What courses can I attend?
You can find the course catalog for the current semester online under the menu item “Department” and then “Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy.”
There are four types of lectures at the department:
- Lectures are presentations held in either German or English. You should be able to attend these without any issues.
- Seminars center around discussions on the current state of research in a specific field. You will typically have to hold a short presentation about an original publication in this course.
- Practicals and lab courses are carried out over the course of several weeks and are typically combined with seminars and lectures. There are participation requirements for some courses.
- Teamwork in working groups: If you would like to work at a laboratory, then you should get in touch with the heads of the labs and ask if they have space in their group or reach out to the contacts responsible for your subject. They will do their best to accommodate you. While you do not enroll for lab courses, you can still earn ECTS for attending them. Please ask the heads of the labs how many credits you will get for the respective lab period.