Fuhrmann, J., Schmidt, A., Spiess, S., Lehner, A., Turgay, K., Mechtler, K., Charpentier, E. & Clausen, T. (2009) McsB Is a Protein Arginine Kinase That Phosphorylates and Inhibits the Heat-Shock Regulator CtsR. Science 324:1323-27
Kirstein, J., Hoffmann, A., Lilie, H., Schmidt, R., Rübsamen-Waigmann, H., Brötz-Oesterhelt, H., Mogk, A. & Turgay, K. (2009) The antibiotic ADEP reprograms ClpP, switching it from a regulated to an uncontrolled protease. EMBO Mol Med 1:37-49
Kirstein, J., Strahl, H., Moliere, N., Hamoen, L.W. & Turgay, K. (2008) Localization of general and regulatory proteolysis in Bacillus subtilis cells. Mol. Microbiol. 70: 682 - 694.
Haslberger, T., Zdanowicz, A., Brand, I., Kirstein, J., Turgay, K., Mogk, A. & Bukau, B. (2008) Protein disaggregation by the AAA+ chaperone ClpB involves partial threading of looped polypeptide segments. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 15:641.
Erbse, A.H., Wagner, J.N., Truscott, K.N., Spall, S.K., Kirstein, J., Zeth, K., Turgay, K., Mogk, A., Bukau, B. & Dougan, D.A. (2008) Conserved residues in the N-domain of the AAA+ chaperone ClpA regulate substrate recognition and unfolding. FEBS J. 275:1400-10.
Kirstein, J., Dougan, D.A., Gerth, U., Hecker, M. & Turgay, K. (2007) The tyrosine kinase McsB is a regulated adaptor protein for ClpCP. EMBO J. 26: 2061-70.
Kirstein, J., Schlothauer, T., Dougan, D.A., Lilie, H., Tischendorf, G., Mogk, A., Bukau, B. & Turgay, K. (2006) Adaptor protein controlled oligomerization activates the AAA+ protein ClpC. EMBO J. 25: 1481-91.
Andersson, F.I., Blakytny, R., Kirstein, J., Turgay, K., Bukau, B., Mogk, A. & Clarke, A.K. (2006) Cyanobacterial ClpC/Hsp100 protein displays intrinsic chaperone activity. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 5468-75.
Kirstein, J., Zühlke, D., Gerth, U., Turgay, K. & Hecker, M. (2005) A tyrosine kinase and its activator control the activity of the CtsR heat shock repressor in B. subtilis. EMBO J. 24: 3435-45.
Schlothauer, T., Mogk, A:, Dougan, D.A., Bukau, B. & Turgay, K. (2003) MecA, an adaptor protein necessary for ClpC chaperone activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 2306-11.
Turgay, K., Persuh, M., Hahn, J. & Dubnau, D. (2001) Roles of the two ClpC ATP binding sites in the regulation of competence and the stress response. Mol. Microbiol. 42: 717-727.
Persuh, M., Turgay, K., Mandic-Mulec, I. & Dubnau, D. (1999) The N- and the C-terminal domains of MecA recognize different partners in the competence molecular switch. Mol. Microbiol. 33: 886-94.
Turgay, K., Hahn, J., Burghoorn, J. & Dubnau, D. (1998) Competence in Bacillus subtilis is controlled by regulated proteolysis of a transcription factor. EMBO J. 17: 6730-38.
Chong, P.P., Podmore, S.M., Kieser, H.M., Redenbach, M., Turgay, K., Marahiel, M.A., Hopwood, D.A. & Smith, C.P. (1998) Physical identification of a chromosomal locus encoding biosynthetic genes for the lipopeptide calcium-dependent antibiotic (CDA) of Streptomyces coelicor A3(2). Microbiology 144: 193-199.
Turgay, K., Hamoen, L.W., Venema, G. & Dubnau, D. (1997) Biochemical characterization of a molecular switch involving the heat shock protein ClpC, which controls the activity of ComK, the competence transcription factor of Bacillus subtilis. Genes & Dev. 11: 119-128.
Turgay, K. & Marahiel, M.A. (1994) The gtcRS operon coding for two-component system regulatory proteins is located adjacent to the grs operon of Bacillus brevis. DNA Sequence 5: 283-290.
Turgay, K. & Marahiel, M.A. (1994) A general approach for identifying and cloning of peptide synthetase genes. Peptide Res. 7: 238-241.
Turgay, K., Krause, M. & Marahiel, M.A. (1992) Four homologous domains in the primary structure of GrsB are related to domains in a superfamily of adenylate forming enzymes. Mol. Microbiol. 6: 529-546.
Kohne, B., Marquardt, P., Praefcke, K., Psaras, P., Stephan, W. & Turgay, K. (1986) Monothioscyllitol ethers as discogens and double discogens. Chimia 40: 360-2.
Reviews and book chapters
Turgay, K. (2011) Role of Proteolysis and Chaperones in Stress Response and Regulation, pp. 75-90, In: Bacterial Stress Responses (Second Edition, eds. G. Storz and R. Hengge), ASM Press, Washington D.C.
Turgay K. (2009) Regulatory proteolysis and signal transduction in bacteria. In: Bacterial Signaling, K. Jung and R. Krämer (eds.), pp. 449-462, Wiley VCH Verlag, Weinheim.
Kirstein, J., Moliere, N., Dougan, D.A. & Turgay K. (2009) Adapting the machine: Adaptor proteins for Hsp100/Clp and AAA+ proteases. Nature Reviews Microbiology 7 (8): 589-599.
Turgay K. (2007) General and Regulatory Proteolysis in Bacillus subtilis; p 215-246 In: "Bacillus: Cellular and Molecular Biology", P.L. Graumann ed. (Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press).
Kirstein, J. & Turgay K. (2005) A new Tyrosine Phosphorylation Mechanism Involved in Signal Transduction in Bacillus subtilis. J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9: 182-188.
Mogk, A., Dougan, D.A., Weibezahn, J., Schlieker, C., Turgay, K. & B. Bukau. (2004) Broad yet high substrate specificity: the challenge of AAA+ proteins. J. Struct. Biol. 146: 90-98.
Dougan, D.A., Mogk A., Zeth K., Turgay K. & Bukau B. (2002) AAA+ proteins and substrate recognition, it all depends on their partner in crime. FEBS Lett. 529: 6-10.
Dubnau, D. & Turgay K. (2000) The regulation of competence in Bacillus subtilis and its relation to stress response, p 249-260 In: Bacterial Stress Response, G. Storz & R. Hengge-Aronis, eds. (Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology).