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Vocal learning & development

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and temporal features in European starling song. Auk 113: 450-456.
Brumm, H. & Hultsch, H. (2001) : Pattern amplitude is related to pattern imitation during
the vocal development of nightingales. Animal Behaviour 61: 747-754.
Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2002) - How birds memorise and retrieve information encoded on different
hierarchy levels of singing. PIC Neural Information Processing 9: 1574-1578.
Geberzahn, N. (2003) - Is quantity of song use in adult birds related to singing during
development? Behaviour 140: 593-602.
Geberzahn, & Hultsch (2003): Long-time storage of song-types in birds: evidence form
interactive playbacks. Proc. Royal Society (London) 270: 1085-1090.
Geberzahn, N. & H. Hultsch (2004) - Rules of song development and use in birds with large
signal repertoires. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 76: 209-218.
Geberzahn, N., Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (2002) - Latent song type memories are accessible through
auditory stimulation. Animal Behaviour 64: 783-790.
Hughes, M., Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (2001) - How do birds learn when they learn to sing ?
Imitation and invention in nightingale song. Ethology 108: 35-48.
Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1986) Signal Matching: Zeichenbildung durch mustergleiches Antworten.
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Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1989a) Memorization and reproduction of songs in nightingales
(Luscinia megarhynchos): Evidence for package formation. J. Comp. Physiol. A165: 197-203. -
Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1989b) Context memorization in the song learning of birds.
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Hultsch, H. (1992) Time window and unit capacity: dual constraints on the acquisition of serial
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Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1992a): The serial order effect in the song acquisition of birds: relevance
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Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1996b) Discontinuos and incremental processes in the song learning of
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Hultsch, H., Mundry, R. & D. Todt (1999). Learning, representation & retrieval of rule-related
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Hultsch, H., Schleuss, F. & Todt, D. (1999). Auditory-visual stimulus pairing enhances perceptual
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Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (2001) - Trajectories of Song Development. Language Acquisition &
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Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (2003) - Approaches to the mechanisms of song memorization and singing
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Hultsch H & D Todt (2004) Learning to sing. In: Nature's Music - The Science of Birdsong;
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Todt, D. & M. Naguib (2000). Vocal interactions in birds: The use of song as a model in
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Todt, D., Cirillo, J. ,Geberzahn, N. & F.Schleuss (2000) Vocal imitation in birds. Cybernetics and
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Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (2002) - Social aspects of vocal learning and song use in birds. Proc. 23rd
Int. Ornithol. Congress, Beijing, Vol. 3: 112-118.-
Todt, D. & N. Geberzahn (2003) -Age-dependent effects of song exposure: song crystallization
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Todt, D. (2004) - From birdsong to speech. Anais Academia Brasiliera de Ciencies 76: 201-208.