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Ron Hites Award for Waldemar Hoffmann, Johanna Hofmann and Kevin Pagel

Ron Hites Award 2016

Ron Hites Award 2016

News from Jun 07, 2016

At this year's conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS), Waldemar Hoffmann, Johanna Hofmann and Kevin Pagel received the Ron Hites award for their article "Energy-Resolved Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry: A Concept to Improve the Separation of Isomeric Carbohydrates" (J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2014, 25, 471-479). The award recognizes an outstanding publication of original research, based on a paper’s innovative aspects, technical and presentation quality, likely stimulation of future research and impact on future applications. The award is named to honor Professor Ron Hites of Indiana University, who led the creation of JASMS in 1988 while president of ASMS.

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