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Jörn Manz: Vorträge und Poster (2009-2011)



M. Baer
O. Deeb
S. Al-Jabour
M. Leibscher (P)
J. Manz
S. Zilberg

European/French-Israeli Symposium on Non-linear & Quantum Optics „FRISNO-10“, Ein Gedi/Israel (Y. Prior):
“Molecular Symmetries of Nonadiabatic Couplings and Quantum Dynamical Simulations for Intramolecular Torsion Switched by Laser Pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Fritz Haber Institute for Reaction Dynamics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (R. B. Gerber):
“The Cl + H2 ↔ HCl + H Reaction Induced by IR + UV Irradiation of Cl2 in solid para-H2: Quantum Model Simulation”


M. Baer
O. Deeb
S. Al-Jabour
M. Leibscher (P)
J. Manz
S. Zilberg

DPG Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg:
“Photoisomerization of C5H4NH: Molecular Symmetries, Nonadiabatic Couplings and Quantum Dynamics”


J. Manz (V)

ACS 237th National Meeting, Symposium "Attosecond Science", Salt Lake City, American Chemical Society (A. D. Bandrauk):
“Theory for Laser Induced Nuclear and Electronic Ring Currents and Circulations – from Femtosecond to Attosecond Time Scales”


J. Manz (V)
I. Barth

Workshop “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara (D. J. Tannor):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


I. Barth
H.-C. Hege
H. Ikeda
A. Kenfack
M. Koppitz,
J. Manz (P)
F. Marquardt
G. K. Paramonov
B. Paulus

"Tag der Chemie", Univ. Potsdam:
“Concerted Quantum Effects of Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Molecules”


M. Baer
O. Deeb
S. Al-Jabour
D. Haase
M. Leibscher
J. Manz (P)
X. Xu
S. Zilberg

13th ICQC International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki ( P. Pykköö):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Quantum Reaction Dynamics via Conical Intersections”


M. Baer
O. Deeb
S. Al-Jabour
M. Leibscher
J. Manz (P)
X. Xu
S. Zilberg

XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry, Toledo (A. Douhal):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Quantum Reaction Dynamics via Conical Intersections“


J. Manz (V)

XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry, Toledo (A. Douhal):
“From Quantum Control of Nuclear to Electron Dynamics”


J. Manz (V)

Tohoku University, Sendai (H. Kono):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Quantum Reaction Dynamics via Conical Intersections“


J. Manz (V)

Tokyo University, Tokyo (K. Takatsuka):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Quantum Reaction Dynamics via Conical Intersections“


J. Manz (V)

IX. Femtosecond Chemistry 2009, Peking University, Beijing (Q. Gong):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


J. Manz (V)

Beijing Normal University (X. Li):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


J. Manz (V)

Xiamen University (Y. Zhao):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


J. Manz (V)

Joint Indo-German Workshop “Electronically Excited Molecules: Structure and Dynamics”, Neuss (H. Köppel):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Quantum Reaction Dynamics via Conical Intersections”


J. Manz (V)

45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry “Excited States: From Photophysics to Photobiology”, Neuss (C. Marian):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


A. Accardi (P)
I. Barth
O. Kühn
J. Manz

Sfb 450 ACU IV Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste):
“From Synchronous to Sequential Double Proton Transfer: Quantum Dynamics Simulations for the Model Porphine”


I. Barth
J. Manz (V)

Sfb 450, ACU IV  Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste):
“Quantum Control by Laser Pulses: From Nuclear to Electron Dynamics, and Back”


J. Šebek
I. Barth (P)
R. B. Gerber
J. Manz

Sfb 450 ACU IV Symposium “Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions” (L. Wöste):
“Dynamics of Conformational Transitions in Biological Molecules”


A. Accardi (P)
O. Kühn
J. Manz

XVIII Intern. Conf. on “Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research”, Paris (M.-C. Bellisent-Funel, M. Suhm):
“From Synchronous to Sequential Double Proton Transfer: Quantum Dynamics Simulations for the Model Porphine”


J. Manz (V)

‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009 am Institut für Chemie der Freien Universität Berlin’ (K. Christmann):
‚Chemie in Zeitlupe: Quantendynamik; Computer-Simulationen von der Femtosekundenchemie zur Attosekundenchemie‘.


