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Calculation for High Pressure Behaviour of Potential Solar Cell Materials Cu2FeSnS4 and Cu2MnSnS4

Küllmey, Tim and González, Miguel and Heppke, Eva M. and Paulus, Beate – 2021

Exploring alternatives to the Cu2ZnSnS4 kesterite solar cell absorber, we have calculated first principle enthalpies of different plausible structural models (kesterite, stannite, P4¯ and GeSb type) for Cu2FeSnS4 and Cu2MnSnS4 to identify low and high pressure phases. Due to the magnetic nature of Fe and Mn atoms we included a ferromagnetic (FM) and anti-ferromagnetic (AM) phase for each structural model. For Cu2FeSnS4 we predict the following transitions: P4¯ (AM) −→−−−−16.3GPa GeSb type (AM) −→−−−−23.0GPa GeSb type (FM). At the first transition the electronic structure changes from semi-conducting to metallic and remains metallic throughout the second transition. For Cu2MnSnS4, we predict a direct AM (kesterite) to FM (GeSb-type) transitions at somewhat lower pressure (12.1 GPa). The GeSb-type structure also shows metallic behaviour.

Calculation for High Pressure Behaviour of Potential Solar Cell Materials Cu2FeSnS4 and Cu2MnSnS4
Küllmey, Tim and González, Miguel and Heppke, Eva M. and Paulus, Beate
DOI: 10.3390/cryst11020151
Crystals 2021, 11, 151.