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Future Talks | Transitioning from academia to industry

08.10.2024 | 16:00 - 17:30


08.10.2024, 16:00-17:30
Future talks! "Transitioning from academia to industry"

Career paths after the doctorate can go in many different directions - also beyond academia. Career transitioning from academia to industry can be a longer process. Navigating what can feel like an overwhelming number of branching paths is a challenge for those finishing up a PhD. You’ll find many books and articles on that issue. However, sometimes it is more effective to get personal testimonials from people who have taken this step and share their experiences in finding fulfilling and motivating careers.

Dr. Gabrielle Thomas is currently working as a group leader marketing for Menlo Systems (Munich/ Berlin) and is an academic visitor at Imperial College (London). She is a trained physicist with a master’s degree in optics and photonics and holds a PhD in laser physics at Imperial College. She then worked as scientific project leader at ESA, Max Born Institut and in different positions for several companies before she joined Menlo Systems in 2022.