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News 12/24

Dec 06, 2024


Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences //  Dec 12, 5 – 6 pm

Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With the series "Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural and Life Sciences", we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics. You will meet former PhD candidates who will share with you their experiences including ups and downs looking for a job. PhD holders from academia, industry, science communication, politics, public and health sectors, education and more will show you the broad range of potential careers after a doctorate and give you inspiration for future career choices. We will have plenty of time after each talk for questions, discussion and networking.

Dr. André Schäftlein, will be our guest. André completed his doctorate in Pharmacy at the Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin within the PharMetrX Program. He now works as head of clinical pharmacy and deputy medical director at Havelland Kliniken.

All information and the meeting link can be found on this website.

The next meeting will be held on January 9, 2025. The guest in January will be Dr. Eva Boritsch, Head of QA Systems and Data Review at ViruSure GmbH. Please make a note of the date now, as the next newsletter will be sent out only shortly before the meeting.


Information from the doctoral office on writing a cumulative thesis

Cumulative dissertations are becoming increasingly popular and perhaps you would also like to submit a cumulative dissertation to the doctoral office soon... If so, please note the following information on preparing a cumulative dissertation:

  • A cumulative thesis consists of several scientific publications, including any supporting information, but at least two publications that have been published or accepted for publication.
  • Only publications from journals with a peer review system will be considered.
  • Publications that are in revision, submission or preparation can also be integrated.
  • Publications in preparation must already be in manuscript form.
  • The publications are included as published; the formatting may not be changed.
  • In addition to the publications, an introduction, a bibliography, etc., a cumulative thesis must contain a detailed summary in which the results of the various publications are discussed comprehensively.
  • The individual contribution must be indicated for each publication.
  • The doctoral candidate must have made a central scientific contribution in each of the publications.

 All this information and other important notes can be found on our website, e.g. here: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/graduiertenzentrum/promovierende/promotionsablauf/index.html

 If you have any questions, please contact the doctoral office.

 ***Deutsche Version***

 Kumulative Dissertationen werden zunehmend beliebter und vielleicht möchten auch Sie bald eine kumulative Dissertation beim Promotionsbüro einreichen… Dann beachten Sie bitte folgende Hinweise zur Erstellung einer kumulativen Dissertation:

  • Eine kumulative Arbeit besteht aus mehreren wissenschaftlichen Publikationen inklusive eventuell vorhandener Supporting Information, aber mindestens aus zwei veröffentlichten oder zum Abdruck angenommenen Publikationen.
  • Es werden nur Arbeiten aus Zeitschriften mit einem Peer Review System berücksichtigt.
  • Es können zusätzlich Publikationen integriert werden, die in Revision, Einreichung oder Vorbereitung sind.
  • Publikationen in Vorbereitung müssen bereits eine Manuskriptform aufweisen.
  • Die Publikationen werden wie veröffentlicht eingebunden, eine Änderung der Formatierung darf nicht vorgenommen werden.
  • Neben den Publikationen, einer Einleitung, einem Literaturverzeichnis etc. muss eine kumulative Arbeit eine ausführliche Zusammenfassung enthalten, in der die Resultate der verschiedenen Publikationen übergreifend diskutiert werden.
  • Die Eigenleistung muss individuell für jede Publikation kenntlich gemacht werden.
  • Die*der Doktorand*in muss in jeder der Publikationen einen zentralen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag geleistet haben.

 All diese Informationen und weitere wichtige Hinweise finden Sie auf unseren Webseiten, z. B. hier: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/graduiertenzentrum/promovierende/promotionsablauf/index.html

Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie sich gern das Promotionsbüro.


Tag des Fachbereichs / Networking Day at the Department //  Jan 16, 2025

The next Networking Day at the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2025, starting at 4:15 pm in Arnimallee 22.