J. Manz (V)

Workshop on "Quantum Dynamic Imaging", Montréal (A. D. Bandrauk):
“Quantum Fluxes during Chemical Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Seminar Sfb 450 (L. Wöste):
“Quantum Fluxes during Chemical Reactions”


I. Barth
H.-C. Hege
H. Ikeda
A. Kenfack (P)
M. Koppitz
C. Lasser
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
G. K. Paramonov
B. Paulus

International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (J. M. Rost):
“Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Molecules: Quantum Simulations for Simple Systems”



J. Manz (V)

Festkolloquium zum 80. Geburtstag von G. L. Hofacker, Garching, Techn. Univ. München (W. Domcke):
„Panta Rhei – Nuclear and Electronic Quantum Fluxes during Chemical Reactions“



J. Manz (V)

Mini-Symposium in Honour of Prof. Rolf Huisgen, FU Berlin (H.-U. Reißig):
“Panta Rhei – Nuclear and Electronic Quantum Fluxes in Molecules, from H2+ to Pericyclic Reactions”


S. Banerjee
I. Barth
H.-C. Hege
H. Ikeda
A. Kenfack (P)
M. Koppitz
C. Lasser
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
G. K. Paramonov
B. Paulus

DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atom-, Molekül- und Optische Physik, Hannover (J. M. Rost):
“Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Molecules”


A. Accardi (V)
I. Barth (V)
J. Manz (V)
A. Schild (V)

Sfb 450 Kolloquium, Freie Univ. Berlin:
Panta rhei trilogy -
  • Prologue and epilogue to three case studies (J. M)
  • Laser induced pseudorotations in OsH4, with more than 1000 Tesla, ready for control of neutron scattering (I. B.)
  • From synchronous to sequential double proton  transfer- quantum dynamics for the model porphine (A. A.)
  • Quantum model simulations of attosecond electron diffraction (A. S.)


J. Manz (V)

Workshop “Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment”, Schloß Ringberg (K. L. Kompa, M. Motzkus, R. de Vivie-Riedle):
“Panta rhei - nuclear and electronic quantum fluxes during chemical reactions”


H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus
A. Schild (P)

CCP6 Workshop on Quantum Trajectories, Bangor/GB (K. H. Hughes):
“Electron Flux During Pericyclic Reactions in the Tunneling Limit: Quantum Simulation for Cyclooctatetraene”


J. Manz (V)

Theorie-Seminar Wochenende des Sfb 450, Klein-Quassow (V. May):
“Rules of Organic Chemistry for Pericyclic Reactions versus Quantum Dynamics: Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene”


J. Manz (V)

Workshop of Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan and FU Berlin “Nanoscience and Dynamics” (P. Fumagalli):
“Panta Rhei – Electron Dynamics During Chemical Reactions”


T. Bredtmann (P)
F. Marquardt
D. Andrae
I. Barth
H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
B. Paulus

17th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CSTC 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta/Canada (A. Brown):
“Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions: Quantum Simulations for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene”


J. Manz (V)

Seminar am Mexican Petroleum Institute, Mexico City (G. Bravo Pérez):
"Panta Rhei – Electron Fluxes During Chemical Reactions“


I. Barth
T. Bredtmann
H.-C. Hege
K. Hoki
H. Ikeda
A. Kenfack
H. Kono
C. Lasser
J. Manz (V)
F. Marquardt
K. Nakamura
G. K. Paramonov
B. Paulus
A. Schild

Psi-k Conference, Berlin, Fritz-Haber-Institut (M. Scheffler):
"Panta Rhei – Quantum Dynamics of Concerted Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Pericyclic Reactions “



