Dr. Mouhammad Shadi Khudr

Room 133
14195 Berlin
I am an evolutionary ecologist working at crossroads of ecology,
evolution, genetics and agronomy; with keen interest in the influence of
genetic diversity on species interactions.
Currently, my concentration in my postdoctoral visiting fellowship at the
Functional Biodiversity Group, Freie Universität Berlin is fine-tuned on
investigating the effects of within-species genetic variation in model
agroecosystems on intraguild interactions amongst natural enemies.
Here, I develop and carry out a multi-facet empirical work with an aim to
gradually increase the complexity of the focal trophic systems examined in
the presence and absence of ecological disturbance.
I have several years' experience in empirical and theoretical research
within the sphere of evolutionary ecology and zoology. Results of my
research have been published in the Advances in Ecological Research,
Biology Letters, Oecologia, with several manuscripts in submission to
peer-reviewed international journals.
Find more about me via the following URL: