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Saisonale Unterschiede im Tag- und Nachtgesang der Nachtigall

Detail-analysis of acoustic parameters in nightingales'(Luscinia megarhynchos) day- and nightsong

Elena Wilkniß, Bachelor student

Within the scope of my bachelor project I work with seasonal differences in night- and day song of nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). In line with the acoustic detail analysis of one bird from our population in the Treptower Park (Berlin) I initially examined the characteristics of the song repertoire within the season. Based on this I then studied the length of strophes and pauses as well as the quantity of whistle and buzz strophes. In addition to this I analyzed various acoustic parameters of certain strophes, which were selected out of the repertoire by reason of their quantity. I correlated night song strophes with the aid of a sound-analysis program (Sound Anlalysis Pro) to find variability in discrete elements of strophes within season progress.

I hope to win information about nightingales vary singing behaviour in the course of a season and in case of such which parameter are stable and which are variable.