The afternoon will start in the large lecture hall with short lectures by

  • Prof. Dr. Anne Seidlitz, newly appointed for Pharmaceutical Technology
    “Will 3d printing change the way we develop and test medicines? Insights from the Seidlitz lab.”
  • Prof. Dr. Lars Heinke, newly appointed for Physical Chemistry, Specialized in Spectroscopy
    “Dynamic Processes in Nanoporous Films”

We will then move on to the poster session in the foyer with drinks and pretzels.

All working groups of the department are cordially invited to present a poster there. For the organization of the poster session we need the registration of your poster via this online form until Monday, 13 January 2025, at the latest.

Please use the template linked on the form page to prepare the poster and bring it ready to hang to the Networking Day.

Looking forward to meeting you there!


Doctoral Council  and next Election

In May 2024, for the first time at Freie Universität Berlin doctoral researcher representatives had been elected. The next election is expected to take place in June 2025.

All those who are admitted to pursue doctoral research at Freie Universität and are enrolled or employed are eligible to vote. 

The Doctoral Council opens up completely new opportunities for doctoral researchers to network and have an impact together. Would you like to get involved in the doctoral council yourself? You don't need any previous experience, just the enthusiasm to stand up for the interests of doctoral candidates. Contact us!

More information on the doctoral council can be found here.


International Holiday Get-together for new employees and doctoral researchers at FU Berlin // Dec 17, 10am – 12pm

Did you recently join FUB and are looking to connect with other new staff members and doctoral researchers from abroad? Are you interested in learning about intercultural skills? Are you excited to get into the Holiday spirit?

Join us for a morning of mingling and German Holiday treats and enjoy an input on intercultural skills.

When?               December 17, 2024, 10 am to 12 noon
Where?              Seminarzentrum room L 115, Otto-von-Simson Straße 26

Please register by December 13th, 2024 using our registration form (FUB account required). If you can't access the registration form, please send us an email: start@personal.fu-berlin.de


Workshop on Scientific Writing // Feb 6 + 7, 2025

Trainer: Dr. Brian Cusack

Date: 06 and 07 February 2025, 9 am - 5 pm

Format: In presence in Berlin (Mitte)

Target group: Doctoral candidates in Natural and Life Sciences; some places are reserved for doctoral candidates of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy at FU Berlin.

Course language: English


Writing-up research findings is a fundamental requirement for scientific success. This workshop enables scientists to communicate their research clearly and effectively in a Research Article.

Please check out Dr Brian Cusack's website for more details about the workshop concept:
Scientific Writing Workshop_Science Craft


Participation is free of charge, but places are limited. Register now: >>Registration<<


Dahlem Research School (DRS) Workshops & Open Door Talks

3 places available

Date: December 10 + 17, 9 am-12.30 pm

Venue: in person

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/en/node/104268


last 3 places available

Date: January 29, 2-4 pm

Venue: online

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/de/node/105568



almost fully booked

Date: January 30, 10 am-1 pm

Venue: online

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/de/node/105569


DRS Podcast "DRS 4 Docs @Berlin"

The Dahlem Research School podcast "DRS 4 Docs @Berlin"  (https://blogs.fu-berlin.de/drs_podcast/ ) for prospective and current doctoral researchers was created to support during the early career phase.

Across various seasons of the podcast, you will hear interviews with experts aimed at different phases:

Season One: Starting a Doctorate

Season Two: Doing a Doctorate

Season Three: Finishing a Doctorate

Season Four: Supervisor Award


Graduate Center Adlershof (GCA) workshops

CAMPUS CLUB ADLERSHOF: Future talks! Careers with Impact: Working in a NGO by CCDA in partnership with WISTA

10.12.2024, 16.00-17.30h, a:head area, Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin
Featured guests: Dr. Benjamin Stephan, Team Lead Transport & Mobility at Greenpeace and Dr. Bernhard Knierim, Officer for transport policy and projects at Allianz pro Schiene

Besides business and industry, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in particular offer valuable job perspectives for researchers: With their unique blend of research & innovation, policy making, technical expertise, project management, interdisciplinary collaboration and practical application NGOs are an attractive option for STEM researchers looking to make a meaningful impact in their careers.

