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We acknowledge support and funding by the following organisations:

Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation

DFG Emmy Noether
Focus Area Nanoscale (Freie Universität Berlin) Logo Focus Area Nanoscale
CRC 765 - Multivalency as Chemical Organisation and Action Principle
Logo CRC 765

CRC 1078 - Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

Project A6 - Proton turnover rates of single heme copper oxidases

operating against electrochemical gradients

Logo CRC 1078

CRC 1449 - Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces

Project A3 - Probing and modeling of transport properties of hydrogels

Project B3 -Synthesis, biophysical characterization and virus penetration of mucus-inspired dynamic hydrogels

IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group


GRK 2662 - Charging into Future

Project B1 - Dendritic polyelectrolytes to promote enhanced neuronal biocompatibility


Berlin University Alliance

Corona Virus Pre-Exploration Project