Public Outreach
September 2012: Participation 'KinderUni der Freien Universität Berlin'
Von „A“ wie Anästhesie bis „Z“ wie Zebrafinken: 2410 Grundschülerinnen und –schüler bei der KinderUni der Freien Universität
- 26.06.2010: Participated as actress and scientist in 'EMOLUTION' - 'Do Birds Tango? (Project of 'Language Of Emotion') in Radialsystem Berlin
- 22.04.2010: Participated with experiments about 'Tiere und Technik' am 'Girls's Day 2010' at the FU Berlin. Lecturers: Silke Kipper und Silke Voigt-Heucke
- 03.-05.12.2009: Constance Scharff participated in 'Schattenkarussell: Am Schauplatz der Intimität'. A Phantasmagoria, Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin and also in the following book "Fühlt weniger - Dialoge über Emotionen" (ISBN 978-3-940737-85-4)
video: - 23.04.2009: Participated with experiments about brain function 'Wie kommen die Klänge in den Kopf?' in 'Girls' Day 2009 at the FU Berlin'. Lecturer: Sarah Kiefer
- since 2008: Principal Investigator NeuroCure -> NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, Charité Berlin
- since 2008: Vice President of German Zoological Society (DZG)
- since 2008: Member NaFög Kommission (Selection Committee to advance young scientists)
- 10.07.2008: Participant in the scientific video 'Bird Brains' by 'Nova Science Now', USA
- 24.04.2008: Participated with experiments about brain function 'Wie kommen die Klänge in den Kopf?' in 'Girls' Day 2008' at the FU Berlin
- since 2007: Scientific Advisory Board Urania Berlin
- 26.04.2007: Participated with experiments about brain function in 'Girls' Day' at the FU Berlin
- 13. u. 14.03.2007: 'Brain Awareness Week 2007' Urania Berlin, organized workshop about brain function for highschool students and participated as expert in discussion about film "Mein liebes Gehirn"
- since 2006: Dahlem Colloqium Committee
- 17.03.2006: Podiumdiscussion about 'Careermothers’ on 17.03.2006 organized by the 'Bertelsmann Foundation'
- 19.02.2006: Organization of the SFB 665's activities and participation with lab demos during 'Tag der Gesundheitsforschung – Day of Health Research'
- since 2005: Chief administrative officer of DFG-funds 'Collaborative Research Center 665'(SFB 665)
12.06.2004: Participation with Lab Demos at 'Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2004'