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Workshop | Happiness Ahoy – Strengthened and healthy through the doctoral thesis

11.09.2024 - 12.09.2024

This workshop supports doctoral students in strengthening their resilience and thus their own inner stability. Together you will work on your personal productive mindset by strengthening your resources and developing helpful perspectives. Their own development potential is strengthened in order to master challenges more calmly and to achieve their own goals.

The core of the module is a two-day workshop (no overnight stay) in which you learn how to assess symptoms and effectively prevent the development of crises. A specially developed 3-week format with in-depth assignments following the exam is designed to guarantee that your insights from the exam are also implemented in your everyday doctoral work. A follow-up workshop at the end of the 3-week consolidation phase serves as a final reflection.

"Happiness Ahoy" will take place in English and German and will be offered in two parallel groups on September 11 and 12. Please register for only one of the two groups (German or English). The event will only take place in person.

Group english:

Retreat: Wednesday, 11 & Thursday, 12 September 2024, 9:30am to 5:30pm

Follow Up:  Thursday, 24 October, 9:30am to 12:30pm

Instructors:  Anna Haas & Dr. Taiya Mikisch

Termine Gruppe (Deutsch):

Mittwoch, 11.09.2024, 09:30 - 17:30 Uhr

Donnerstag, 12.09.2024, 9:30 Uhr -17:30 Uhr

Follow Up: Donnerstag, 24.10.24, 09:30-12:30 Uhr

Kursleitung: M.A. Anja Lindner & Dipl. Psych. Suzanne Jones

Information and registration: see linklist

Zeit & Ort

11.09.2024 - 12.09.2024

Umwelt-Bildungszentrum Berlin
Kladower Damm 57
14089 Berlin


  • mental health