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PD Dr.in Henrike Hultsch

Henrike Hultsch


Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3
Room 360
14195 Berlin




09.05.2014  idw Informationsdienst Wissenschaft FU Berlin: Forscher der Freien Universität veröffentlichen Erkenntnisse zur Kommunikation von Nachtigallen
Bartsch C, Hultsch H, Scharff C & Kipper S (2015) What is the whistle all about? A study on whistle songs, related male characteristics, and female song preferences in common nightingales. (pdf-download, 737 KB) Journal of Ornithology, DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1245-y Kiefer S, Scharff C, Hultsch H, Kipper S (2014) Learn it now, sing it later? Field and laboratory studies on song repertoire acquisition and song use in nightingales. Naturwissenschaften September 2014,  doi:10.1007/s00114-014-1236-5 Weiss M, Hultsch H, Adam I, Scharff C, Kipper S (2014) The use of network analysis to study complex animal communication systems: A study on nightingale song. Proceedings of the  Royal Society B. 20140460; doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.0460 Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (2004) Learning to Sing. In: Marler, P. & H. Slabbekorn (eds), Nature's Music - The Science of Birdsong, Elsevier Publishers, Academic Press, Amsterdam & Boston, pp. 80-107. Geberzahn, N. & Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (2002) Latent song-type memories are accessible through auditory stimulation in a hand-reared songbird. Animal Behaviour 64, 783-790. Brumm, H. & Hultsch, H. (2001) Pattern amplitude is relaled to pattern imitation during the song development of nightingales. Animal Behaviour 61: 747-754. Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (1996) Discontinuous and incremental processes in the song learning of birds: evidence for a primer effect. J. Comp. Physiol. A 179: 191-299. Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (1992) The serial order effect in the song acquisition of birds: effects of exposure frequency to models. Anim. Behaviour, 590-593. Hultsch, H. (1992) Time window and unit capacity: dual constraints on the acquisition of serial information in songbirds. J. Comp. Physiol. A 170, 275-280. Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1989) Memorization and reproduction of songs in nightingales (Luscinia megarynchos): Evidence for package formation. J. comp. Physiol. A 165, 197-203.



  • Hultsch, Henrike