Students especially welcome!
- 15:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Habig, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Chemistry Education
„Learning Chemistry with Augmented Reality - Innovation or old wine in new bottles?“ - 15:40 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Bernd Hartke, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Theoretical Chemistry
„Theoretical Chemistry in Marine Science“ - 16:20 Uhr
Coffee break - 16:50 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, Universität Regensburg, Organic Chemistry
„Redox-neutral Photocatalysis – Towards ideal chemical transformations“ - 17:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins, Universität Leipzig, Inorganic Chemistry
„Versatile Chemistry of Phosphorus-Substituted Carboranes“
Time & Location
Jan 18, 2023 | 03:00 PM
Lecture Hall
Fabeckstr. 36-38
14195 Berlin