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Graduation in the Master's program Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology


Please submit the Application for Graduation to the Examination Office as soon as you have successfully completed your last examination. This can be, for example, the date of the presentation of the Master's thesis, a final exam date, the submission of a term paper/protocol/report etc.. The date of the last examination must be noted on the application for graduation and becomes the certificate date.

On December 13, 2022, the Presidential Board decided to specify the administrative practice for the use of self-chosen names of trans*, inter* and non-binary* (TIN*) students of Freie Universität in such a way that the use of these names is now also possible on graduation documents. You can find all the necessary information on the procedure here.

Please note that no certificate can be issued without this application for graduation.


You do not need to wait until you have received your transcript of records to exmatriculate. If you no longer have to carry out any insurance-relevant activities (e.g. work in the laboratory) and have completed all your coursework, you can already exmatriculate.

Exmatriculation is carried out by the Student Administration Office, which is why you will find the necessary forms on the Student Administration homepage (Exmatriculation). It is important that you actively exmatriculate by submitting the form. By exmatriculating, you will receive a corresponding confirmation of exmatriculation with which you can prove your periods of study (e.g. for BAföG, child benefit, pension, doctoral application, etc.).

If you wish to continue with a doctorate after your Master's degree, please clarify with the Student Administration Office whether a "transfer of registration" will take place instead of an "exmatriculation". If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact the Student Administration Office or take a look at their homepage.