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Lab Rotations and Internships

In our lab we organize lab rotations in the Master Program Computational Neuroscience en bloque during several weeks. The total work load comprises 270h (9CP) which are devided into 3 parts: working on a project proposal, working on a small-sized research projekt along the milestones of the proposal, writing the project report and preparing a presentation. We expect the student to attend 4 days per week full time which makes up to a total of 8 weeks (256h) plus some preparatory reading and final presentation (14h).

Lab rotations and student internships are generally also open to students in other master programs, Diplomstudenten, and international students studying in fields related to neuroinformatics and theoretical neuroscience.

Please contact M. Nawrot

Summer Term - SS 2011

Course / Praktikum
Analysis of neuronal data, modeling of single neurons and networks

Responsible: Michael Schmuker, Martin Nawrot
Dates: 19.9. - 30.9.2011, 9:30 to 16:30

Master Program Bioinformatics (Modul Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse A)
Master Program Neurobiology and Behaviour
Master Program Computational Neuroscience

Summer Term - SS 2010

Course / Praktikum
Modeling of Single Neurons and Neural Networks

Responsible: Martin Nawrot, Michael Schmuker
Dates: 30.8. - 3.9.2010, jeweils 9:15 - 17:00
Vorbesprechung: Mi, 14.04., 16:00 Uhr, Zoologie Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, Seminarraum II

Master Program Bioinformatics (Modul Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse A)
Master Program Neurobiology and Behaviour
Master Program Computational Neuroscience

Grundkurs Neurobiologie

Responsible: Dorothea Eisenhardt, Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Jan Rillich, Martin Nawrot, Björn Brembs

Bachelor Program Biology

The role of memory in decision making

Responsible: Dorothea Eisenhardt, Martin Nawrot
Tutors: N.N.
Scope: Master/PhD Seminar
Dates: 10.9.-12.9.2010 (Week end, 3 full days)
Location: Ort nach Vereinbarung.tba
Preliminary Meeting (Vorbesprechung): Di, 13.04., 16:00 Uhr - Seminarraum Neurobiologie, Königin-Luise-Str. 26

PhD graduate school Sensory Computation in Neural Systems
Master Program Neurobiology and Behaviour, FU Berlin
Master Program Bioinformatics, FU Berlin (Modul Analyse und Theorie neuronaler Prozesse (B))
Master Program Computational Neuroscience, HU/TU Berlin

Colloq / Kolloquium

FAQ Data Analysis with Matlab

Scope: Master/PhD students pursuing data analysis in their scientific project weekly; dates tba.

Responsible: Martin Nawrot, Jan Sölter

Winter Term - WS 2009/10

Lectures / Vorlesungen
Systemische Physiologie - Teil Animalische Physiologie für Bioinformatiker

Responsible: Martin Nawrot
Time: Thursday - 12:15-13:45 Uhr, Dates: 17.12.09 - 14.1.2010
Bachelor Program Bioinformatics, FU Berlin

Lecture Slides (for download)

Neuronal Models I - Integrator vs. Coincidence Detector (09/12/17)

Neuronal Models II - Leaky Integrate And Fire Neuron (10/01/07)

Neuronal Models III - Models of synaptic plasticity(10/01/14)

Models of neural systems - Experimental Lecture (BCCN)

Monday, 14:00 - 15:30, (except Jan 27: Wednesday)
Oct 19, 2009 - Feb 8, 2010
Lecture Hall, BCCN Berlin

Responsible: Richard Kempter (ITB, HU Berlin)

Faculty: York Winter, Bartosz Telenczuk, Guido Nolte, Joachim Gross, Jan Benda, James Poulet, Anja Gundelfinger, Felix Blankenburg, Christian Rosenmund, Susanne Schreiber, Bernd Ronacher, Matthias Hennig, Michael Schmuker, Stephan Sigrist, Daniel Durstewitz

Courses / Praktika
G-Node Winter Course in Neural Data Analysis

Dates: March 1-5
Organization: Sonja Grün
Faculty: M Denker, A Loebel, M Nawrot, S Grün
G-Node training program for PhD students and Postdocs. Further information at www.G-Node.org
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Analysis and Interpretation of Neural Data

(Modul "Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse C" P - 23906)

Topics: Analysis of synaptic events in intracellular voltage clamp recordings - Basic spike train analyses - Odor rate coding in projection neurons of the honeybee antennal lobe - Directional tuning in single neurons of the monkey motor cortex - Measurement of interval and count variability in neural spike trains.

