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Peter Luger



Professor Dr. emeritus

Inorganic Chemistry

luger (at) chemie.fu-berlin.de

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

Geboren: 1943; Staatsexamen: FU Berlin (1968); Promotion: FU Berlin (1970); Habil.: FU Berlin (1974); Heisenberg-Stipendiat: 1978-79; Professor: FU Berlin (seit 1979); Auslandsaufenthalt: Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA (1985), U. of Okayama, Japan (1995).

Frühere Forschungsgebiete der Arbeitsgruppe Luger (Prof. Luger ist im Ruhestand)

Das allgemeine Interesse unserer Gruppe gilt der Strukturerforschung von "kleinen Molekülen", hauptsächlich aus der Organischen, aber auch aus der Anorganischen Chemie.
Unsere Untersuchungen basieren auf Beugungsexperimenten mit konventioneller Röntgenstrahlung, aber auch Synchrotron- und Neutronenstrahlung an großen nationalen und internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen (Hasylab, Hamurg; ILL, Grenoble. Experimente werden kombiniert mit theoretischen Rechnungen (meist ab initio) und computergraphischen Methoden.
Besonderes Interesse gilt den Tief- und Tiefsttemperatur-Beugungs-Experimenten. Unsere Gruppe arbeitet mit einem der wenigen Röntgendiffraktometern weltweit, die Einkristall-Beugungsexperimente bei 15 K (-258 C) ermöglichen. Durch eine großartige Förderung durch die DFG können wir dieses Diffraktometer mit einem modernen hochempfindlichen Flächendetector vervollständigen, so daß wir in Kürze schnelle Datensammlungen bei Tiefsttemperaturbedingungen duchführen können und damit einen hervorragenden Meßplatz für Ladungsdichteuntersuchungen haben. Gegenstand aktueller Forschung sind Ladungsdichteuntersuchungen und topologische Analyse für die Erforschung intra- und intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen, Kristallisation und Strukturlösung von niedrigschmelzenden Verbindungen und die Struktur und Funktion von Medikamenten und Naturstoffen mit biologischer Bedeutung aus dem südostasischem Raum.

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

(a) Ladungsdichte und topologische Analyse von Aminosären und Oligopeptiden basierend auf schneller Röntgendatensammlung unter Verwendung von Synchrotronstrahlung und CCD-Flächendetektion.

(b) Tieftemperatur Kristallisation, Struktur- und Dichtestudien von tiefschmelzenden z.B. bei Raumtemperatur flüssig oder gasförmigen Verbindungen. Zur Zeit an dem System Nitril/Isonitril, fluorierte Alkene and andere, z.B. das NO2Problem.

(c) Struktur und Ladungsdichte von Medikamenten und Nuturprodukten mit potentieller biologischer Aktivität. In Zusammenarbeit mit Arzneimittelentwicklungsgruppen in Universitäts- und Industrielabors werden die Bedeutung der aus der experimentellen Ladungsdichtebestimmung emittelten elektronischen Eigenschaften beim Wirkstoffdesign erforscht. Aktuell werden orale Antidiabetika, Antithrombotika und beta-Lactam-Antibiotika untersucht.
In Kooperation mit vielen ostasiatischen Forschungsgruppen, arbeiten wir an der Isolation und strukturellen Charakterisierung von aktiven Verbindungen aus Nutzpflanzen, welche in der traditionellen asiatischen Medizin eine Rolle spielen.

(d) Struktur und Ladungsdichte von größen Molekülen: Fullerenderivate, Vitamin B-12

(e) Temperaturabhängige Strukturstudien an Cope-Systemen, z.B.: an Bullvalen-, Semibullvalen- und Barbaralan- Derivaten.


TALK: P. Luger, R. Kalinowski (eingeladener Vortrag]:
Experimentelle Elektronendichtebestimmung in den Life-Sciences: von kleinen zu großen Molekülen.
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2007, 16.-19- September 2007, in Ulm.

TALK: C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich, M.Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Vergleich der Elektronendichte einiger Nukleoside und eines Watson & Crick-Basenpaars.
15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Bremen, 5.-9. März 2007.

TALK: S. Mebs:
Experimental Charge Density of Bioorganic Compounds
Topological Analyses of Intra- and Intermolecular Interactions.

Graduiertenkolleg 788: '''Wasserstoffbrücken und Wasserstofftransfer'', 17.1.2007, Berlin.

POSTER: S. Mebs, T. Koritsanszky, B.Dittrich and Peter Luger:
Experimental Electron Densities of Vitamin B12 and its biologically active derivatives AdoCbl and MeCbl.
Gordon Research Conference on Electron Distribution and Chemical Bonding: Dynamics and Densities, 1-6 July 2007, Mount Holyoke College , South Hadley, MA, USA.

POSTER: S. Grabowsky, T. Pfeuffer, W. Morgenroth, C. Paulmann, T. Schirmeister, P. Luger:
An Experimental Electron Density and ELF Study of Protease Inhibitor Model Compounds.
Gordon Research Conference on Electron Distribution and Chemical Bonding: Dynamics and Densities, 1-6 July 2007, Mount Holyoke College , South Hadley, MA, USA.

POSTER: S. Grabowsky, P. Luger, T. Pfeuffer, L. Checinska, M. Weber, W. Morgenroth, T. Schirmeister:
Correlation of Molecular Properties from Experimentally Derived Electron Density with Biological Activity - A Protease Inhibitor Model Compound.
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry (medchem 2007), Joint German-Swiss Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Berlin, March 18-21, 2007.

POSTER: R. Kalinowski, P. Luger:
Vergleichende topologische Analyse von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen im Multipol-, Invariom- und Independent Atom Modell am Beispiel von L-Alanyl-L-Prolyl- L-Alanin.
15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Bremen, 5.-9. März 2007.

POSTER: P. Luger, S. Grabowsky, T. Pfeuffer, L. Checinska, M. Weber, W. Morgenroth, T. Schirmeister:
Elektronendichte und Drug-Design: Protease-Inhibitor-Modellverbindungen.
15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Bremen, 5.-9. März 2007.

POSTER: S. Grabowsky, P. Luger, T. Pfeuffer, L. Checinska, M. Weber, W. Morgenroth, T. Schirmeister:
Application of ELF to a Protease Inhibitor Model Compound: Preliminary Results.
DGK AK14 Workshop in Aachen, Februar 2007.

A. Hofmann, R. Kalinowski, P. Luger and S. van Smaalen:
Accurate charge density of the tripeptide Ala-Pro-Ala with the maximum entropy method (MEM): influence of the data resolution.
Acta Cryst. B63(2007), 633-643.

D. Förster, S. Scheins, P. Luger, D. Lentz, W. Preetz:
Electron Density and Bonding at Borates: An Experimental Study of Tetrabutylammonium Heptahydrohexaborate [N(C4H9)4][B6H7].
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2007),3169-3172.

P. Luger:
Fast Electron Density Methods in the Life Sciences - A Routine Application in the Future?
Org. Biomol. Chem. 5(2007), 2529-2540.

D. M. M. Jaradat, S. Mebs, L. Checinska, P. Luger:
Experimental Charge Density of Sucrose at 20 K: Bond topological, atomic and intermolecular quantitative properties.
Carboh. Res. 342(2007), 1480-1489.

S. Grabowsky, T., Pfeuffer, L. Checinska, M. Weber, W. Morgenroth, P. Luger, T. Schirmeister:
Electron-Density Determination of Electrophylic Building Blocks as Model Compounds for Protease Inhibitors.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2007), 2759-2768.

C. B. Hübschle, P. Luger, B. Dittrich:
Automation of invariom and of experimental charge density modelling of organic molecules with the preprocessor program Invariom Tool.
J. Appl. Cryst. 40(2007), 623-627.

B. Dittrich, T. Koritsanszky, A. Volkov, S. Mebs, P. Luger:
Novel approaches to the experimental charge density of vitamin B12.
Angew. Chem., 119 (2007), 2993-2996.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 46(2007), 2935-2938.

D. Förster, A. Wagner, C. B. Hübschle, C.Paulmann, P. Luger:
Charge density of L-Alanyl-glycyl-L-alanin; based on data collection from 4 to 130 hours
Charge density of L-Alanyl-glycyl-L-alanin.
Zeit. Naturfosch. B (2007), 62b, 696-704.

S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt, B. Dittrich, W. Morgenroth, C. Paulmann and P. Luger:
Charge Density Analysis of Opioids: A Comparative Study.
J. Phys. Chem. A111(2007), 5499-5508.

P. Luger, B. Dittrich:
Fragment Transferability Studied Theoretically and Experimentally with QTAIM - Implications for Electron Density and Invariom Modelling.
Kap. 12 des Buches "The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules", edited by C. F. Matta and R. J. Boyd, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2007, pp. 317 - 342.

C. B. Hübschle, S. Scheins, M. Weber, P. Luger, A. Wagner, T. Koritsanszky, S. I.Troyanov:
Bond Orders and Atomic Properties of the Highly Deformed Halogenated Fullerenes C60F18 and C60Cl30 Derived from their Charge Densities.
Chem. Eur. J., 13 (2007), 1910-1920.


TALK: C. B. Hübschle, P. Luger (invited lecture):
Experimental Electron Density Studies - Present Status and Future Aspects.
Workshop at Diamond Light Source, Cambridge, UK, 18.12.2006.

TALK: P. Luger:
Experimental Electron Density Studies - Recent Developments and Future Aspects.
Vortrag in Lodz, Polen, Oktober 2006.

