Dr. rer. nat Atefeh Pooryasin

Sigrist Group – Genetics
Institute of Biology
Room 2nd floor
14195 Berlin
Hussain A*, Pooryasin A*, Zhang M, Loschek LF, La Fortezza M, Friedrich AB, Blais CM, Üçpunar HK, Yépez VA, Lehmann M, Gompel N, Gagneur J, Sigrist SJ, Grunwald Kadow IC (2018): Inhibition of oxidative stress in cholinergic projection neurons fully rescues aging-associated olfactory circuit degeneration in Drosophila. Elife. 7.
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Martelli C, Pech U, Kobbenbring S, Pauls D, Bahl B, Sommer MV, Pooryasin A, Barth J, Arias CWP, Vassiliou C, Luna AJF, Poppinga H, Richter FG, Wegener C, Fiala A, Riemensperger T. (2017): SIFamide Translates Hunger Signals into Appetitive and Feeding Behavior in Drosophila. Cell Rep. 20(2):464-478.
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Pooryasin A, Fiala A (2015): Identified Serotonin-Releasing Neurons Induce Behavioral Quiescence and Suppress Mating in Drosophila. J Neurosci. 35(37):12792-812.
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Vasmer D*, Pooryasin A*, Riemensperger T, Fiala A (2014): Induction of aversive learning through thermogenetic activation of Kenyon cell ensembles in Drosophila. Front Behav Neurosci. 8:174.
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Pech U, Pooryasin A, Birman S, Fiala A.( 2013): Localization of the contacts between Kenyon cells and aminergic neurons in the Drosophila melanogaster brain using SplitGFP reconstitution. J Comp Neurol. 521(17):3992-4026.
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Galehdari H, Pooryasin A, Foroughmand A, Daneshmand S, Saadat M. (2009): Association between the G1001C polymorphism in the GRIN1 gene promoter and schizophrenia in the Iranian population. J Mol Neurosci. 38(2):178-81.
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