Jörn Manz: Vorträge und Poster (2009-2011)
10.02.09 |
M. Baer |
European/French-Israeli Symposium on Non-linear & Quantum Optics „FRISNO-10“, Ein Gedi/Israel (Y. Prior): |
18.02.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
The Fritz Haber Institute for Reaction Dynamics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (R. B. Gerber): |
02.03.09 |
M. Baer |
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg: |
23.03.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
ACS 237th National Meeting, Symposium "Attosecond Science", Salt Lake City, American Chemical Society (A. D. Bandrauk): |
22.04.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Workshop “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara (D. J. Tannor): |
04.06.09 |
I. Barth |
"Tag der Chemie", Univ. Potsdam: |
23.06.09 |
M. Baer |
13th ICQC International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki ( P. Pykköö): |
21.07.09 |
M. Baer |
XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry, Toledo (A. Douhal): |
24.07.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry, Toledo (A. Douhal): |
03.08.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Tohoku University, Sendai (H. Kono): |
05.08.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Tokyo University, Tokyo (K. Takatsuka): |
10.08.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
IX. Femtosecond Chemistry 2009, Peking University, Beijing (Q. Gong): |
13.08.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Beijing Normal University (X. Li): |
18.08.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Xiamen University (Y. Zhao): |
08.09.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Joint Indo-German Workshop “Electronically Excited Molecules: Structure and Dynamics”, Neuss (H. Köppel): |
09.09.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry “Excited States: From Photophysics to Photobiology”, Neuss (C. Marian): |
09.10.09 |
A. Accardi (P) |
Sfb 450 ACU IV Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste): |
09.10.09 |
I. Barth |
Sfb 450, ACU IV Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste): |
09.10.09 |
J. Šebek |
Sfb 450 ACU IV Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste): |
12.09.09 |
A. Accardi (P) |
XVIII Intern. Conf. on “Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research”, Paris (M.-C. Bellisent-Funel, M. Suhm): |
13.09.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009 am Institut für Chemie der Freien Universität Berlin’ (K. Christmann): |
20.10.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Workshop on "Quantum Dynamic Imaging", Montréal (A. D. Bandrauk): |
27.10.09 |
J. Manz (V) |
Seminar Sfb 450 (L. Wöste): |
23.11.09 |
I. Barth |
International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (J. M. Rost): |
15.01.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Festkolloquium zum 80. Geburtstag von G. L. Hofacker, Garching, Techn. Univ. München (W. Domcke): |
J. Manz (V) |
Mini-Symposium in Honour of Prof. Rolf Huisgen, FU Berlin (H.-U. Reißig): |
12.03.10 |
S. Banerjee |
DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atom-, Molekül- und Optische Physik, Hannover (J. M. Rost): |
11.05.10 |
A. Accardi (V) |
Sfb 450 Kolloquium, Freie Univ. Berlin: “Panta rhei trilogy -
01.06.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Workshop “Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment”, Schloß Ringberg (K. L. Kompa, M. Motzkus, R. de Vivie-Riedle): |
13.07.10 |
H.-C. Hege |
CCP6 Workshop on Quantum Trajectories, Bangor/GB (K. H. Hughes): |
11.06.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Theorie-Seminar Wochenende des Sfb 450, Klein-Quassow (V. May): |
26.07.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Workshop of Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan and FU Berlin “Nanoscience and Dynamics” (P. Fumagalli): |
27.07.10 |
T. Bredtmann (P) |
17th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CSTC 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta/Canada (A. Brown): |
19.08.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Seminar am Mexican Petroleum Institute, Mexico City (G. Bravo Pérez): |
15.09.10 |
I. Barth |
Psi-k Conference, Berlin, Fritz-Haber-Institut (M. Scheffler):
27.09.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Festkolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von W. Jakubetz, Wien (P. Schuster): |
08.10.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Festkolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von E. J. Heller, Harvard University, Boston/USA: |
28.10.10 |
J. Manz (V) |
Sfb Kolloquium, Universität Rostock (O. Kühn): |
05.11.10 |
I. Barth (P) |
Workshop "French-German Research: 50 Years in the Light Of the Laser”, Helmholtz Association and French Embassy (L.Wöste): |
15.12.10 |
I. Barth |
Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, Hawai (A. Bandrauk): |
17.01.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
MPI Quantenoptik, Garching (F. Krausz): |
03.06.11 |
H.-C. Hege |
Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions“, FU Berlin (E. Rühl): |
03.06.11 |
D. Andrae |
Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions”, FU Berlin (E. Rühl): |
04.06.11 |
S. Al-Jabour |
Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions”, FU Berlin (E. Rühl): |
13.07.11 |
D. Andrae (P) |
"Tag der Chemie", HU Berlin: |
12.07.11 |
D. Andrae |
FEMTO10, Frontiers on Ultrafast Phenomena in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, Madrid (J. Santamaria): |
12.07.11 |
A. Schild (P) |
FEMTO10, Frontiers on Ultrafast Phenomena in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, Madrid (J. Santamaria): |
20.07.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Nineth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC 2011, Santiago de Compostela (M. Yáňez, O. Mo): |
21.07.11 |
D. Andrae |
Nineth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC 2011, Santiago de Compostela (M. Yáňez, O. Mo): |
23.08.11 |
J. Manz |
47. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Sursee (M. Reiher): |
31.08.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Department of Material Sciences, School of Engineering Science, Osaka University (Y. Shigeta): |
01.09.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai (S. Koseki): |
02.09.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (H. Sekiya): |
22.09.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Basic Science (K. Takatsuka): |
17.10.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (N. Doslic): |
21.12.11 |
J. Manz (V) |
Weizmann-Institute, Chem.Phys. Dept. Rehovot/Israel (D.J. Tannor): |
Letzte Aktualisierung: 07. 05. 2024 (Burkhard Schmidt)