TALK: T. Pfeuffer, L. Checinska, M. Weber, S. Grabowsky, P. Luger and T. Schirmeister:
Synthesis, crystallization and electron density determination of electrophilic building blocks as model compounds for protease inhibitors.
DFG Prioty Program SPP 1178, 19.-21. July 2006, DESY HASYLAB in Hamburg.

TALK: T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich, S. Mebs and P. Luger:
Electron Density in the Life Sciences: Topological Properties if Vitamin B12 and its Coenzym.
DFG Prioty Program SPP 1178, 19.-21. July 2006, DESY HASYLAB in Hamburg.

TALK: P. Luger (eingeladener Vortrag):
Schnelle Elektronendichtebestimmung - eine Routinemethode der Zukunft?
14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Freiburg, 3.-6.April 2006.

TALK: S. Scheins, C. B. Hübschle, S. I.Troyanov, M. Weber, A. Wagner, T Korits{\'anszky, P. Luger:
Charge Density Investigations of the Highly Deformed Halogenated Fullerenes C60F18 and C60Cl30.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

TALK: C. B. Hübschle, P. Luger:
MOLISO a Program For Colour Mapped Isosurfaces.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

TALK: P. Luger (invited lecture):
Experimental Electron Densities and Quantitative Results.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

TALK: D. Förster, C. B. Hübschle, S. Scheins, D. Lentz and P. Luger:
Electron Density Analysis of unusual Bonds in Boronclusters: B10H12-bis-acetonitrile and B4H10.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

TALK: C. B. Hübschle, P. Luger:
MOLISO a Program For Colour Mapped Isosurfaces.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

TALK: P. Luger (invited lecture):
Experimental Aspects of High Resolution Data Collection For Charge Density Work.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

TALK: P. Luger Recent Advances in Experimental Electron Density Work: Derivation of Intramolecular and Hydrogen Bond Topological Properties.
Graduiertenkolleg 788 ''Hydrogen Bonding and Hydrogen Transfer'', 11.1.2006 FU Berlin.

POSTER: S. Mebs, T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich, P. Luger:
Charge Density of Vitamin B12 And its Coenzyme.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

POSTER: A. Hofmann, S. van Smaalen, E. Rödel, P. Luger:
Accurate charge density of Tri-alanine- A comparison of multipole refinement and MEM.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

POSTER: S. Scheins, C. B. Hübschle, S. I.Troyanov, M. Weber, A. Wagner, T Korits{\'anszky, P. Luger:
Charge Density Investigations of the Highly Deformed Halogenated Fullerenes C60F18 and C60Cl30.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

POSTER: S. Mebs, T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich and P. Luger:
Charge Density on Vitamin B12 And its Coenzyme.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

POSTER: C.B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich and P. Luger:
Visualization of experimental charge density properties with MOLISO.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

POSTER: D. Förster, C.B. Hübschle, D. Lentz and P. Luger:
Electron Density Analysis of Unusual Bonds in Boronclusters.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

POSTER: T. Schirmeister, T. Pfeuffer, L. Chechinska, M. Weber, S. Grabowsky, P. Luger:
Synthesis, crystallization and electron density determination of electrophilic building blocks as model compounds for protease inhibitors.
Tagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Oktober 2006 in Marburg.

POSTER: L. Chechinska, S. Mebs, C. B. Hübschle, D. Förster, W. Morgenroth, P. Luger:
Reproducibility and Transferability of Topological Data
Experimental Charge Density Study of Two Modifications of L-alanyl-L-tyrosyl-L-alanine.
XVIII International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC-18), Warsaw, Poland, 20-25. August 2006.

POSTER: C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt und P. Luger:
Electron density of some nucleosides and a base pair.
Sagamore XV, 13-18. August 2006.

POSTER: L. Chechinska, D. Förster, E. Rödel, S. Scheins, R. Kalinowski, S. Mebs, C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich, W. Morgenroth, C. Paulmann, and P. Luger:
Recent experimental and methodical advances in the charge density studies on tripeptides of the type Ala--Xxx--Ala.
Tag der Chemie 2006, Ort: TU Berlin 28. Juni 2006.

POSTER: D. Förster, C.B. Hübschle, D. Lentz and P. Luger:
Electron Density Analysis of Unusual Bonds in Boronclusters.
Tag der Chemie 2006, Ort: TU Berlin 28. Juni 2006.

POSTER: C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich and P. Luger:
Visualisierung von experimentell bestimmten Ladungsdichte-Eigenschaften mit MOLISO.
Tag der Chemie 2006, Ort: TU Berlin 28. Juni 2006.

POSTER: S. Mebs, T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich and P. Luger:
Charge Density on Vitamin B12 And its Coenzyme.
Tag der Chemie 2006, Ort: TU Berlin 28. Juni 2006.

POSTER: S. Scheins, C. B. Hübschle, S. I.Troyanov, M. Weber, A. Wagner, T Korits{\'anszky, P. Luger:
Charge Density Investigations of the Highly Deformed Halogenated Fullerenes C60F18 and C60Cl30.
Tag der Chemie 2006, Ort: TU Berlin 28. Juni 2006.

POSTER: A. Hofmann, S. van Smaalen, E. Rödel, P. Luger:
Accurate charge density of Tri-alanine- A comparison of multipole refinement and MEM.
14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Freiburg, 3.-6.April 2006.

POSTER: C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich und P. Luger·
Visualisierung von experimentell bestimmten Ladungsdichte-Eigenschaften mit MOLISO.
14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) in Freiburg, 3.-6.April 2006.

POSTER: L. Chechinska, D. Förster, E. Rödel, S. Scheins, R. Kalinowski, S. Mebs, C. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich, W. Morgenroth, C. Paulmann, and P. Luger:
Recent experimental and methodical advances in the charge density studies on tripeptides of the type Ala--Xxx--Ala.
AK14 (DGK) The Workshop ''Electron Density - Theory and Applications, Computational Crystallography, in Aachen, 19.-21.2.2006.

POSTER: S. Mebs, T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich, P. Luger:
Charge Density of Vitamin B12 And its Coenzyme.
''4th European Charge Density Meeting'' (ECDM IV), 25.1.-28.1.2006, in Brandenburg/Havel, Germany.

L. Jundt, H. Steinmetz, P. Luger, M. Weber, B. Kunze, H. Reichenbach, G. Höfle:
Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Cruentaren A and B - novel Members of the Benzolactone Class of ATPase Inhibitors from the Myxobacterium Byssovorax cruenta.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2006), 5036-5044.

C.B. Hübschle and P. Luger:
MolIso - A program for colour mapped iso-surfaces.
J. Appl. Cryst. 39(2006), 901-904.

R. Kingsford-Adaboh, B. Dittrich, C.B. Hübschle, W.S.K. Gbewonyo, H Okamoto, M Kimura, H Ishida
Invariom structure refinement, electrostatic potential and toxicity of 4-O-methylalpinumisoflavone, O,O-dimethylalpinumisoflavone and 5-O-methyl-4-O-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)alpinum-isoflavone
ACTA Cryst. B62(2006) 843-849.

B. Dittrich, C. B. Hübschle, P. Luger and M. A. Spackman:
Introduction and validation of an invariom database for amino-acid,peptide and proteinmolecules.
Acta Cryst. D62(2006), 1325-1335.

L. Checinska, S. Mebs, C.B. Hübschle, D. Föster, W. Morgenroth, P. Luger:
Reproducibility and transferability of topological data: experimental charge density study of two modifications of L-alanyl-L-tyrosyl-L-alanine.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 4(2006), 3242 - 3251.

S. Mebs, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Experimental Charge Density of a L-Phenylalanine Formic Acid Complex with a Short Hydrogen Bond determined at 25K.
Z. Krist. 221(2006), 656-664.

L. Checinska, D. Föster, W. Morgenroth, P. Luger:
Two modifications of L-alanyl-L-tyrosyl-L-alanine with the different solvent molecules in the crystal lattice.
Acta Cryst. C62(2006), o454-o457.

E. Rödel, M. Messerschmidt, B. Dittrich, P. Luger:
Atomic and bond topological properties of the tripeptide L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine based on its experimental charge density obtained at 20 K.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 4 (2006), 475 - 4


TALK: P. Luger:
Atomic and bond topological properties of strained carbon ring and cage systems based on experimental and theoretical electron density studies.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

TALK: P. Luger (eingeladener Vortrag):
Experimente zur Elektronendichtebestimmung von gespannten Kohlenstoffkäfigverbindungen.Göttingen, 21.Juni 2005.

POSTER: A. Lüth, W. Löwe, M. Weber, P. Luger:
Syntheses of Substituted 4-(Indol-3-yl)quinazolines, a New Class of EGFR-Tyrosine-Kinase Inhibitors.
20. Internationaler Kongreß für Heterocyklische Chemie, 2005, Palermo, Italien.

POSTER: T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich, S. Mebs, P. Luger:
Experimental Charge Density Study on Vitamin B12.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

POSTER: C.B. Hübschle, P. Luger:
Thymidin Invariom Transfer and Multipole Refinement of 20K data set, a Comparison.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

POSTER: S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Comparing charge densities of opioids: morphine, codeine and dextrometorphane.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

POSTER: S. Mebs, Ch. Hübschle, P. Luger:
Charge density of Amino Acids with strong hydrogen bonds: A comparative study.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

POSTER: D. Förster, E. Rödel, P. Luger:
Comparative charge density on tripeptides of the Ala-Xxx-Ala-type.
XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence, 23-31 August 2005.

POSTER: S. Meps, D. Förster, P. Luger
Kann man Elektronen sehen?
Science Fair: Forschungsausstellung der Freien Universität Berlin, 2.-4.Juni 2005.

