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Hints to the courses

Required modules and core elective modules

Please see the set of modules and the regulations respectively.

Area of concentration and elective modules

Courses in macromolecular chemistry are only provided in winter semester at start of classes as block courses.

Crediting of external courses

External courses you did before you have been enrolled to the master program at the FU Berlin

First compare with the modules of our master program and think yourself if there is a chance to have them credited. Moduls performed within other finished study programs cannot be credited a second time in our master program. If you see a chance to have them credited go to the examinations office. There you will get more advice. Be aware that you have to prove all details of the courses like topics, credits, gradings and contact times.

External courses during themaster program at the FU Berlin

Please strictly respect, that all courses not provided by the institute have to be approved by the examining board if they should count for your study program. To get an "OK" just write an E-mail to the examining board with all details of the course. To be sure if you get the OK or not this should be done before the course is starting!