susan Boland, Peter T. Witte, Christian Müller, Dieter Vogt

“Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Functionalized Nitroarenes using Supported Mo Promoted Pt Nanoparticles”

ChemCatChem 2013, 5, 431.


70.     Stéphanie Vandekerckhove, Christian Müller, Dieter Vogt, Carmen Lategan, Peter J. Smith, Kelly Chibale, Norbert De Kimpe, Matthias D’hooghe

Synthesis and antiplasmodial evaluation of novel (4-aminobutyloxy)quinolones

Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2013, 23, 318–322.


69.     C. Müller*, L.E.E. Broeckx, I. de Krom, J.J.M. Weemers

“Developments in the Coordination Chemistry of Phosphinines”

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 187-202.


68.     Henriette Nowothnick, Anke Rost, Tobias Hamerla, Reinhard Schomäcker, Christian Müller, Dieter Vogt

Comparison of phase transfer agents in the aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of higher alkenes

Catal. Sci. Technol. 2013, 3, 600-605.


67.     E. H. Boymans, M.C.C. Janssen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

„Rh-Catalyzed Linear Hydroformylation of Styrene”

Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 137-142.


63-66 siehe "Books contributions"


62.     O. Diebolt, Clément Cruzeuil, C. Müller, D. Vogt

Formation of Acetals under Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation Conditions in Alcohols

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2012, 354, 670-677.


61.     O. Diebolt, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“On-Water“ Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation for the Production of Linear Aldehydes

Catal. Sci. Technol. 2012, 2, 773-777 (Hot Paper).


61.     M.C.C. Janssen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

Recent Advances in Recycling of Homogeneous Catalysts using Membrane Separation

Green Chemistry 2011, 13, 2247-2257.


59.     L.E.E. Broeckx, M. Lutz, D. Vogt, C. Müller*

“C-H Activation of 2,4,6-Triphenylphosphinine: Unprecedented Formation of Cyclometalated [(P^C)Ir(III)] and [(P^C)Rh(III)] Complexes”

Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 2003-2005.


58.     A. Campos-Carrasco, L.E.E. Broeckx, J.J.M. Weemers, E.A. Pidko, M. Lutz, A.M. Masdeu-Bultó, D. Vogt, C. Müller*

“Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of 2-(2’-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylphosphinine: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity”

Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 2510-2517.


57.     L. Bini, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Ligand Development in the Ni-Catalyzed Hydrocyanation of Alkenes”

Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 8325-8334.


56.     M. C.C. Janssen, J. Wilting, C. Müller*, D. Vogt

Continuous Rh-Catalyzed Hydroformylation of 1-Octene with POSS-Enlarged PPh3

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2010, 49, 7738-7741.


55.     D. Pingen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Direct Amination of Secondary Alcohols by Ammonia via Hydrogen Shuttling”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2010, 49, 8130-8133.


54.     C. Müller*, D. Vogt

“Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Donor-Functionalized Phosphinines”

C. R. Chimie 2010, 13, 1127-1143 (on invitation).


53.     A. Campos Carrasco, E. A. Pidko, A. M. Masdeu-Bultó, M. Lutz, A. L. Spek, D. Vogt, C. Müller*

"2-(2’-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylphosphinine versus 2-(2’-pyridyl)-4,6-diphenylpyridine: An evaluation of their coordination chemistry towards Rh(I)"

New J. Chem. 2010, 34, 1547-1550 (on invitation).


52.     M. Janssen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Molecular Weight Enlargement - a Molecular Approach to Continuous Homogeneous Catalysis”

Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 8403-8411.


51.     M. Janssen, L. Bini, B. Hamers, C. Müller, D. Hess, A. Christiansen, R. Franke, D. Vogt

“Tetraphenol-based diphosphite ligands: synthesis, characterization, and application in the rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation of octenes”

Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 1971-1975.


50.     S. Dekeukeleire, M. D'hooghe, C. Müller, D. Vogt, N. De Kimpe,

"Rhodium-catalysed hydroformylation of N-(2-propenyl)-β-lactams as a key step in the synthesis of functionalized N-[4-(2-oxoazetidin-1-yl)-but-1-enyl]acetamides"

New J. Chem. 2010, 34, 1079-1083.


49.     D. J. M. Snelders, K. Kunna, C. Müller, D. Vogt, G. van Koten, R. J. M. Klein Gebbink

“Rh(I) coordination chemistry of hexacationic Dendriphos ligands and their application in hydroformylation catalysis”

Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2010, 21 (11-12), 1411-1420.