POSTER: Ch.B. Hübschle, A. Wagner, S. Scheins, M. Weber, W. Morgenroth, P. Luger, S.I. Troyanov
Goldene Zeiten der Elektronendichtebestimmung: Hochaufgelöste Röntgenbeugungsexperimente im Stundentakt.
Workshop zum Cluster '' Moleküle'' in Berlin, 1. Juni 2005.

POSTER: Ch.B. Hübschle, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichtebestimmung an arachno-Tetraboran (B4H10 bei 100 K.
13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Köln, März 2005.

POSTER: S. Mebs, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Ladungsdichtestudie an einem Komplex aus L-Phenylalanin und Ameisensäure mit starker Wasserstoffbrücke.
13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Köln, März 2005.

POSTER: D. Förster, E. Rödel, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Vergleichende Ladungsdichtestudien an Tripeptiden der Form Ala-Xxx-Ala.
13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Köln, März 2005.

P. Luger, A. Wagner, Ch. B. Hübschle, S. I. Troyanov:
Experimental Advances for High Speed Evaluation of Electron Densities.
J. Phys. Chem. A109(2005), 10177-10179.

P. Luger:
Kap. 2 des Lehrbuches der Experimentalphysik von Bergmann und Schäfer, Band 6: Festkörper, 2.Auflage, Hrsg. R. Kassing, W. de Gruyter, Berlin,New York, 2005, pp. 111 - 203.

N. Stanley, P.T. Muthiah, P. Luger, M. Weber, S.J. Geib:
Metal-nucleobase interactions: Interplay of coordination and hydrogen bonding in cadmium (II) complexes on N6-substituted adenines.
Inorg. Chem. Comm. 8(2005),1056 - 1059.

S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt, and P. Luger:
Submolecular partitioning of morphine hydrate based on its experimental charge density at 25 K.
Acta Cryst. B61(2005), 443-448.

D. Förster, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
L-Alanylglycyl-L-alanine monohydrate at 20 K.
Acta Crystallogr. C61(2005), 0420-0421.

M. Messerschmidt, S. Scheins, L. Grubert, M. Pätzel, G. Szeimies, C. Paulmann, and P. Luger:
Electron Density and Bonding at Inverted Carbon Atoms: An Experimental Study of a [1.1.1]Propellane Derivative.
Angew. Chem. 117(2005), 3993-3997.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

B. Dittrich, C.B. Hübschle, M. Messerschmidt, R. Kalinowski, D. Girnt, P.Luger:
The Invariom Model and its Application: Refinement of d,l-Serine at Different Temperatures and Resolution.
Acta Crystallogr. A61(2005), 314 - 320.

N. Stanley, P.T. Muthiah, S.J. Geib, P. Luger, M. Weber and M. Messerschmidt:
The Novel Hydrogen Bonding Motifs and Supramolecular Patterns in 2,4-diaminopyrimidine-nitrobenzoate Complexes.
Tetrahedron 61(2005), 7201-7210.

M. Messerschmidt, S. Scheins, P. luger:
Charge density of (-)-strychnine from 100 to 15 K, a comparison of four data sets.
Acta Crystallogr. B61(2005), 115-121.



TALK: P. Luger, M. Messerschmidt, S. Scheins and B. Dittrich:
Topology and Submolecular Partitioning of Biologically Active molecules Based on Experimental Charge Density Determination at 100 K and at 20 K.
The Sixth Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, AsCA'04, China (HongKong), 27-30 June 2004.

TALK: B. Dittrich, T. Koritsanszky und P. Luger:
Invariome: Ein einfacher Zugang zu asphärischen Elektronendichten für Standard- Kristallstrukturen.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Jena, März 2004.

TALK: M. Messerschmidt und P. Luger:
Ladungsdichte an Phosphorpentoxid.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Jena, März 2004.

TALK: C.B. Hübschle, M. Messerschmidt, D. Lentz und P. Luger:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichtebestimmung an beta-Diboran (B2H6) bei 95 K.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Jena, März 2004.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger, E.R.T. Tiekink, W. Klooster:
Charge density of dimeric bis(N,N-diethyldithiocarbamato)zine by combination of 100K neutron with 20K x-ray diffraction.
ECM22, 22nd European Crystallographic Meeting, 26.-31. August 2004 in Budapest, Hungary.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, C.B. Hübschle, M. Strumpel, P. Luger:
Invarioms for Automated Low Order Data Charge Density Analysis:
Optimizing Conditions.

ECM22, 22nd European Crystallographic Meeting, 26.-31. August 2004 in Budapest, Hungary.

POSTER: S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Atomare eigenschaften von Morphin-Hydrat.
Tag der Chemie, Potsdam, 7. Juli 2004.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, C.B. Hübschle,P. Luger:
Invarioms for Automated Low Order Data Charge Density Analysis.
Tag der Chemie, Potsdam, 7. Juli 2004.

POSTER: S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Charge density analysis of the opioids morphine hydrate and codeine from high resolution X-ray data measured at 25 K.
Gordon-Research-Conference in Boston, USA, July 2004.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt, S. Scheins, P. Luger:
Charge density of 2-adamantyl-4,5-(prop-1,3-diyl)-[1.1.1]propellane.
Gordon-Research-Conference in Boston, USA, July 2004.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, M. Spackman and P. Luger:
Invarioms for Automated Low Order Data Charge Density Analysis.
The Sixth Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, AsCA'04, China (HongKong), 27-30 June 2004.

POSTER: S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt:
Atomare Eigenschaften von Morphin-Hydrat.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Jena, März 2004.

D. Lentz, A. Bach, J. Buschmann, P. Luger, M. Messerschmidt:
Crystal and Molecular Structures and Experimental Charge Density Determination of Fluorinated Ethenes.
Chem. Eur. J. 10(2004), 5059-5066.

R. Dutta, D. Mandal, N. Panda, N.B. Mondal, S. Benerjee, S. Kumar, M. Weber, P. Luger, N.P. Sahu:
General methodology for synthesis of fused tricyclic oxazino-2-quinolones under phase-transfer catalyzed conditions.
Tetrah. Lett. 45(2004), 9361-9364.

J. Buschmann, D. Lentz, P. Luger, G. Perpetuo, D. Preugschat, J.S. Thasher, H. Willner, H.-J. Wölk:
Crystal and Molecular Structues of the Pentafluorosulfanyl Compounds, SF5X (X= -NC, -CN, -NCO, -NCS and -NCCl2) by X-ray Diffraction at Low Temperature.
Z. Allg. Anorg. Chem. 630(2004), 1136-1142.

Ch. Hübschle, M. Messerschmidt, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Neubestimmung der Ladungsdichte und topologische Analyse von beta-Diboran bei 94 K.
Z. Allg. Anorg. Chem. 630(2004), 1313 - 1316.

P. Luger, M. Messerschmidt, S. Scheins, A. Wagner:
High Resolution Synchrotron Data Collection for Charge Density Work at 100 K and 20 K.
Acta Cryst. A60(2004), 390 - 396.

A. Wagner, R. Flaig, B. Dittrich, H. Schmidt, T. Koritsanszky and P. Luger:
Charge Density and Experimental Electrostatic Potentials of two Penicillin Derivatives.
Chem. Eur. J. 10(2004), 2977-2982.

C. Hübschle, M. Messerschmidt and P. Luger:
Crystal structure of DL-Tryptophan at 173 K.
Cryst. Res. Technol. 39(2004), 274 - 278.

S. Scheins, B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, C. Paulmann and P. Luger:
Atomic volumes and charges in a system with a strong hydrogen bond: L-Tryptophan formic acid.
Acta Crystallogr. B60(2004), 184-190.

C. Azap, P. Luger, H.-U. Reißig, A. Wagner:
Crystal structure of 4,7,8'-trimethoxy-3-hydroxyspiro[1-benzofuran-2.2'-chromane] chloroform disolvate, C19H20O6 2 CHCl3.
Z. Kristallogr. NCS 219(2004), 495-496.

C. Azap, P. Luger, H.-U. Reißig, A. Wagner:
Crystal structure of 4,7-dimethoxy-3-hydroxyspiro[1-benzofuran-2.2'-chromane] chloroform solvate (1:1/3), C18H18O5 1/3 CHCl3.
Z. Kristallogr. NCS 219(2004), 492-494.

R. Albuschat, W. Löwe, M. Weber, P. Luger, V. Jendrossek:
4-Anilinoquinazolines with Lavendustin A subunit as inhibitors of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase: syntheses, chemical and pharmacological properties.
Eur. J. Med. Chem. 39(2004), 1001-1011.

B. Dittrich, T. Koritsanszky and P. Luger:
Ein einfacher Zugang zu asphärischen Elektronendichten mit Hilfe von Invariomen.
Angew. Chem. 116 (2004), 2773 - 2776;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 43 (2004), 2718 - 2721.



TALK: P. Luger (eingeladener Vortrag): Hydrogen Bonding Studies Based on Topological Properties of Experimental Charge Densities.
Graduiertenkolleg: "Wasserstoffbrücken", 26. Nov. 2003.

TALK: P. Luger (eingeladener Vortrag): Herleitung atomarer Eigenschaften aus experimentellen Elektronen\-dichte\-ver\-teilungen.
ChemKrist (Chemische Kristallographie), Workshop-Konferenz: ''Strukturbestimmung - Methodenkombination - Datenbanken'', 8.-11. Sept. 2003 in Leipzig.

TALK: T. Koritsanszky and P. Luger:
Chemical structure from experimental densities.
226th ACS National Meeting, New York, NY, Sept. 7-11, 2003, in New York.

