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Univ.-Prof. im Ruhestand Ulrich Abram




Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
Anorganische Chemie
Fabeckstr. 34-36
Raum V 101 D
14195 Berlin
Frau Doppelstein
ulrich.abram (at) fu-berlin.de

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Abram is retired from April 2023

1982 Diploma in Chemistry, University Leipzig
1985 Doctoral thesis, Institute of Nuclear Research Rossendorf / University Leipzig
1982 - 1991 Senior scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Research Rossendorf
1990 Habilitation
1992 - 1996 Heisenberg fellow of the DFG, University Tübingen
1997 Extraordinary Professor at University Tübingen
1997 - 1999 Senior scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Research Rossendorf
ab 2000 Professor at the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Freie Universität Berlin
2008 - 2012 Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
2013 - 2016 Vice Dean of Students Affairs of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin
2017 - 2018 Dean of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin


  • Technetium chemistry
  • Coordination Chemistry of other radioactive metals (uranium, thorium)
  • Metal complexes for metical applications (rhenium, gold, platinum, copper)
  • Bioconjugation of metal complexes
  • Multidentate ligand systems
  • Selenium- and tellurium-containing compounds as ligands for transition metal complexes
  • Multidentate ligands as building blocks for supramolecular aggregates
  • Organometallic chemistry