Dr. rer. nat Sheng Huang

Sigrist Group – Genetics
Institute of Biology
Takustr. 6
Room 2nd floor
14195 Berlin
Room 2nd floor
14195 Berlin
Huang Y, Huang S, Lam SM, Liu Z, Shui G, Zhang YQ (2016):
Acsl, the Drosophila ortholog of intellectual-disability-related ACSL4, inhibits synaptic growth by altered lipids
J. Cell Sci. 129, 4034-4045
Liu Z, Huang Y, Hu W, Huang S, Wang Q, Han J, and Zhang YQ (2014):
dAcsl, the Drosophila ortholog of acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 and 4, inhibits synapse growth by attenuating bone morphogenetic protein signaling via endocytic recycling
J. Neurosci. 34, 2785–2796