TALK: M. Messerschmidt and P. Luger:
Charge Densities of Phosphorus Containing Compounds at 20 K.
Sagamore XIV Conference, August 2003, Broome, Australien.

TALK: P. Luger, M. Messerschmidt and S. Scheins:
High Resolution Synchrotron Data Collection for Charge Density Work at 100 K and 20 K.
ECDM-III, 3rd European Charge Density Meeting. 24-29 Juni 2003, Sandbjerg, Dänemark.

TALK: P. Luger, M. Patzsche, A. Bach, S. Scheins, M. Messerschmidt und M. Weber:
Atomare Volumina und Ladungen in fluorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen.
11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Berlin, März 2003.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, P. Luger, D. Jayatilaka:
Virtual Experiments for the Buildup of Aspherical Atom Scattering Factors Obtained by a Novel Partitioning Scheme and Application to a Tri-valine Structure.
Sagamore XIV Conference, August 2003, Broome, Australien.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
High resolution experiments at 20 K with a closed cycle helium cryostat.
Workshop on the Advanced Methods on X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, Buffalo, 12-17 May, 2003, USA.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichtestudie an Strychnin bei 100 und 15K.
11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Berlin, März 2003.

F. Akkerman, J. Buschmann, D. Lentz, P. Luger and E. Rödel:
Crystal and molecular structure of 1,2-difluoroethane and 1,2-diiodoethane.
J. Chem. Cryst. 33(2003), S. 969-975.

N. Panda, N.b. Mondal, S. Banerjee, N.P. Sahu, K. koike, T. Nikaido, M. Weber and P. Luger
Polyhydroxy Pregnanes from Dregea Bolubilis.
Tetrahedron 59(2003), S.8399-8403.

B. Dittrich, S. Scheins, C. Paulmann and P. Luger
Transferability of atomic volumes and charges in the peptide bond region in the solid state.
J. Phys. Chem. A107(2003) S. 7471 - 7474.

M. Messerschmidt, I. Dix, M. Meyer and P. Luger
Ultra Low Temperature X-ray Data Collections with a Newly Developped 0.1 mm Kapton Film Cylinder for a Closed Cycle Helium Cryostat.
J. Appl. Crystallogr. 36(2003), S.1452 - 1454

V. Sethuraman, N. Stanley, P.T. Muthiah, W.S. Sheldrick, P. Luger and M. Weber
Isomorphism and Crystal Engineering: Organic Ionic Ladders Formed by Supramolecular Motifs in Pyrimethamine Salts.
J. Crystal Growth and Design, 5(2003) S. 823-828.

D. Lentz, M. Patzschke, A. Bach, S. Scheins and P. Luger
Experimental charge density of octafluoro-1,2-dimethylenecyclobutane: atomic volumes and charges in a perfluorinated hydrocarbon.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 1 (2003), 409-414.



TALK: P. Luger and B. Dittrich (invited Lecture):
Topology and Submolecular Partitioning of Experimental Charge Densities.
Conference on Electron Density: Measurement, Calculation, Application, 8.-10.10.2002 in Würzburg.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt and P. Luger:
Charge DEnsity of Strychnine at 15 and 100 K.
Conference on Electron Density: Measurement, Calculation, Application, 8.-10.10.2002 in Würzburg.

POSTER: S. Scheins, B. Dittrich, P. Luger, C. Paulmann, H. Quast:
Topological Analysis of 2,4,6,8-Tetraphenylbarbaralane based on a Synchrotron/CCD Area Detector Experiment at 110 K.
XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 6-15 2002.

POSTER: M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Development of a Vacuum Chamber for an Closed Cycle Helium Cryostat with Minimum Background.
XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 6-15 2002.

POSTER: A. Wagner, R. Flaig, D. Zobel, B. Dittrich, P. Luger, H.-G. Krane, T. Koritsanszky:
Charge Density of a Fullerene Derivative Based on a High Resolution Synchrotron Diffraction Experiment at 100 K.
XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 6-15 2002.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, J. McKinnon, M. Spackman, P. Luger:
Segmentation and Electronic Properties of Four Dipeptides - A Comparison.
XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 6-15 2002.

POSTER: P. Luger, A. Bach, B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, A. Wagner:
Charge Density and Topological Properties of Larger Molecules of Biological Interest.
XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 6-15 2002.

POSTER: A. Bach, P. Luger:
Ladungsdichte und Topologische Analyse an Adenosin-5'-monophosphat.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Kiel, März 2002.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, J. McKinnon, M. Spackman, P. Luger: Segmentierung und elektronische Eigenschaften von Dipeptiden im Vergleich.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Kiel, März 2002.

POSTER: P. Luger, B. Dittrich, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, T. Koritsanszky:
Charge Density Studies on Larger Molecules of More than 50 Atoms With Conventional and Synchrotron Radiation.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Kiel, März 2002.

N. Stanley, V. Sethuraman, P.Th. Muthiah, P. Luger and M. Weber
Crystal Engineering of Organic Salts: Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Motifs in Pyrimethamine Hydrogen Glutarate and Pyrimethamine Formate
Crystal Growth and Design 2 (2002), 631-635.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Ch. B. Hübschle, B. Dittrich, P. Luger
L-Tryptophan Formic Acid Solvate at 183 K
Acta Cryst. C58 (2002), 540-542.
[Full Article - PDF]

P. Luger
Crystallograper's Address to the Taxpayer
Z. Kristallogr. 217 (2002), 346-347.

R. Kingsford-Adaboh, B. Dittrich, A. Wagner, M. Messerschmidt, R. Flaig, P. Luger
Topological Analysis of DL-arginine monohydrate at 100K.
Z. Kristallogr. 217 (2002), 168-173.

B. Dittrich, T. Koritsanszky, M. Grosche, W. Scherer, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, H.-G. Krane, H. Kessler, C. Riemer, A.M.M. Schreurs, P.Luger
Reproducability and Transferability of Topological Properties; Experimental Charge Density of the Hexapeptide Cyclo-(D,L-Pro)2-(L-Ala)4 Monohydrate.
Acta Cryst. B58 (2002), 721-727.
[Full Article - PDF]

P. Luger, M. Weber, N. X. Dung, V. T. Luu, D. D. Rang, D. T. Tuong, P. H. Ngoc
The Crystal Structure of 3-(4'-Methoxyphenyl)propanoyl pyrrole of Piper lolot C.DC from Vietnam.
Crys.Res. and Technol. 37 (2002), 627-633.
[Full Article - PDF]

A. Wagner, R. Flaig, D. Zobel, B. Dittrich, P. Bombicz, M. Strümpel, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky, H.-G. Krane
Structure and Charge Density of a C60-Fullerene Derivative Based on a High Resolution Synchrotron Diffraction Experiment at 100 K
J. Phys. Chem. A106 (2002), 6581-6590.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky, B. Dittrich, A. Wagner, P. Luger
Intra and Intermolecular Topological Properties of Amino Acids - A Comparative Study of Experimental and Theoretical Results.
J. Am. Chem. Soc 124 (2002), 3407-3417.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger, M. Messerschmidt, Ch. Olesch, M.Patzschke
Crystal Structure Analysis of 1,1,4,4-Tetrafluorobutadiene and Experimental Determination of the Charge Density of 1,1,4,4-Tetrafluorobutatriene.
Angew. Chem. 114 (2002), 311-314.
[Full Article - PDF] Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41(2002), 296-299.

M. Messerschmidt, A. Wagner, M.W. Wong, P. Luger
Atomic Properties of N2O4 Based on its Experimental Charge Density.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124 (2002), 732 - 733.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

R. Kingsford-Adaboh, B. Dittrich, A. Wagner, M. Messerschmidt, R. Flaig, P. Luger:
Topological Analysis of DL-arginine monohydrate at 100K.
Z. Kristallog. 217 (2002), 168-173.



TALK: A. Wagner, B. Dittrich, Schmidt, H.-G. Krane, P. Luger:
Ladungsdichteuntersuchung an Vitamin B12.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

TALK: M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Tieftemperaturkristallzüchtung und Ladungsdichteuntersuchung von Distickstofftetroxid (N2O4).
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

TALK: P. Luger (invited Lecture):
Recent Developments in Experimental Charge Density Studies.
Vortrag Dept. of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, December 2001.

TALK: B. Dittrich, P. Luger, J. McKinnon, M. Spackman (invited Lecture):
Group additivity in Oligopeptides? A study based on modified Hirshfeld surfaces.20th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM20, ''Crystallography in Natural Sciences and Technology,'' Poland/Krakow, August 2001.

POSTER: P. Luger, M. Weber, G. Szeimies, M. Pätzel:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichte und topologische Analyse eines (1.1.) Bicyclopentanderivats.
''Tag der Chemie'', Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, 7. November 2001.

POSTER: P. Luger, B. Dittrich, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, T. Koritsanszky:
Charge Density Studies on Larger Molecules of More than 50 Atoms With Conventional and Synchrotron Radiation.
''Tag der Chemie'', Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, 7. November 2001.

POSTER: B. Dittrich,J. McKinnon, M. Spackman:
Group additivity in Oligopeptides approached with Hirshfeld surfaces.
''Tag der Chemie'', Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, 7. November 2001.

POSTER: W. Löwe, A. Lumetzberger, Ch. Dietrich, M. Weber, P. Luger:
Synthesis of (Z)-3-[(4-Oxo-4H-pyridine-2-yl)methylidenyl]indolin-2-one.
Internationaler Kongreß für Heterocyclic Chemistry, Yokohama/Japan, August 2001.