48.     L. Bini, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Mechanistic Studies on Hydrocyanation Reactions”

ChemCatChem 2010, 2, 590-608.


47.     L. Bini, E. Houben, E.A. Pidko, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Catalyzed Isomerization of 2-Methyl-3-Butenenitrile to 3-Pentenenitrile. A Kinetic Study Using in situ FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy”

Catalysis Today 2010, 155, 271-278.


46.     P.S. Bäuerlein, I.J. Fairlamb, A.G. Jarvis, A.F. Lee, C. Müller, J.M. Slattery, R. Thatcher, D. Vogt, A. Whitwood

“Ion-tagged p-acidic alkene ligands promote Pd-catalysed allyl-aryl coupling in an ionic liquid”

Chem. Commun. 2009, 5734-5736.


45.     P.S. Bäuerlein, I. Arenas Gonzalez, J.J.M. Weemers, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt, C. Müller*

“Phosphabarrelene-modified Rh-catalysts: A new and selective route towards hydroxy-functionalized bicyclic imidazoles via tandem reactions”

Chem. Commun. 2009, 4944-4946.


44.     A. Gunay, C. Müller, R.J. Lachicotte, W.W. Brennessel, W.D. Jones

“Reactivity Differences of Pt0 Phosphine Complexes in C-C Bond Activation of Asymmetric Acetylenes”

Organometallics 2009, 28, 6524-6530.


43.     M.M.P. Grutters, J.I. van der Vlugt, Y. Pei, A.M. Mills, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, C. Müller, C. Moberg, D. Vogt

“Highly selective Co-catalyzed hydrovinylation of styrene”

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351 (13), 2199-2208.


42.     L. Bini, E.A. Pidko, C. Müller, R. A. van Santen, D. Vogt

Lewis Acid Controlled Regioselectivity in Styrene Hydrocyanantion”

Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 8768-8778.


41.     B. Hamers, E. Kosciusko-Morizet, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Fast and Selective Hydroaminomethylation Using Xanthene-Based Amino-Functionalized Ligands”

ChemCatChem 2009, 1, 103-106.


40.     N. Ronde, D. Totev, C. Müller, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt

“Molecular Weight Enlarged Multiple Pincer Ligands: Synthesis and Application in Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution Reactions”

ChemSusChem 2009, 2, 558-574.


39.     M. Janssen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“’Click’ Dendritic Phosphines: Design, Synthesis, Application in Suzuki Coupling, and Recycling by Nanofiltration”

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 313-318.


38.     T. Saloranta, C. Müller, D. Vogt, R. Leino

“Converting unprotected monosaccharides into functionalised lactols in aqueous media: metal-mediated allylation with tandem hydroformylation-cyclisation”

Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 10539-10542.


37.     C. Müller*, E.A. Pidko, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt

“Diphosphinine Derivatives of Terpyridine: A New Class of Neutral p-Accepting PNP-Pincer Ligands”

Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 8803-8807.


36.     C. Müller*, E.A. Pidko, A.J.P.M. Staring, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, R.A. van Santen, D. Vogt

“Developing a New Class of Axial Chiral Phosphorus Ligands: Preparation and Characterization of Enantiopure Atropisomeric Phosphinines”

Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 4899-4905.


35.     A. R. McDonald, C. Müller, D. Vogt, G. P. M. Van Klink, G. Van Koten,

“BINAP-Ru and Rh Catalysts Covalently Immobilised on Silica and their Repeated Application in Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysis”

Green Chem. 2008, 10, 424-432.


34.     C. Müller*, Z. Freixa, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen,

“Wide Bite Angle Diphosphinines: Design, Synthesis and Coordination Properties”

Organometallics 2008, 27, 834-838.


33.     B. Hamers, P. Bäuerlein, C. Müller, D. Vogt,

“Hydroaminomethylation of n-alkenes in a biphasic ionic liquid system”

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 332-342.


32.     C. Müller*, D. Vogt

“Phosphinines as Ligands in Homogeneous Catalysis: Recent Developments, Concepts and Perspectives”

Dalton Trans. 2007, 47, 5505-5523.


31.     C. Müller*, E. A. Pidko, M. Lutz, A. L. Spek, R. A. van Santen, D. Vogt,

„Atropisomeric Phosphinines: Design and Synthesis“

Dalton Trans. 2007, 46, 5372-5375.


30.     L. Bini, C. Müller, J. Wilting, L. von Chrzanowski, A. L. Spek, D. Vogt

“Highly Selective Hydrocyanation of Butadiene toward 3-Pentenenitrile”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129(42); 12622-12623.


