As part of the DFG-funded Insect Infect Research Unit, three doctoral candidate positions are currently being advertised. The application deadline is the 29.03.24. Please see here. We don’t currently have any other openings, but if you are interested in joining the lab, please carry on reading.
Postdoctoral Positions
Highly motivated and enthusiastic researchers are always welcome, and we have good infrastructure to support them. If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact Jens Rolff directly and provide a short statement of your research interests and a CV. We are happy to discuss interesting projects and are also in position to advise on funding opportunities for postdocs and junior group leaders.
Graduate Positions
We are currently not actively recruiting graduate students, but we are always happy to discuss
opportunities (including funding) with enthusiastic candidates who are interested in the general areas of research in the lab. Please contact Jens Rolff directly and provide a short statement of your research interests and a CV.
Undergraduate Research
We highly value the contribution of undergraduate researchers in our lab, either as volunteers, on bursaries (sometimes available) or in fulfillment of degree requirements of the degree courses. All undergraduates can get involved alongside more experienced researchers in ongoing projects in the lab. Students interested in undergraduate research experience should contact Jens Rolff directly.