POSTER: A. Wagner, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky:
Towards the Charge Density of Penicillins
An Experimental and Theoretical Model Study.
Gordon Research Conference, in South Hadley/USA, Juli 2001.

POSTER: P. Luger, B. Dittrich, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, T. Koritsanszky (invited poster):
Charge Density Studies on Larger Molecules of More than 50 Atoms With Conventional and Synchrotron Radiation.
Gordon Research Conference, in South Hadley/USA, Juli 2001.

POSTER: P. Luger, M. Weber:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichte und topologische Analyse eines (1.1.1) Bicyclopentanderivats.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger, C. Paulmann, H. Schmidt, H.-G. Krane:
Probleme der Datensammlung und -reduktion bei CCD/Synchrotron Einkristallbeugungsexperimenten am HASYLAB/DESY.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger, N. Nickelt, S. Willemsen:
Kristallstrukturanalyse und experimentelle Ladungsdichtebestimmung fluorierter Alkene.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: A. Wagner, D. Zobel, T. Koritsanszky, P. Luger:
Experimental and theoretical Charge Density Study of non-centrosymmetric Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichtestudie an Pentafluorbenzoesäure.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: R. Kingsford-Adaboh, B. Dittrich, M. Grosche, P. Luger:
Electrostatic and Topological Analysis of DL-Arginine monohydrate at 100 K.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

POSTER: A. Wagner, D. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, H.-G. Krane, P. Luger:
Charge Density Determination of Vitamin B12 Based on a High Resolution Single Crystal Diffraction Experiment.
Hasylab Usermeeting in Hamburg, Jan. 2001.

W. Löwe, A. Lumetzberger, Ch. Dietrich, M. Weber, P. Luger:
Synthesis of (Z)-3-[(4-Oxo-4H-pyridine-2-yl)methylidenyl]indolin-2-one.
Internationaler Kongreß für Heterocyclic Chemistry, Yokohama/Japan, August 2001.

A. Wagner, P. Luger, T. Koritsánszky:
Towards the Charge Density of Penicillins
An Experimental and Theoretical Model Study.

Gordon Research Conference, in South Hadley/USA, Juli 2001.

P. Luger, B. Dittrich, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, T. Koritsanszky:
Charge Density Studies on Larger Molecules of More than 50 Atoms With Conventional and Synchrotron Radiation.
Gordon Research Conference, in South Hadley/USA, Juli 2001.

P. Luger, M. Weber:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichte und topologische Analyse eines (1.1.1) Bicyclopentanderivats.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

B. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger, C. Paulmann, H. Schmidt, H.-G. Krane:
Probleme der Datensammlung und -reduktion bei CCD/Synchrotron Einkristallbeugungsexperimenten am HASYLAB/DESY.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger, N. Nickelt, S. Willemsen:
Kristallstrukturanalyse und experimentelle Ladungsdichtebestimmung fluorierter Alkene.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

A. Wagner, D. Zobel, T. Koritsanszky, P. Luger:
Experimental and theoretical Charge Density Study of non-centrosymmetric Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Experimentelle Ladungsdichtestudie an Pentafluorbenzoesäure.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

R. Kingsford-Adaboh, B. Dittrich, M. Grosche, P. Luger:
Electrostatic and Topological Analysis of DL-Arginine monohydrate at 100 K.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001. A. Wagner, D. Dittrich, M. Messerschmidt, H.-G. Krane, P. Luger:
Charge Density Determination of Vitamin B12 Based on a High Resolution Single Crystal Diffraction Experiment.
Hasylab Usermeeting in Hamburg, Jan. 2001. B. Dittrich, P. Luger, J. McKinnon, M. Spackman (invited Lecture):
Group additivity in Oligopeptides? A study based on modified Hirshfeld surfaces.20th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM20, ''Crystallography in Natural Sciences and Technology,'' Poland/Krakow, August 2001.

A. Wagner, B. Dittrich, Schmidt, H.-G. Krane, P. Luger:
Ladungsdichteuntersuchung an Vitamin B12.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

M. Messerschmidt, P. Luger:
Tieftemperaturkristallzüchtung und Ladungsdichteuntersuchung von Distickstofftetroxid (N2O4)
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Kristallographie (DGK) in Bayreuth, 2001.

A. Bach, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Charge Density and Topological Analysis of Pentafluorobenzoic Acid.
J. Phys. Chem. A105 (2001), 7405-7412.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

P. Luger, M. Weber, G. Szeimies, M. Pätzel:
Experimental charge density and topological properties of 3-(tert-butyloxycarbonylamino)bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanecarboxylic acid.
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans II (2001), 1956 - 1960.
[Full Article -PDF]

W. Löwe, S.A. Brätter, M. Weber, P. Luger, J. Buddrus:
The Chemistry of the Highly Reactive 2,6-Bis(bromomethyl)-4-pyrone.
J. Heterocyc. Chem. 38 (2001), 365-370.

R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky, R. Soyka, L. Häming, P. Luger:
Electronic Insight into an Antithrombotic Agent by High-Resolution X-Ray Crystallography.
Angew. Chem. 113 (2001), 368-371.
[Abstract] [Full Article -PDF]
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 40(2001), 355-359. A. Wagner, P. Luger:
Charge Density and Topological Analysis of L-Glutamine.
J. Mol. Struct. 595 (2001), 39-46.
[Full Article - PDF]

R. Kingsford-Adaboh, P. Osei-Fosu, W.A. Asomaning, M. Weber,P. Luger:
The Crystal Structures of O,O-Dimethylalpinumisoflavone and 5-O-Methyl-4'-O-(3-methyl-but-2-en-1-yl)alpinumisoflavone.
Cryst. Res. Technol. 36 (2001), 107-115.
[A bstract] [Full Article - PDF]



TALK: P. Luger (invited Lecture):
Structure and Charge Density Studies on Fullerenes from High Resolution Synchrotron Diffraction Experiments.
CARBONO 2000, Ouro Preto/Brazil, October, 2000.

TALK: P. Luger (invited Lecture):
Recent Developments in Experimental Charge Density Determination.
Vortrag Dept. of Chemistry, University Federal Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte/Brazil, October, 2000.

TALK: B. Dittrich, R. Flaig, A. Wagner, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky, H-G. Krane, H. Schmidt:
A Charge Density Study on Vitamin B12.
19th European Christallographic Meeting, Nancy, France, August 2000.

TALK: P. Luger (eingeladener Vortrag):
Synchrotronstrahlung in der Kristallographie.
Workshop des Komitees für Synchrotronstrahlung (KFS), 7.7.2000, Berlin-Adlershof.

TALK: B. Dittrich, M. Grosche, W. Scherer, H.-G. Krane, P. Luger:
Topologische Eigenschaften der Elektronendichte eines Hexapeptides - Resultate zweier CCD Experimente.8. Jahrestagung DGK in Aachen, März 2000.

TALK: R. Flaig, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky:
Topologische Analyse intermolekularer Wechselwirkungen in Aminosäuren.
8. Jahrestagung DGK in Aachen, März 2000.

TALK: D. Zobel, A.H. Wagner, B. Dittrich, P. Luger, M. Strumpel, H.-G. Krane, T. Koritsanszky:
Elektronendichtestudie eines hexasubstituierten C60-Fullerenderivates.
8. Jahrestagung DGK in Aachen, März 2000.

POSTER: H. Stark, B. Sadek, X. Ligneau, S. Elz, H. Pertz, P. Luger, C.R. Ganellin, J.-M. Arrang, J.-C. Schwartz, W. Schunack:
Highly Active and Selective Histamine H3-Receptor Antagonists of the Imoproxifan Series.
XVIth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Bologna/Italy, Sept. 2000.

POSTER: R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky, P. Luger:
Charge Density Studies of the Amino Acids DL-Lysine.HCl, DL-Serine and DL-Valine Based on High-Resolution Synchrotron Data Sets.
SAGAMORE XIII, Conference on Charge Spin and Monumentum Densities, Stare Jablonski, Poland, September 2000.

POSTER: B. Dittrich, A. Wagner, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky, H-G. Krane, H. Schmidt:
Oligopeptides and their Building Blocks: A Comparison of Charge Density Studies.SAGAMORE XIII, Conference on Charge Spin and Monumentum Densities, Stare Jablonski, Poland, September 2000.

POSTER: A. Wagner, P. Luger, T. Koritsanszky:
Charge Density Determination of non-centrosymmetric Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid.
Indaba III, Workshop on Symmetry and Structure, Skukuza, South Africa, August 2000.

POSTER: D. Lentz, M. Patzschke:
Perfluoro-1,2-Dimethylenecyclobutane - Properties and Coordination Chemistry.
16. International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Durham, UK, July 2000.

POSTER: D. Lentz, S. Willemsen:
Organometallic Chemistry of Fluorinated Allenes.16. International Symposium of Fluorine Chemistry, Durham, UK, July 2000.

POSTER: A. Bach, J. Buschmann, D. Lentz, P. Luger, N. Nickelt, S. Willemsen:
X-Ray Crystal Structure and Experimental Electronic Density Determination of Fluorinated Alkenes.16. International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Durham, UK, July 2000.

POSTER: A. Wagner, R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky, P. Luger:
Ladungsdichteuntersuchungen an Penicillinderivaten.
8. Jahrestagung DGK in Aachen, März 2000.

POSTER: R. Flaig, T. Koritsanszky, P. Luger:
High-resolution charge density studies of the amino acids DL-Lysine.HCl, DL-Serine and DL-Valine.
19th European Christallographic Meeting, Nancy, France, August 2000.