29.     C. Müller*, D. Wasserberg, J.J.M. Weemers, E.A. Pidko, S. Hoffmann, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, S.C.J. Meskers, R.A.J. Janssen, R.A. van Santen, D. Vogt

“Donor-Functionalized Polydentate Pyrylium Salts and Phosphinines: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Photophysical Properties”

Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 4548-4559.


28.     J.Wilting, M. Janssen, C. Müller, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt

“Binaphthol-Based Diphosphite Ligands in Asymmetric Hydrocyanation of Styrene and 1,3-Cyclohexadiene: Influence of Steric Properties"

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006, 349, 350-356.


27.     C. Müller*, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt

"4-(p-Methylthio)phenyl-2,6-diphenyl phosphinine: The first X-ray crystal structure of a l³-triaryl- phosphabenzene"

J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2006, 36(12), 869-874.


26.     J. Wilting, M. Janssen, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“The Enantioselective Step in the Nickel-Catalyzed Hydrocyanation of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 35, 11374-11375.


25.     K. Kunna, C. Müller, J. Loos, D. Vogt

“Aqueous-Phase Hydroformylation of 1-Octene: Styrene Latices as Phase-Transfer Agents”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2006, 45, 7289-7292.


24.     E. Guiu, M. Caporali, B. Muñoz, C. Müller, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, C. Claver, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen,

“Electronic Effect of Diphosphines on the Regioselectiviy of the Palladium-Catalyzed Hydroesterification of Styrene”

Organometallics 2006, 25, 3102-3104.


23.     R. van Duren, Leandra L.J.M. Cornelissen, Jarl I. van der Vlugt, Jeroen P.J. Huijbers, Allison M. Mills, Anthony L. Spek, Christian Müller, and Dieter Vogt

“Chiral Diphosphonite Platinum Complexes in Asymmetric Hydroformylation”

Helv. Chim. Acta, 2006, 89, 1547-1558.


22.     M.M.P. Grutters, C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Highly Selective Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrovinylation of Styrene”

J. Am .Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 7414-7415.


21.     J. Durand, E. Zangrando, M. Stener, G. Fronzoni, B. Milani, C. Carfagna, B. Binotti, P.C.J. Kamer, C. Müller, M. Caporali, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, D. Vogt

“Long Lived Palladium Catalysts for CO/Vinyl Arene Polyketones Synthesis: A Solution to Deactivation Problems”

Chem. Eur. J., 2006, 12, 7639-7651.


20.     C. Müller*, L. Guarrotxena López, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, D. Vogt

“Chiral bidentate phosphabenzene-based ligands: synthesis, coordination chemistry, and application in Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenations”

Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, 47, 2017.


19.     W. Han, C. Müller, D. Vogt, H. Niemantsverdriet, P.C. Thüne

"Introducing a Flat model of the Silica-Supported Bis(imino)pyridyl Iron(II) Polyolefin Catalyst"

Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2006, 27(4), 279-283


18.     C. Müller, M.J. Nijkamp, D. Vogt

„Continuous Homogeneous Catalysis“

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2005, 4011-4021.


17.     M. Caporali, C. Müller, B.B.P. Staal, D.M. Tooke, A.L. Spek, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen

“New diphosphine ligands based on diphenyl ether for the Pd-catalyzed CO/ethene copolymerization”

Chem. Commun. 2005, 3478-3480.


16.     J. Wilting, C. Müller, A. C. Hewat, D. D. Ellis, D. M. Tooke, A. L. Spek, D. Vogt

"Nickel-catalyzed isomerization of 2-methyl-3-butenenitrile"

Organometallics 2005, 24, 13-15.


15.     J. I. Van der Vlugt, A. C. Hewat, S. Neto, R. Sablong, A. M. Mills, M. Lutz, A. L. Spek, C. Müller, D. Vogt

"Sterically demanding diphosphonite ligands – Synthesis and application in nickel-catalyzed isomerization of 2-methyl-3-butenenitrile"

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2004, 346, 993-1003.


14.     C. Müller, L.J. Ackerman, J.N.H. Reek, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M van Leeuwen

“Site Isolation Effects in a Dendritic Nickel Catalyst System for the Oligomerization of Ethylene”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 14960-14963.


13.     C.N. Iverson, R.J. Lachicotte, C. Müller, W.D. Jones

“h2-Coordination and C-H Activation of Electron-Poor Arenes”

Organometallics 2002, 21, 5320-5333.


