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Jörn Manz: Vorträge und Poster (2018-2020)



J. Manz (V)

The 8th national conference on physical chemistry, Taiyuan/China  (S.-D. Li):
‘Big quantum effects in small inorganic molecules’


T. Grohmann (P)
J. Manz

9th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (A. Bande, F. Bouakline, B. Keller, J.C. Tremblay):
’On the Impossibility of Localized States’


J. Manz (V)

Symposium in honor of Prof. R. D. Levine on the occasion of his 80th birthday, The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem (I. Willner):
‘On Migration’


J. Manz (V)

Universität Würzburg, GDCh Kolloquium (T. Hertel):
‘Big quantum effects in small molecules’


C. Liu (P)
J. Manz
K. Ohmori
C. Sommer
N. Takei
J.C. Tremblay
Y. Zhang

Conference of the Royal Faraday Society, Edinburgh/ Schottland:
‘Attosecond Control of Electronic Structure Symmetry Restoration’


D. Jia (V)
D.J. Diestler
J. Manz
Y. Yang

Chinese Physical Society Fall Meeting, organized by Dalian University of Technology (Prof. J. Zhao):
‘Electronic Flux Induced by Crossing the Transition State’


T. Grohmann
D. Haase
D. Jia
J. Manz (P)
Y. Yang

54th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Halle/Saale (D. Sebastiani):
‘Quantum Effects on the Structure and Dynamics of Small Cyclic Molecular Rotors Imposed by the Molecular Symmetry Group’



J. Manz (V)

Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga (J. F. Pérez-Torres):
‘Big quantum effects in small molecules’


J. Manz (V)

University of Science and Technology of China USTC Hefei (X. Zheng):
’Some Effects of Nuclear Spins on Quantum Dynamics in Molecules with Several Indistinguishable Nuclei’


J. Manz (V)

University of Science and Technology of China USTC Hefei (X. Zheng):
‘From Slow (Longer Than Picoseconds) Tunneling to Ultrafast (Attosecond) Charge Migration’


T. Grohmann
J. Manz(V)
Y. Yang

Université de Strasbourg, Institut Chimie (R. Marquardt):
“How nuclear spins rule over the structure, symmetry, dynamics and laser control of molecules with several indistinguishable nuclei: A case study for the boron rotors 11B11-, 11B13+, 11B15-, 11B19+


T. Grohmann
D. Jia
J. Manz (V)
Y. Yang

2nd International Congress on Boron Chemistry, Taiyuan (S.D. Li et al.):
”How nuclear spins rule over the structure, symmetry, dynamics and laser control of molecules with several indistinguishable nuclei: A case study for the boron rotors 11B11-, 11B13+, 11B15-, 11B19-


D. Jia
J. Manz (V)
Y. Yang

Femtosecond Chemistry 15, Shanghai (D. Zhong et al.):
“How femtosecond nuclear dynamics rules attosecond electronic motions: De- and recoherences of charge migration”


D. Jia
J. Manz (V)
Y. Yang

55th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Univ. Rostock (O. Kühn et al.):
“How femtosecond nuclear dynamics rules attosecond electronic motions: De- and recoherences of charge migration”


D. Jia
J. Manz (V)
Y. Yang

Quantum Science and Technology, Xi’An (S. Jia et al):
“De- and Recoherences of Charge Migration”



J. Manz (V)

Leopoldina-Akademievorlesung, Rolands-Gymnasium Burg (C. Hoffmann, Leopoldina Halle und K. Mewes, RG Burg):
“Analogien zwischen Quantenmechanik und Theologie”


Letzte Aktualisierung: 01. 05. 2024 (Burkhard Schmidt)