POSTER: A. Bach, J. Buschmann, D. Lentz, P. Luger:
Tieftemperatur-Kristallisation, Struktur- und Ladungsdichtestudien an einigen fluorierten Alkenen.
8. Jahrestagung DGK in Aachen, März 2000.

Stark, Holger; Sadek, Bassem; Ligneau, Xavier; Elz, Sigurd; Pertz, Heinz H.; Luger, Peter; Ganellin, C. Robin; Arrang, Jean-Michel; Schwartz,Jean-Charles; Schunack, Walter
Highly Active and Selective Histamine H-Receptor Antagonists of the Imoproxifan Series
XVIth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Bologna/Italy, Sept. 2000.

Luger, Peter
Recent Developments in Experimental Charge Density Determination
Belo Horizonte/Brazil, (2000).

Luger, Peter
Synchrotronstrahlung in der Kristallographie
Workshop des Komitees für Synchrotronstrahlung (KFS), 7.7.2000, Berlin-Adlershof.

Wagner, Armin; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Charge Density Determination of non-centrosymmetric Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid
Indaba III, Workshop on Symmetry and Structure, Skukuza/South Africa, (2000), Abstractbook. S. 100.

Luger, Peter
Structure and Charge Density Studies on Fullerenes from High Resolution Synchrotron Diffraction Experiments.
Abstractbook of ''Carbono 2000'' in Ouro Preto/Brazil, October 2000, S. 16.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter
Charge Density Studies of the Amino Acids DL-LysineHCl, DL-Serine and DL-Valine Based on High-Resolution Synchrotron Data Sets
SAGAMORE XIII, Conference on Charge Spin and Monumentum Densities, Stare Jablonski/Poland, (2000), Book of Abstract, S. 96.

Dittrich, Birger; Wagner, Armin; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Krane, Hans-Georg; Schmidt, Horst
Oligopeptides and their Building Blocks: A Comparison of Charge Density Studies
SAGAMORE XIII, Conference on Charge Spin and Monumentum Densities, Stare Jablonski/Poland, (2000), Book of Abstract, S. 98.

Lentz, Dieter; Patzschke, M.
Perfluoro-1,2-Dimethylenecyclobutane - Properties and Coordination Chemistry
16. International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Durham/UK (2000), Abstractbook, S. 1P-106.

Lentz, Dieter; Willemsen, Stefan
Organometallic Chemistry of Fluorinated Allenes
16. International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Durham/UK (2000), Abstractbook, S. 1P-105.

Bach, Ansgar; Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Nickelt, Natascha; Willemsen, Stefan
X-Ray Crystal Structure and Experimental Electronic Density Determination of Fluorinated Alkenes
16. International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Durham/UK (2000), Abstractbook, S. C35.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter
High-resolution charge density studies of the amino acids DL-lysineHCl, DL-serine and DL-valine
19th European Christallographic Meeting, Nancy/France, (2000), Abstractbook, S. 183.

Dittrich, Birger; Flaig, Ralf; Wagner, Armin; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor;, Krane, Hans-Georg; Schmidt, Horst
A Charge Density Study on Vitamin B12
19th European Christallographic Meeting, Nancy/France, (2000), Abstractbook, S. 21.

Bach, Ansgar; Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter
Tieftemperatur-Kristallisation, Struktur- und Ladungsdichtestudien an einigen fluorierten Alkenen
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 17(2000), S. 61.

Wagner, Armin; Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor;, Luger, Peter
Ladungsdichteuntersuchungen an Penicillinderivaten
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 17(2000), S. 78.

Dittrich, Birger; Grosche, Manja; Scherer, Wolfgang; Krane, Hans-Georg; Luger, Peter
Topologische Eigenschaften der Elektronendichte eines Hexapeptides - Resultate zweier CCD Experimente
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 17(2000), S. 61.

Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Topologische Analyse intermolekularer Wechselwirkungen in Aminosäuren
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 17(2000), S. 60.

Zobel, Dieter; Wagner, Armin H.; Dittrich, Birger; Luger, Peter; Strumpel, Marianna; Krane, Hans-Georg; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Elektronendichtestudie eines hexasubstituierten C-Fullerenderivates
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 17(2000), S. 60.

Schneider, Johannes; Messerschmidt, Christian; Schulz, Andrea; Gnade, Michael; Schade, Boris; Luger, Peter; Bombicz, Petra; Hubert, Vera; Fuhrhop, Jürgen-H.
Odd-Even Effects in Supramolecular Assemblies of Diamide Bolaamphiphiles.
Langmuir 16 (2000), S. 8575-8584.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Mulzer, Johann; Langer, Oliver; Hiersemann, Martin; Bats, Jan W.; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter
Chiral Acetals as Stereoinductors: Diastereoface Selective Alkylation of Dihydrobenzoxazine-Derived Amide Enolates
Journal of Organic Chemistry 65 (2000), S. 6540-6546.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Bombicz, Petra; Birger, Dittrich; Strumpel, Marianna, Nabein, Hans-Peter; Luger, Peter
Recemic dipeptide glycyl-DL-leucine at 120 K
Acta Crystallographica C56 (2000), S. 1447-1449.

Mahato, Shashi B.; Garai, Subhadra; Weber, Manuela; Luger, Peter
A novel annelation to quinolines and isoquinolines under Friedel-Crafts reaction conditions: a one-step synthesis of functionalized pyridoquinolines
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transaction 1 (2000),S. 2898-2900.
[Full Article - PDF]

Mahato, Shashi B.; Garai, Subhadra; Weber, Manuela; Luger, Peter
Synthesis of novel 1-methylindole trimer and tetramer under Friedel-Crafts reaction conditions and determination of their structures by X-ray crystallography
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transaction 1 (2000), S. 2767-2769.
[Full Article - PDF]

Kingsford-Adaboh, Robert; Grosche, Manja; Dittrich, Birger; Luger, Peter
DL-Arginine monohydrate at 100 K
Acta Crystallographica C56 (2000), S. 1274-1276.

Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Röttger, Matthias; Oberhammer, Heinz
The Structures of Difluorodiisocyanatomethane, CF(NCO): X-Ray Crystallography, Gas Electron Diffraction, and Quantum Chemical Calculations
Journal of Physical Chemistry A104 (2000), S. 7123-7128.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Röttger, Matthias; Perpetuo, Genivaldo; Scharn, Dirk; Willemsen, Stefan
Synthese, Strukturuntersuchungen und Kordinationschemie von Isocyanacetonitril
Zeitschrift für Anorganische Allgemeine Chemie 626 (2000), 2107-2116.
[Full Article - PDF]

Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Nickelt, Natascha; Willemsen, Stefan
Crystal and Charge Density Studies on 1,1-difluoroallene and tetrafluoroallene
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 215 (2000), S. 487-494.

Bach, Ansgar; Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter
Low-temperature crystallization and X-ray structure determination of hexafluoropropene at 95 K
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 215 (2000), S. 518-522.

Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; Szeimies, Günter; Pätzel, Michael
3-(tert-Butyloxycarbonylamino)bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanecarboxylic acid at 293 K
Acta Crystallographica C56 (2000), S. 1170-1172.

Dittrich, Birger; Flaig, Ralf; T. Koritsanzky, Krane, Hans-Georg; Morgenroth, Wofgang; Luger, Peter
Topological Properties of the Peptide Bond in Glycyl-L-threonine Dihydrate Based on a Fast Synchrotron/CCD-Diffraction Experiment at 100 K
Chemistry A European Journal 6(2000), S. 2582-2589.
[Full Article - PDF]

Sasse, Astrid; Sadek, Bassem; Ligneau, Xavier; Elz, Sigurd; Pertz, Heinz H.; Luger, Peter; Ganellin, C. Robin; Arrang, Jean-Michel; Schwartz, Jean-Charles; Schunack, Walter; Stark, Holger
New Histamine -Receptor Ligands of the Proxifan-Series: Imoproxifan and other Selective Antagonists with High Oral in Vivo Potency and Receptor Selectivity of (R,S)-
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 43 (2000), S. 3335-3343.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Buschmann, Jürgen; Kleinhenz, Sven; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Krishnan V. Madappat, Preugschat, Dagmar; Thrasher, Joseph S.
Crystal and Molecular Structures of Trifluoroacrylonitrile, FC=CF-CN, and Trifluorovinyl Isocyanide,FC=CF-NC, by Low Temperature X-Ray Crystallography and Ab Initio Calculations
Inorganic Chemistry 39 (2000), S. 2807-2812.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Luger, Peter
Large Molecules from the Virtual Bakery: Filling a Gap in Structure Research
Bruker Report 148 (2000), S. 32-34.

Benesi, Alan; Bertermann, Rüdiger; Förster, Hans; Heubes, Markus; Jackman, Lloyd M.; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Mayer, Andreas; Quast, Helmut; Seefelder, Maximillian; Zobel, Dieter
Perturbation of Degeneracy of the Cope Rearrangement by the Crystal Lattice of the -Form of 1,5-Dimethylsemibullvalene-2,6-dicarbonitrile As Studies by Variable-Temperature Solid-State Carbon-13 Spectroscopy and X-Ray Crystallography at Cryogenic Temperatures
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (2000), S. 4455-4463.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; Dung, Nguyen Xuan; Ngoc, Phan H.; Tuong, Doan Thanh; Rang, Do Dinh
The Crystal Structure of Hop-17(21)-en-e-yl acetate of Pluchea pteropoda Hemsl. from Vietnam
Crystal Research and Technology 35 (2000), 355-362.

Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Röttger, Matthias
Acta Crystallographica C56 (2000), S. 121-122.

