Research: Synthesis and characterisation of novel radical stabilised N-Heterocyclic phosphenium cations which can potentially be used in Lewis acid catalysis, radical catalysis reactions, as well as stabilising transition metals in coordination chemistry.
Research: A new approach to the cyaphido-(CPˉ) and cyarsido-(CAsˉ) ligands: Photochemical generation, characterization, and follow-up chemistry of LnM-C≡P and LnM-C≡As complexes.
Activation of white phosphorus with main group elements, organometallic compounds, and transition metal complexes. Synthesis, reactivity, and coordination chemistry of different phospholide anions.
Synthesis and reactivity of boryl and pyridyl functionalized phosphinine ligands and development of 5 phosphasemibullvalene derivatives and their application as P(III) ligands in homogeneous catalysis.
Synthesis of trimethylsilyl-substituted phosphinines and their application as Lewis bases in classical or frustrated Lewis pairs for activation of small molecules such as terminal dienophiles. Photochemical di-π-methane rearrangement of phosphabarrelenes to phosphasemibullvalenes.