In this session, we focus on the transport and mobility sector: This sector is not only technologically advanced but also crucial for addressing climate change, making it an attractive option for those seeking to apply their skills to real-world challenges. Benjamin and Bernhard will talk about their motivation for choosing an NGO as an employer, about their day-to-day work, but also about the challenges that this profession entails and how to manage the balancing act between your own expectations and the reality of standing up for climate change.


BUA Career Day 2025 // Jan 28, 2025

The BUA Career Day 2025 will take place at Humboldt Graduate School on Tuesday January 28, 2025.

As a participant of the Career Day you can expect...

  • ... information on academic and non-academic career choices
  • ... discussions, presentations, mini-workshops, and socialising
  • ... a one-day event
  • ... an event for, and organised by, doctoral researchers from Berlin University Alliance

More information and registration (will open this month): https://www.humboldt-graduate-school.de/en/services-en/career-development/carrer-day-2025


Save-the-date: JCF-Karrieretag an der FU Berlin // Feb 18, 2025

Liebe Studierende und Promovierende,

am 18. Februar 2025 veranstaltet das JungeChemieForum Berlin einen Karrieretag an der FU Berlin. Bei diesem Event berichten ehemalige Masterstudierende und Promovierende der Berliner Universitäten über ihre Erfahrungen beim Berufseinstieg. Sie geben Einblicke in ihre Ziele, die Anforderungen ihrer Unternehmen und den Übergang von der Universität in die Berufswelt.

Zusätzlich zu den Vorträgen wird eine Jobbörse angeboten, auf der Unternehmen sich präsentieren. Hier könnt Ihr als zukünftige Bewerber*innen erste Kontakte knüpfen und Euch über Karrieremöglichkeiten informieren.

Weitere Informationen zum Programm folgen bald. Bleibt hier immer auf dem Laufenden:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jcfberlin/

Website: https://jcf.io/berlin

Bei Rückfragen könnt Ihr gerne eine E-Mail an berlin@jcf.io schreiben.

Mit besten Grüßen

Larissa Doll


Larissa Doll (she/her)

Regionalvorsitz Berlin

JungesChemieForum Berlin (JCF Berlin) der 

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)

E-Mail: l.doll@jcf.io

Website: jcf.io/berlin


GDCh – Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.

German Chemical Society



JCF – JungesChemieForum der GDCh

Young Chemists’ Network




Körber Stiftung / Deutscher Studienpreis

Die Ausschreibung des Deutschen Studienpreises der Körber-Stiftung richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aller Fachrichtungen, die im Jahr 2024 eine exzellente Dissertation von besonderer gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung vorgelegt haben. Mit drei Spitzenpreisen von je 25.000 Euro gehört er zu den höchstdotierten deutschen Nachwuchspreisen. Den Alumni stehen zudem vielfältige Förderangebote offen – vom Mentoring für die Wissenschaftskarriere über einen Konferenzmittel-Fonds bis zur Teilnahme am Max-Planck-Programm für Startup-Gründungen.

Einsendeschluss für die aktuelle Ausschreibung ist der 1. März 2025.

Die Dissertation kann in englischer Sprache verfasst sein, der eingereichte Beitrag jedoch ausschließlich auf Deutsch.

Alle Informationen zur Teilnahme finden Sie hier.


Starter Kit Course for Academic Teaching // March 13 + 14, 2025

This “Starter Kit” course provides an introduction to academic teaching. It is offered in English for people with little or no teaching experience.

In addition to discussing some basics of teaching and learning in higher education, it will cover topics such as course design and student activation. You will practice and discuss various teaching methods and tools. There will be time slots to work on your own course designs and to discuss these with your peers. This workshop will help you to reflect upon your role as a lecturer and to deal with multiple expectations.

Please ‘bring’ a course you would like to work on during the workshop - and be prepared to participate actively!

More information and the registration link for the “Starter Kit Academic Teaching”: https://veranstaltung.dcat.fu-berlin.de/Veranstaltung/cmx6703e02384543.html