Koritsanszky, Tibor; Zobel, Dieter Luger, Peter
Topological Analysis of Experimental Electron Densities. Part 3. Potassium Hydrogen(+)-Tartrate at 15
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (2000), S. 1549-1556.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]


Löwe, Werner; Brätter, Stephanie; Weber Manuela and Luger, Peter
The Chemistry of the Multifunctional 2,6-Bis-bromomethyl-4-pyron
Doktorandentagung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Freiburg, März 1999.

Luger, Peter
Neue Möglichkeiten der experimentellen Elektronendichtebestimmung und ihrer topologischen Analyse
Vortrag in Achen, (1999).

Luger, Peter
New Aspects in Experimental Charge Density Work
37th IUPAC Congress/27th GDCh General Meeting, Berlin, (1999).

Luger, Peter
Experimental Charge Density Studies on Chemical Structures of Biological Importance
Honkong, China, March 1999.

Wagner, Armin; R.Flaig, Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Is there a Relationship Between the Charge Density and the Activity of Penicillins?
2nd European Charge Density Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, Abstractbook, (1999.), S. P2.

Dittrich, Birger; R.Flaig, Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Krane, Hans-Georg; Morgenroth, Wolfgang
From Amino Acids to Oligopeptides: A Comparison of Charge Density Studies
2nd European Charge Density Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, Abstractbook, (1999.), S. O2.

Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Toplological Analysis of Intermolecular Interactions of Amino Acids
2nd European Charge Density Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, Abstractbook, (1999.), S. O1.

Dittrich, Birger; Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter
From Aminoacids to Peptides - An Experimental Charge Density Study
Acta Crystallographica Supplement Issue No. A55, (1999), S. 516.

Wagner, Armin; Bombicz, Petra; Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Charge Density Study on three Penicillin Derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Supplement Issue No. A55, (1999), S. 515.

Zobel, Dieter; Stümpel, Marianna; Bombicz, Petra; Weber, Manuela; Flaig, Ralf and Luger, Peter
Structure and Charge Density Studies od a C60-Fullerene Derivative with Different Solvents
Acta Crystallographica Supplement Issue No. A55, (1999), S. 392.

Luger, Peter; Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Topological Properties of various amino acids: A comparative Study
Acta Crystallographica Supplement Issue No. A55, (1999), S. 38.

Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Charge Density Study of an Antithrombotic Drug - New Aspects in Drug Design
Acta Crystallographica Supplement Issue No. A55, (1999), S. 515.

Bombicz, Petra; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter; Dung, Nguen Xuan; Nam, Chu Ba
Crystal Structure of (1R,2S,5R)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-cyclohexanol, (-)-Menthol
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 16, (1999), S. 73.

Dittrich, Birger; Wagner, Armin; Flaig, Ralf; Luger, Peter; Morgenroth, Wolfgang; Krane, Hans-Georg
Ladungsdichte und topologische Eigenschaften der Peptidbindung in Glycyl-L-Threonin aus einem schnellen Synchrotron/CCD-Beugungsexperiment
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 16, (1999), S. 74.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Soyka, Rainer; Luger, Peter
Ladungsdichtestudie an einem antithrombotischen Wirkstoff - neue Aspekte in der Arzneimittelforschung
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 16, (1999), S. 75.

Koritsanszky, Tibor; Buschmann, Jürgen; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Perpetuo, Genivaldo and Röttger, Matthias:
Topological Analysis of the Experimental Electron Density of Diisocyanomethane at 115 K
Chemistry -A European JOurnal 5 (1999), S. 3413-3419.
[Full Article - PDF]

Luger, Peter and Weber, Manuela
Crystal Structure of D,L-cysteine at 298 K
Acta Crystallographica C55 (1999), S. 1882-1885.

Bombicz, Petra; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter; Dung, Nguen Xuan and Nam, Chu Ba
Crystal Structure of (1R,2S,5R)-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-cyclohexanol, (-)-menthol
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 214 (1999), S. 420-423.

Zobel, Dieter; Strümpel, Marianna; Luger, Peter; Duczek, Wolfram and Hans-J. Niclas
Crystal Structure of tert-butyl-6-methyl 8,9-(1,2-(60)fullereno) tricyclo(,4) non6-ene-carboxylate with CHCl3 and hexane solvent at 120 K
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 214 (1999), S. 413-419.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Janczak, Janek; Krane, Hans-Georg; Morgenroth Wofgang und Luger, Peter
Schnelle Experimente zur Ladungsdichtebestimmung: topologische Analyse und elektrostatisches Potential der Aminosäuren L-Asn, DL-Glu, DL-Ser und L-Thr
Angewandte Chemie 111 (1999), S. 1494-1497.
[Full Article - PDF]
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 38(1999), S. 1397-1400.

Soyka, Rainer; Guth, Brian D.; Weisenberger, Hans M.; Luger, Peter and Müller, Thomas H.
Guanidine Derivatives as Combined Thromboxane A2 Receptor Antagonists and Synthase Inhibitors
Journal of Medical Chemistry 42 (1999), S. 1235-1249.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Williams, Richard V.; Gadgil, Vijay R.; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor and Weber, Manuela
The Search for Homoaromatic Semibullvalenes. Part 6.1 X-Ray Structure and Charge Density Studies of 1,5-Dimethyl-2,4,6,8-semibullvalenetetracarboxylic Dianhydride in the Temperature Range 123-15 K
Journal of Organic Chemistry 64 (1999), S. 1180-190.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Perpetuo, Genivaldo J.; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter; Lentz, Dieter; Dreissig, Wolfgang
Low-Temperature Crystallization and Structure Determination of N-Trifluoromethyl Formamide, N-2,2,2-Trifluoromethyl Formamide and 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl Isocyanide
Acta Crystallographica B55 (1999), S. 70-77.


Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter; Morgenroth Wofgang und Krane, Hans-Georg
Synchrotron/CCD-experiments for experimental charge density determination
Hasylab Usermeeting in Hamburg, (1998).

Luger, Peter
Strategien zur Bestimmung topologischer und elektronischer
Eigenschaften chemischer Strukturen
KSAM-Symposium in Paderborn, Sept. 1998.

Luger, Peter
Ladungsdichtebestimmung mit Flächendetektoren und Synchrotronstrahlung
München, 1998.

Löwe, Werner; Brätter, Stephanie; Weber, Manuela; und Luger, Peter
Reactivity of 2,6-Dibromomethyl-4-pyrone Towards Various Alkoxide Nucleophiles: Ringtransformations of the 4-Pyrone-Heterocycle
18. ECHC (European Colloquium of Heterocyclic Chemistry), (1998), in Rouen (Frankreich).

Buschmann, Jürgen; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Lentz, Dieter; Nickelt, Nathan und Willemsen, Sabine
Structure of and Charge Density Studies on Fluorinated Alkenes
12th European Symposium on Florine Chemistry, Berlin, Abstractbook, (1998), S. PI-84.

Janczak, Janek; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Zobel Dieter und Flaig, Ralf
Electrostatic Potential of L-Threonine: Experimental and Theoretical Results
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 15, (1998), S. 71.

Koritsanszky, Tibor
Rigid-Link Constraints in Multipole Refinements
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 15, (1998), S. 198.

Koritsanszky, Tibor; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter und Lentz, Dieter
Constrained Multipole Refinements and Experimental Electron Densities of Difluoro-Allene and Diisocyano-Methane
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 15, (1998), S. 72.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter; W. Morgenroth, Wofgang und Krane, Hans-Georg
Synchrotron/CCD-Experimente zur experimentellen Ladungsdichtebestimmung
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 15, (1998), S. 69.

Zobel, Dieter; Strümpel, Marianna; Ramm, Matthias; Luger, Peter; Mattay, Jochen; Averdung, Johannes und Duczek, Wolfram
Deformationen einiger C60<-Kugeln durch Substituenten
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Supplement Issue No. 15, (1998), S. 75.

Grell, Wolfgang; Hurnaus, Rudolf; Griss, Gerhart; Sauter, Robert; Rupprecht, Eckhard; Mark, Michael; Luger, Peter; Nar, Herbert; Wittneben, Helmut; Müller, Peter
Repaglinide and Related Hypoglycemic Benzoic Acid Derivatives
Journal of Medical Chemistry 41 (1998), S. 5219-5246.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

Luger, Peter
Große Moleküle aus der virtuellen Backstube - eine Lücke in der Strukturforschung wird geschlossen
Angewandte Chemie 110 (1998), S. 3548-3551.
[Full Article - PDF] Angewandte Chemie International Edition 38(1998), S. 3353-3357.

Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela;, Dung, Nguyen Xuan; Moi, La Dinh; Khoi, Khoi und Phuong, Doan Lan
X-ray Structure of (-)-Tetrahydropalmatine Monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica C54(1998), 1977-1980.

Steudel, Ralf; Schumann, Oliver; Buschmann, Jürgen und Luger, Peter
A New Allotrope of Elemental Sulfur: Convenient Prerararion of cyclo-S14 from S8
Angewandte Chemie110 (1998), S. 2502-2504.
[Full Article - PDF] Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37(1998), S. 2377-2378.

Mulzer, Johann; Schein, Katrin; Bats, Jan W.; Buschmann, Jürgen; und Luger, Peter
Ansa-Makrolide als molekulare Werkbänke: stereokontrollierte syn-Addition an (E)-Olefine
Angewandte Chemie 110 (1998), S. 1625-1628.
[Full Article - PDF]

Luger, Peter
Book Review on: An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography by M.M. Woolfson
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 213(1998), S. 308-309.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Zobel, Dieter; Luger, Peter
Topological Analysis of the Experimental Electron Densities of Amino Acids. 1. DL-Aspartic Acid at 20K
Journal of the American Chemistry of Society 120(1998), S. 2227-2238.

Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; Kashino, Setsuo; Amakura, Yoshiaki; Yoshida, Takashi; Okuda, Takua; Beurskens, Gezina; Dauter, Zbigniew
Crystal Structure of the Tannin Geraniin Based on Conventional X-Ray and on Room and Low Temperature Synchrotron Data
Acta Crystallographica B54(1998), S. 687-694.

Kintzel, Oliver; Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; und Schlüter, A.-Dieter
Ring-Chain Equilibrium between a [18]Cyclacene Derivates and a Ladder Oligomer
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 1 (1998), S. 99-105.
[Full Article - PDF]

Steudel, Ralf; Schumann, Oliver; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter
S4NR (R=Methyl, n-Octyl) als neuer Chelatligand in Titanocenkomplexen und erstmalige Darstellung kleiner Schwefel-Stickstoff-Heterocyclen SnNR (n= 5,6)
Angewandte Chemie110 (1998), S. 515-517.
[Full Article - PDF] Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37(1998), S. 492-494.

Koritsanszky, Tibor; Flaig, Ralf; Zobel, Dieter; Krane, Hans-Georg; Morgenroth, Wofgang; Luger, Peter
Accurate Experimental Electronic Properties of DL-Proline Monohydrate Obtained Within 1 Day
Science 279(1998), S. 356-358.

Luger, Peter;, Weber, Manuela; Dung, Nguyen X.; Thanh Ky, Pham und Le The, Chen
The Crystal Structure of 3-beta, 14-beta, 20-Trihydroxy-18 oic(18->20)lactone pregnen-5 Derived from a Vietnamese Folk Medical Plant
Crystal Research und Technology 33(1998), S. 325-332.

Ramm, Matthias; Luger, Peter; Strümpel, Marianna; Beurskens, Gezina; Averdung, Johannes und Mattay, Jochen
Crystal structure of a benzene solvate of N-(4-methoxycarbonylphenyl)oxycarbonylaziridino-(2',3':1,2)-(60)fullerene
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 213(1998), S. 69-74.

Mattay, Jochen; Torres-Garcia, Gregorio; Averdung, Johannes; Wolf, Christian; Schlachter, Ingo; Luftmann, Heinrich; Siedschlag, Christina; Luger, Peter and Ramm, Matthias
Progress in Fullerene Chemistry: Exohedral Functionalization of First and Second Generation and a New Approach to Aza-Heterofullerenes
J Phys Chem Solids 58 (1997), S. 1929-1937.
[Full Article - PDF]


Luger, Peter
Topologische Eigenschaften der Ladungsdichte organischer Moleküle Experimentelle Aspekte und einige Ergebnisse
Institut für Organische Chemie, TH Darmstadt, 4.7.1997.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter; Morgenroth, Walter and Krane, Hans-Georg
Experimental Charge Density of D,L-Proline Monohydrate extracted from 100 K CCD Synchrotron Data
in Sagamore XII, Waskesiu, Saskatchewan, Canada, 27.7.-1.8.1997

Grell, Wolfgang; Hurnaus, Hans; Griss, Georg; Rupprecht, Ernst; Mark, Michael and Luger, Peter
Repaglinide a Potent and Orally Active Hypoglycaemic Benzoic Acid Derivative
International Diabetes Federation-Congress, July 1997, Helsinki.

Grell, Wolfgang; Mark, Michael; Luger, Peter; Nar, Hans; Wittneben Heinz and Müller, Peter
Repaglinide Differs Structurally from the Sulphonylureas Glibenclamide and Glimepiride
International Diabetes Federation-Congress, July 1997, Helsinki.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter; Morgenroth, Walter and Krane, Hans-Georg
Topological Properties of the Charge Density of DL-Proline Monohydrate
17th European Crystallography Meeting in Lisboa, Portugal (1997).

Löwe, Werner; Brätter, Stefanie; Dietrich, Christoph; Weber, Manuela and Luger, Peter
Synthesis and Characterization of New Crown-type Compounds with 4-Pyrone Units.
16th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Bozeman, Montana, USA (1997), Abstractbook, S. PosterII-153.

Janczak, Jan; Luger, Peter; Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor and Zobel, Dieter
Experimental Electron Density Distribution of L-Threonine at 19 K
Polish Crystallographic Meeting in Wroclaw, Polen (1997), Abstractbook S. P-15.

Janczak, Jan; Luger, Peter
Crystal Structure of L-Proline Monohydrate at 100 K
Polish Crystallographic Meeting in Wroclaw, Polen (1997), Abstractbook S. P-14.

Flaig, Ralf; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter; Morgenroth, Walter
Topologische Eigenschaften der Elektronendichte von L-Threonin
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Supplement Issue No. 12 (1997), S. 178.

Koritsanszky, Tibor and Luger, Peter
Electronic Properties from X-ray Diffraction Data
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Supplement Issue No. 12 (1997), S. 258.

Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; Zobel, Dieter; Koritsanszky, Tibor und Williams, Richard V.
Zur Homoaromatizität von Semibullvalenen: Röntgenexperimente einem bisanellierten Semibullvalenderivat im Temperaturbereich 293 bis 15 K
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Supplement Issue No. 12 (1997), S. 38.

Löwe, Werner; Brätter, Stefanie; Dietrich, Christoph; Weber, Manuela and Luger, Peter
Synthesis and Characterization of New Crown-type Compounds with 4-Pyrone Units
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 34 (1997), S. 1173-1178.

Dähne, Lars; Zobel, Dieter; Reck, Günther
One-dimensional staircase aggregates in crystals of 1,7-bis(dimethylamino)heptamethinium hexafluorophosphate, a polymethine dye
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 212 (1997), S. 529-531.

Janczak, Jan; Luger, Peter
L-Proline Monohydrate at 100 K
Acta Crystallographica C53 (1997), S. 1954-1956.

Buschmann, Jürgen; Bartolmäs, Thilo; Lentz, Dieter; Luger, Peter; Neubert, Ingo und Röttger, Matthias
Synthese, Struktur und Koordinationschemie von Diisocyanmethan
Angewandte Chemie 109 (1997), S. 2466-2468.

Janczak, Jan; Luger, Peter; Zobel, Dieter
L-Threonine at 12K
Acta Crystallographica C53 (1997), S. 1901-1904.

Gotthardt, Roger; Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrichs; Buschmann, Jürgen and Luger, Peter
Heptamethylenediamine at 213 K
Acta Crystallographica C53 (1997), S. 1715-1717.

Franke, Walter A; Luger, Peter; Weber, Manuela; Ivanova, Theodor I.
Low Hydrothermal Growth of Sincosite Ca(VO/PO4)2 x< 4H2O
Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Sociaty Pt CXXVI (1997), S. 85-86.

Schade, Boris; Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrichs; Hubert, Vera; Weber, Manuela and Luger, Peter
Hydrogen-Bonding Networks Involving Water in Amphiphilic N-Dodecanoyl- L-serine Monohydrate
Acta Crystallographica C53 (1997), S. 1070-1073.

Boeyens, Jan. C.A.; Ramm, Matthias; Zobel, Dieter; Luger, Peter
Static Disorder in Two Orthorhombic Crystal Structures of fullerene inclusion compounds
South Africa Journal of Chemistry 50 (1997), S. 28-33.

Fuhrmann, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor and Luger, Peter
Experimental Electron Density Study of 1,2,4-Triazole at 15 Kelvin. A Comparison with ab initio-calculations
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 212 (1997), S. 213-220.

Andre, Christoph; Luger, Peter; Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrichs; Hahn, Friedemann
Hydrogen Bonding Schemes of Galactonic Acid Hydrazide and Its Hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B53 (1997), S. 490-497.
[Full Article - PDF]

Schade, Boris; Hubert, Vera; Andre, Christoph; Luger, Peter and Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrichs
Crystal structures of the even and odd bolaform amino acid derivatives (11-N(benzyloxycarbonyl-L-alanyl)aminoundecanoyl)-L-alanyl benzyl ester and (12-N(benzyloxycarbonyl-L-alanyl)aminododecanoyl)-L-alanyl benzyl ester
Journal of Peptide Research 49, (1997), S. 363-368.

Fuhrmann, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor and Luger, Peter
Experimental Electron Density Study of 1,2,4-Triazole at 15 Kelvin. A Comparison with ab initio-calculations
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 212 (1997), S. 213-220.

Szabo, Davo; Kapovits, Imre; Argay, Gyula; Czugler, Miros; Kalman, Alajos and Koritsanszky, Tibor
Spiro-lambda4-Sulfanes with O-ligands of Different Electronegativity in Axial Positios. A Comparison of CH2O-D(IV)-O and CH2O-S+ (IV)...O=C Bond Systems
Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transaction (1997), 2, S. 1045.
[Full Article - PDF]

Mattay, Jochen; Torres-Garcia, Gregorio; Averdung, Johannes; Wolf, Christian; Schlachter, Ingo; Luftmann, Heinrich; Siedschlag, Christina; Luger, Peter and Ramm, Matthias
Progress in Fullerene Chemistry: Exohedral Functionalization of First and Second Generation and a New Approach to Aza-Heterofullerenes
J Phys Chem Solids 58 (1997), S. 1929-1937.
[Full Article - PDF]

Mulzer, Johann; Pietschmann, Catarina; Buschmann Jürgen and Luger, Peter
Diastereoselective Grignard Additions to O-Ptotected Polyhydroxylated Ketones: A Reaction Controlled by Groundstate Conformation?
Journal of Organic Chemistry 62 (1997), S. 3938-3943.
[Abstract] [Full Article - PDF]

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