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Entry requirements for our master program

A bachelor degree in chemistry is needed!

  • No biochemistry
  • No pharmacy
  • No specific topics in chemistry like "chemical engineering", "macromolecular chemistry" or "chemistry education"
  • No "chemistry-with-anything-else"
  • No chemistry-bachelor-program with more than 30 cr in subjects other than chemistry (e.g. politics) 

Just Chemistry!

It is not the question if your study program is better or worse, but if you did a program like "chemistry+with-anything-else" or "special-subjects-of-chemistry" than there will be things missing for an equivalence with our bachelor program and since all skills obtained in our bachelor program are needed in our master program you would run into trouble there. Please feel free to compare your program with our bachelor program and then think yourself if your application could have a chance.

Language skills

You have to prove either adequate German or English skills. Details are found in in a WEB-information of the FU Berlin. Tuition language in the master program generally is either German or English. Since German students generally have adequate English skills the language will be switched to English even if there is only one single foreign participant. Please consider that there are some single modules where the language will be German only. Lectures of macromolecular science are in English only and modules of the bachelor program are only in German. In the labs English and German are basic in any case, but you will also meet people coming from other countries like for example China, Russia, Spain or Italy talking to each other in their native language.