12.     C. Müller, R.J. Lachicotte, W.D. Jones

“Catalytic C-C Bond Activation in Biphenylene and Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes: Reactivity of P,N Versus P,P Substituted Nickel Complexes”

Organometallics 2002, 21, 1975-1981.


11.     C. Müller, R.J. Lachicotte, W.D. Jones

“Thermal and Photolytical Silicon-Carbon Bond Activation in Donor Stabilized Pt(0)-Alkyne Complexes”

Organometallics 2002, 21, 1118-1123.


10.     C. Müller, R.J. Lachicotte, W.D. Jones

“Chelating P,N Versus P,P Ligands: Differing Reactivity of Donor Stabilized Pt-(h2-PhCºCPh) Complexes Towards Diphenylacetylene”

Organometallics 2002, 21, 1975-1981.


9.     C. Perthusiot, B. L. Edelbach, D. L. Zubris, N. Simhai, C. N. Iverson, C. Müller, T. Sato, W. D. Jones

“Cleavage of the Carbon-Carbon Bond in Biphenylene using Transition Metals“

J. Mol. Catalysis 2002, 189, 157-168.


8.     C. Müller, C. N. Iverson, R. J. Lachicotte, W. D. Jones

“Carbon-Carbon Bond Activation in Pt(0)-Diphenylacetylene Complexes Bearing Chelating P,N- and P,P-Ligands”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 9718.


7.     P. Jutzi, C. Müller, B. Neumann, H.-G. Stammler

“Dialkylaminoethyl-functionalized Ansa-Zirconocene Dichlorides: Synthesis, Structure, and Polymerization Properties“

J. Organomet. Chem.2001, 625, 180-185.


6.     C. Müller, D. Vos, P. Jutzi

“Results and Perspectives in the Chemistry of Side-Chain Functionalized Cyclopentadienyl Compounds“

J. Organomet. Chem. 2000, 600, 127-143.


5.     P. Jutzi, C. Müller, A. Stammler, H.-G. Stammler

“Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Application of the Oxonium Acid [H(OEt2)2]+[B(C6F5)4]-

Organometallics 2000, 19, 1442-1444.


4.     C. Müller, D. Lilge, M. O. Kristen, P. Jutzi

„Dialkylaminoethyl-funktionalisierte ansa-Zirconocendichloride: Präkatalysatoren zur Steuerung der Molekulargewichtsverteilung von Polyethylen“

Angew. Chem. 2000, 112, 800-803.


3.     C. Müller, P. Jutzi

“Regioselective Synthesis of Carbon- and Silicon-Bridged 2-(N,N-Dialkylamino)ethyl-Substituted Cyclopentadienes”

Synthesis 2000, 3, 389-394.


2.     G. C. Bazan, G. Rodriguez, A. J. Ashe, III, S. Al-Ahmad, C. Müller

“Aminoboratabenzene Derivatives of Zirconium: A New Class of Olefin Polymerization Catalysts”

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 2291-2292; see also: Science 1996, 271, 1363; C&EN News 1996, March 11, 29; Nachr. Chem. Tech. Lab. 1997, 45, 132)


1.     A.J. Ashe, III, J. W. Kampff, C. Müller, M. Schneider

“Aminoboratabenzenes. An Evaluation of the Exocyclic B-N Interaction“

Organometallics 1996, 15, 387-393.


Book Contributions:

5.    C. Müller

Copper(I) complexes of low-coordinate phosphorus(III) compounds

In: Copper(I) Chemistry of Phosphines, Functionalized Phosphines and Phosphorus Heterocycles (Ed. Maravanji S. Balakrishna), Elsevier, The Netherlands, 2019.


4.    C. Müller

Phosphinine Ligands

in Phosphorus Ligand Effects in Homogeneous Catalysis: Design and Synthesis (Ed.: P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M van Leeuwen), Wiley-VCH, 2012.


3.    C. Müller*, D. Vogt

Phosphinine-Based Ligands in Homogeneous Catalysis: State of the Art and Future Perspectives

in Phosphorus Chemistry: Catalysis and Material Science Applications, Vol. 36 (Ed.: M. Peruzzini, L. Gonsalvi), Chapter 6, Springer, 2011


2.    C. Müller, D. Vogt

“Immobilization and Compartmentalization of Homogeneous Catalysts”

in Green Catalysis; Editors: P.T. Anastas, R.H. Crabtee, 127-152, Wiley-VCH, 2009


1.    C. Müller, D. Vogt

“C-C Linkage Reactions by Formal Addition to Unsaturated Compounds”

in Multiphase Homogeneous Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2005