Dates: Feb. 22-26
Vorbesprechung 8.12.2009, 17:00h, Seminar Room II, Zoology, Königin-Luise Str. 1-3)
Responsible: Martin Nawrot
Tutors: Jan Sölter, Evren Pamir
Master Program Bioinformatics
Master Program Neurobiology and Behaviour
Master Program Computational Neuroscience

Grundkurs Neurobiologie

Responsible: Dorothea Eisenhardt, Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Jan Rillich, Martin Nawrot, Björn Brembs

Bachelor Program Biology
Bachelor Program Bioinformatics, FU Berlin

Summer Term - SS 2009

Courses / Praktika
Advanced scientific programming in python

a G-Node Summer school

Berlin, August 30 - September 4, 2009

Organizers: Tiziano Zito and Michael Schmuker
Faculty: Pietro Berkes, Jens Kremkow, Eilif Muller, Michael Schmuker, Bartosz Telenczuk, Niko Wilbert and Tiziano Zito

Computational Neuroscience and Statistics

Teaching Week 5
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Responsible: Richard Kempter
Faculty: Jakob Heinzle, Richard Kempter, Martin Nawrot, Susanne Schreiber

Winter Term - WS 2008/09

Vorlesungsverzeichnis FU Berlin

Course Program: Master Computational Neuroscience HU/TU

Lectures / Vorlesungen
Systemische Physiologie - Teil Animalische Physiologie für Bioinformatiker

Responsible: Martin Nawrot
Time: Thursday - 12:15-13:45 Uhr, Dates: 4.12.08 - 15.1.09
Bachelor Program Biology
Bachelor Program Bioinformatics, FU Berlin

Models of Neural Systems
Master Program Computational Neuroscience, HU/TU Berlin

Responsible: Laurenz Wiskott, Martin Nawrot, Jakob Heinzle


Neural Coding with Action Potentials - A seminar on temporal coding
Over the past decades, different strategies of information coding in biological neural networks have been proposed. The existence of so-called temporal codes is still a big controversy among neuroscientists. This seminar will investigate and discuss theories of temporal coding which assume that each single action potential may carry relevant information and that full information is encoded by coordinated neural ensembles in their precise timing of action potentials. A wealth of model studies have set the conditions for temporal codes in neural networks and outlined hypotheses that have been put to test in experimental studies. During this two-days seminar, the students will present and, together with the tutors, discuss relevant publications. The focus will be placed on experimental studies that have collected experimental evidence for the existence of temporal coding schemes in biological systems, notably in the mammalian cortex and in the central insect brain. Theoretical studies will provide insight in models and hypothesis on possible mechanisms of encoding and decoding with timed action potentials. The seminar will be organized en bloc at the end of the semester (see dates below) at a remote location outside of Berlin. This atmosphere shall offer the possibility for an intensive inter-disciplinary exchange among students and tutors.

Responsible: Martin Nawrot, Michael Schmuker
Time: 2 days full time, Dates: Feb 14th/15th (arrive 13th), 2009
Location: Hirschluch, Storkow (Brandenburg)
Master Program Biology, FU Berlin
Master Program Bioinformatics, FU Berlin
Master Program Computational Neuroscience, HU/TU Berlin
PhD Program Computational Neuroscience, HU/TU Berlin

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== all places are taken - please do not register anymore ==

Courses / Praktika

Measurement and Analysis of Neuronal Activity - A Technical Introduction

Responsible: Clemens Boucsein, Ulrich Egert, Martin Nawrot

Master Program Bioinformatics
Diplom Biologie
Master Biology
Master Program Computational Neuroscience
Phd Program Computational Neuroscience, BCCN Berlin

Course 2 weeks full time. Date: CHANGED! March 9 - 20

Location: Freiburg University! Berlin students please contact: Martin Nawrot

G-Node Winter Course in Neural Data Analysis

Organization: Martin Nawrot

Faculty: C Boucsein, A Loebel, M Nawrot, T Wachtler

PhD students and Postdocs. Total: 15 students. Further information at www.G-Node.org

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Winter Term - WS 2007/08

Lab rotation - Computational Neuroscience

Systemische Physiologie - Teil Animalische Physiologie für Bioinformatiker (Lecture)

Responsible: Randolf Menzel, Jochen Pflüger, Martin Nawrot
Bachelor Program Biology and Bioinformatics, FU Berlin

Measurement and Analysis of Neuronal Activity - A Technical Introduction

Responsible: Clemens Boucsein<, Ulrich Egert, Martin Nawrot

Course 2 weeks full time
Master Program Biology and Phd Program Computational Neuroscience
Location: Freiburg University! Berlin students please contact: Martin Nawrot

Summer Term - SS 2007

Acquisition and Analysis of Neural Data (Lecture)

Responsible: Martin Nawrot, Benjamin Blankertz

Lecture & Assignments
Master Program Computational Neuroscience
Open to all students
Lecture (2h) + Exercises (2h) + Homework (3h)