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Decisions of the Examination Board

The following examination board decisions have been made regarding your degree program:

1.    The registration and completion of a second Project (10 credit points, graded) is not possible.
2.    In addition to the lntroduction module (15 LP) and the Research Project (15 LP), a maximum of 15 LP undifferentiated graded credit points can be added to your degree program,which are not offered by the Institute of Biology of the FU.
3.    The crediting of external (i.e. not offered by the lnstitute of Biology at the FU) courses is only possible to a maximum of  15 credit points (except Erasmus, direct exchange, international programs)
4.    Only a maximum of 25 credit points may be acquired in addition to the 120 credit points you have to achieve for your Master's degree, from which the best grades can then be included in the degree.
5.    Important: If more than 25 credit points are taken in addition to the 120 credit points, the modules are included in the degree according to chronology (i.e. usually not the best grades).
6.    Important: The processing time for the Master's thesis is six months. In order to guarantee this duration for the protection of the students, Master's theses will be accepted at the Examination Office at the earliest four weeks before the latest submission date communicated to you; a prior submission, acceptance or storage by the examination office is not possible. (Decision of 06.02.2019)
7.    Applications and theses are to be submitted in electronic form as a PDF file by e-mail to the Examination Office. Paper versions no longer have to be submitted. (Decision of 04.08.2021)