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Ursula Kobalz


Technical Assistant

AG Verhaltensbiologie
Takustr. 6
Room 007
14195 Berlin
++49-30-838 452323
Adam I, Mendoza E, Kobalz U, Wohlgemuth S and Scharff C (2017) CNTNAP2 is a direct FoxP2 target in vitro and in vivo in zebra finches: complex regulation by age and activity. Genes, Brain and Behavior. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/gbb.12390 Adam I, Mendoza E, Kobalz U, Wohlgemuth S, Scharff C (2016) FoxP2 directly regulates the reelin receptor VLDLR developmentally and by singing. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (2016), (in press, accepted manuscript), doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2016.04.002