J. Manz (V)

Festkolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von W. Jakubetz, Wien (P. Schuster):
"Panta Rhei – Electronic Fluxes During Chemical Reactions“


J. Manz (V)

Festkolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von E. J. Heller, Harvard University, Boston/USA:
“Panta rhei - nuclear and electronic quantum fluxes during chemical reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Sfb Kolloquium, Universität Rostock (O. Kühn):
“Panta Rhei - Electronic Fluxes During Chemical Reactions”


I. Barth (P)
C. Daniel
S. Koseki
J. Manz
D. Sulzer

Workshop "French-German Research: 50 Years in the Light Of the Laser”, Helmholtz Association and French Embassy (L.Wöste):
"From Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Dynamics to Laser Control and Function”


I. Barth
T. Bredtmann
H.-C. Hege
K. Hoki
H. Ikeda
A. Kenfack
H. Kono
C. Lasser
J. Manz (V)
F. Marquardt
K. Nakamura
G. K. Paramonov
B. Paulus
A. Schild

Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, Hawai (A. Bandrauk):
"Panta Rhei – Quantum Dynamics of Concerted Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Pericyclic Reactions Induced by Ultrafast Intense Laser Pulses“



J. Manz (V)

MPI Quantenoptik, Garching (F. Krausz):
“Panta rhei – electron fluxes during chemical reactions”


H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus
A. Schild (P)

Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions“, FU Berlin (E. Rühl):
“Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes of Pericyclic Reactions: Dynamics in the Electronic Ground State”


D. Andrae
I. Barth
T. Bredtmann (P)
H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus

Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions”, FU Berlin (E. Rühl):
“Analysis of Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics Induced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses: Quantum Simulations for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene”


S. Al-Jabour
M. Leibscher (V)
J. Manz

Bunsentagung 2011 „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions”, FU Berlin (E. Rühl):
“Effects of Molecular Symmetry on Photoisomerization processes”


D. Andrae (P)
I. Barth
T. Bredtmann
H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus

"Tag der Chemie", HU Berlin:
“Analysis of coupled electronic and nuclear fluxes induced by ultrashort laser pulses and in the tunneling regime: Quantum simulations for the Cope rearrangement of Semibullvalene”


D. Andrae
I. Barth
T. Bredtmann (P)
H.-Ch. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus

FEMTO10, Frontiers on Ultrafast Phenomena in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, Madrid (J. Santamaria):
“Electronic and Nuclear Quantum Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions: Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene”


A. Schild (P)
H. Kono
J. Manz
K. Nakamura
B. Paulus

FEMTO10, Frontiers on Ultrafast Phenomena in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, Madrid (J. Santamaria):
“Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions: Double Bond Shifting in Cyclooctatetraene”


J. Manz (V)

Nineth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC 2011, Santiago de Compostela (M. Yáňez, O. Mo):
"Panta Rhei – Electron Fluxes during chemical reactions”


D. Andrae
I. Barth
T. Bredtmann (P)
H.-C. Hege
J. Manz
F. Marquardt
B. Paulus

Nineth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC 2011, Santiago de Compostela (M. Yáňez, O. Mo):
“Analysis of coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics induced by ultrashort laser pulses: Quantum simulations for the Cope rearrangement of semibullvalene”


J. Manz
B. Paulus
A. Schild (P)

47. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Sursee (M. Reiher):
“Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes of Pericyclic Reactions: Dynamics in the Electronic Ground State“


J. Manz (V)

Department of Material Sciences, School of Engineering Science, Osaka University (Y. Shigeta):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai (S. Koseki):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (H. Sekiya):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Basic Science (K. Takatsuka):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (N. Doslic):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Weizmann-Institute, Chem.Phys. Dept. Rehovot/Israel (D.J. Tannor):
“Panta rhei – Electronic Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions”

Letzte Aktualisierung: 07. 05. 2024 (Burkhard Schmidt)