Fundamentals in Radiochemistry (Lab Course)
We teach you how to safely work with radioactive substances. Main focuses are radiation safety and the correct use of the core priciples of radiochemistry such as the ALARA (as low as reasonable achievable) and the DATS principle (distance, activity, time, shielding).
Please register through the Campus Management system and in addition by e-mail to Ms Grewe!
j.grewe (at)
We offer three lab courses in the winter semester WS 24/25:
10. March - 14. March
17. March - 21. March
24. March - 28. March
Deadline for the registration with Ms Grewe is Wednesday, 13. November 11:59 am!
Due to a large number of registrations the places in the lab course will be drawn. The details of the procedure will be explained during the lecture.